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The Heiress Project: Every Girl’s Guide to Reclaiming Your Worthiness and Creating a Life You Actually Love

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Self-love teacher and author, Marie Therese Batt, empowers women to love themselves and get excited about their life on her site, So many women believe that they’re not worthy of a good life, love, respect and happiness. They think that this kind of life belongs to the select few, and definitely not to them. They say, “You either have it or you don’t.” It’s like being an heiress – you’re either born into wealth, or you’re not, right? Not necessarily. And that’s where The Heiress Project steps in, and revolutionizes not only this traditional view of “heiress”, but also challenges your negative concepts about yourself and your life. This book sets out to show that you’re an heiress – not because your wealthy, but because you already have something that no other woman has: Your life, full of your unique qualities, characteristics, strengths and weaknesses. This life is your abundance, but only if you see it that way. And this guidebook shows you how to do just that. In the Heiress Project,you’ll learn how to: • Love who you are • Overcome 27 + fears • Overcome perfectionism, insecurity and inferiority • Discover your beliefs, values and opinions, and learn to make decisions that align with them • Speak your truth and live authentically • Develop meaningful relationships This is not about entitlement, because nothing is handed to you. Instead, you embrace your life and make it true and authentic. You won’t need to wait for others to love you, or to make your life better, because you’ll love yourself from the inside out. It’s not a guidebook for quick fixes, but it’s every girl’s guide to beginning a journey toward wholeness, worthiness, and loving yourself like crazy.

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3 thoughts on “The Heiress Project: Every Girl’s Guide to Reclaiming Your Worthiness and Creating a Life You Actually Love

  1. Eye-opening and uniquely personal This is an honest and raw book that helped me on such a personal level. As I was reading it and doing the exercises, I had several “aha” moments and began to become aware of changes I needed to make in my life. I had thought that all my personal development reading had exempted me from fear…boy, was I wrong! Since reading this book and implementing the necessary changes in my life, incredible things have happened, including landing my dream job. I don’t think any of it is a…

  2. One Star Job 38:1-2

  3. Break through fear and live with more love. Change starts from within. This book gives you the rules to break out of a fear-based life and live a love-filled life. The bill of rights, a set of 27 permission-slips, will help you break out of the constructs of fear and live the life you want. These are not societal made or religion-made rules but what comes from within you. Many of the chapters have practical tips and exercises to help you achieve freedom, love and courage in your life. This is a book that will help people accept…

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