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Surrender (The Steel Brothers Saga)

Jonah Steel has fallen in love with Melanie Carmichael but still lives with the guilt that consumes him as he tries to unravel the mystery of his family’s past. A new threat has surfaced, and he finds himself trapped in a web of deceit and lies. 

Melanie loves Jonah but has yet to surrender completely to his needs. Meanwhile, a new friend uncovers more information and more questions. While the ghosts of Melanie’s past still hover around her, she joins Jonah on his quest for answers. Together, they vow to find the truth. 

But the deeper they dig, the more danger they uncover…and Jonah’s life hangs in the balance.

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Relax on Impact: Transformation and Empowerment Through Surrender

Before you were ever earth born, you were ‘Bliss Full’―perfect and perfectly loved. Then came ‘Bliss Fall’―life on earth began.

Relax on Impact brings the reader through a journey many share. Well-meaning, imperfect parents offer imperfect love. Addictions, power struggles and emotional unavailability build walls that block true vision. Each generation seems doomed to teach past mistakes. Marriages built between the disempowered who seek their ‘other half’ create repeated divorces and added pain, rather than increased intimacy, love and spiritual clarity.

Expressed in parable form, Jill Haire describes and guides relationship communication while supporting various Twelve Step recovery programs. Inner children and teachable adults will discover the solid connection between body, mind and spirit.

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The Power of Surrender: Let Go and Energize Your Relationships, Success, and Well-Being

Previously published as The Ecstasy of Surrender.

Are you longing for your life to be easier and more fun? Would you like to stop pushing, micromanaging, and forcing things so you can relax? What if you could enjoy what you have instead of always lusting for “more”? What if you could live in “the zone,” propelled by powerful currents toward the right people and opportunities? What if you could stop worrying about money and live with more emotional ease in the moment? If you answer “yes” to all these questions and desire lasting positive change, then prepare to experience the ecstasy of surrender.
     The art of letting go, Dr. Judith Orloff explains, is the secret key to manifesting power and success in all areas of  life, including work, relationships, sexuality, radiant aging, and health and healing. In our superconnected world where emails and text messages constantly interrupt us, it’s easier to let go than you think. Once embraced, surrendering removes roadblocks and the exhaustion that comes from “trying too hard”—and it helps you achieve goals more effortlessly and brings ongoing happiness.
     With her stunning gift for storytelling coupled with her unique, results-oriented approach to physical, emotional, and spiritual health—marrying neuroscience, psychiatry, intuitive medicine, energy techniques, and more—Judith provides a powerful, practical, and accessible map for anyone who is longing to be happier but who feels stuck, burned-out, tense, worried, or afraid to let go.

Q&A with Dr. Judith Orloff

The Ecstasy of Surrender Q&A with Dr. Judith Orloff

Let’s get this out in the open. Your new book is about surrender. A lot of people, especially in the United States, think of surrendering as something negative. We don’t give up! We preserve! We don’t surrender. We fight! What do you mean by surrender and how can it benefit us on a day-to-day basis?

I am so passionate about writing a book about surrender because, as a physician with more than twenty years of medical practice, I’ve seen that it is the missing part of the equation to happiness and health. I’m intrigued with the idea of surrender, not as defeat or loss—as it is frequently thought of—but as a positive, intuitive way of living. Contrary to common stereotypes that equate surrender with weakness, I’m presenting it as a way to gain mastery of your life. People don’t think surrender will work because they fear giving up power. In this book I want readers to experience the elegant balance of knowing when to exert control in their lives and when to let go. This is the secret to success and bliss.

Lots of people strive to keep all aspects of their life in control at all times, but when a crisis hits, such as job loss, relationship difficulties, or problems with a child, they spiral into anxiety or depression. What would be the first thing you would suggest they do to start healing and relieve stress?

The first step to healing is to realize: As much as we might like to control everything, everything cannot always be controlled. Accepting this will lead to inner peace. Of course, it’s natural to feel depressed and anxious when adversity hits, but the art of surrender allows you to exhale instead of clench. It’s important to surrender to the love that is around you for support. Mighty forces can come to your aid when you humbly surrender to life. This doesn’t mean giving up or giving in—it means accepting what is and trying to do your best with as much faith and hope that you can muster. And above all else, shower yourself with compassion. Know that life goes through cycles of change, and you can ride through like a surfer navigating a magnificent wave. Accepting life on life’s terms—learning to flow through joy and adversity—is the gorgeous dance of life.

