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Relax on Impact: Transformation and Empowerment Through Surrender

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Before you were ever earth born, you were ‘Bliss Full’―perfect and perfectly loved. Then came ‘Bliss Fall’―life on earth began.

Relax on Impact brings the reader through a journey many share. Well-meaning, imperfect parents offer imperfect love. Addictions, power struggles and emotional unavailability build walls that block true vision. Each generation seems doomed to teach past mistakes. Marriages built between the disempowered who seek their ‘other half’ create repeated divorces and added pain, rather than increased intimacy, love and spiritual clarity.

Expressed in parable form, Jill Haire describes and guides relationship communication while supporting various Twelve Step recovery programs. Inner children and teachable adults will discover the solid connection between body, mind and spirit.

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3 thoughts on “Relax on Impact: Transformation and Empowerment Through Surrender

  1. A Compelling Soul Journey The author takes the reader through a very personal and intimate soul journey of denial, self-revelation and discovery using language and symbolism that is unique and refreshing. I felt as if I was living the process through the characters.

  2. Highlights! I loved this book! It took me on an exciting journey that was out of this world. In the clouds as she puts it. Floating along with a new language that was easy to grasp and interesting to plug into my own life and way of seeing things. I’m also a product of successfull recovery through 12 steps and I like how the author incorporated her experience into her long list of metaphors. In reading I found myself searching like a kid again when I would get my new highlights magazine always eager to…

  3. A Powerful Emotional Journey “Relax on Impact A Parable,” is a deeply personal journey from the catastrophic condition to emotional wellness. The characters grab you from page one and you fall and rise with their circumstances. This personal voyage is chock full of life-affirming nutrients for every reader. Ms. Haire’s tome is bound to leave you changed, and grateful. It’s a generous and wonderful read.

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