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I would, but my DAMN MIND won’t let me: a teen girl’s guide to understanding and controlling her thoughts and feelings (Words of Wisdom for Teens) (Volume 2)

Our journey to happiness begins with a belief that happiness is possible. But for many, experiences have shown them that life is unfair and change is difficult… What if there was a way to create permanent changes quickly and easily? In “I would, but my DAMN MIND won’t let me” author Jacqui Letran, Nurse Practitioner and Adolescent Self-Empowerment Specialist, shows teen girls how to take charge of their mind to overcome obstacles and struggles. In this groundbreaking guide, girls can learn simple yet powerful techniques to challenge their old negative patterns and unleash the power of their mind to create the life they want and deserve.

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What Would Keith Richards Do?: Daily Affirmations from a Rock and Roll Survivor

The perfect gift for the legions of fans of the Rolling Stones: timeless wisdom and spiritual beliefs inspired by one of the world’s great survivors, Keith Richards.

What is a wise man? What is a prophet?

Someone with a strange, unflappable demeanor. Someone who speaks in cryptic koans, words whose meanings take years to unravel. Someone who has confronted death, God, sin, and the immortal soul. Someone unfit for this world, but too brilliant to depart it. Someone, in short, like Keith Richards.

Here, at last, the wisdom of this indefatigable man is recorded and set forth. These are his visionary words: “I would rather be a legend than a dead legend.” Or “Whatever side I take, I know well that I will be blamed.” And—indeed—“I’ve never had a problem with drugs, only with policemen.”

Not merely a compendium of wisdom, this book is also a complete guide to the inner workings of a complex and inspired belief system, and the life of a man sanctified by fame. What Would Keith Richards Do? reminds us to learn from our mistakes, let our instincts lead us, and above all, do what Keith has done better than anyone—survive.