Over the years you say you have personally learned to trust the process and surrender to those things you resist or fear. What have you learned and gained by surrendering? Are you always successful? What if I try to surrender, do so for a day, but then feel myself creeping back to my old ways? What can I do?

Surrender is my lifelong meditation! It keeps all of us healthy, younger, playful, more passionate, and flexible. I have only touched the surface of surrender. It’s natural to slip back to your old ways of overcontrolling. But be happy with baby steps. In this book I celebrate small changes. Don’t worry if you slip! Just pick yourself up and keep moving! Be grateful that you are making progress at all. Surrender is a journey that continues to awaken you. When I began the holy journey of writing this book, I longed to experience surrender more than anything else. Now, as my writing has concluded, I see how generous this book has been to me, how much I’ve softened and learned to let go. Surrendering has been the catalyst for my growth, even when it was terribly inconvenient and unsettling. This is where faith and trust come in. When you can flow with change, the results are incredible. I am in the midst of radical change—a great blossoming for which I am profoundly grateful.

We live in a fast-paced world and let’s face it: sometimes we get caught up in emotional traffic jams. You say that people can be blocked in different areas of their lives. Relationships. Money. Health. Sexuality. Does the modern world and pace set us up to struggle with letting go? Is there a way to embrace the modern world and the surrender at the same time?

When you choose to practice surrender, you are being a revolutionary, a path forger who is willing to challenge cultural norms. Western culture’s habits of overintellectualizing, overcontrolling, and pushing so hard that you sabotage and exhaust yourself do not work. In this book, I invite you to live life in extraordinary terms and to devote to your practice of letting go. Every moment of life is so precious—the modern world, your inner world, your soul’s journey. In this book, I urge you to surrender to it all. I encourage you to give yourself some time away from mundane reality (even five minutes each day!) so you can replenish your energy and faith and grow stronger. You need to be strong to function in the world. When you can spiritually, emotionally, and physically surrender it takes so much pressure off! And you can feel bliss. Yes, bliss!! Everyone is capable of it if you can surrender to the magnificent mystery of life and to your magnificent self!

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Change Me Prayers: The Hidden Power of Spiritual Surrender

“Change me Divine Beloved into One who can give and receive freely and be a clear vessel for Your Light.”

From the author of the life-changing book Outrageous Openness: Letting the Divine Take the Lead comes a thoughtful collection of prayers and stories to deeply invite the Divine into your life. In this sequel to her first book, Tosha Silver, with her characteristic mix of passion and humor, shows how to embrace transformation from the inside out. Covering a variety of topics—from work and finances to love and self-worth—Change Me Prayers shows how to truly surrender to a Divine plan in the most joyous and uplifting way.

At its heart, this book is a spiritual guide to help anyone open to this union with Love, even in times of difficulty or crisis. Tosha proves to be a profound, unique, and often hilarious guide to awakening. May the Divine permeate every part of your life!

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Change Me Prayers: The Hidden Power of Spiritual Surrender

From the author of the life-changing book Outrageous Openness: Letting the Divine Take the Lead, a thoughtful collection of prayers and stories to help you actively invite the Divine into your life.

“Change me Divine Beloved into One who can give and receive freely and be a clear vessel for Your Light.”

In this sequel to her first book, Tosha Silver, with her characteristic mix of passion and humor, shows how to embrace transformation from the inside out. Covering a variety of topics—from work and finances to love and self-worth—Change Me Prayers shows how to truly surrender to a Divine plan in the most joyous and uplifting way.

At its heart, this book is a spiritual guide to help anyone open to this union with Love, even in times of difficulty or crisis, and includes a convenient “Change Me Prayers Quick Guide.” Tosha proves to be a profound, unique, and often hilarious guide to awakening. May the Divine permeate every part of your life!

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The Calhoun Women: Suzanna & Megan: Suzanna’s Surrender, Megan’s Mate

Revisit the unforgettable Calhoun sisters in these two classic stories about love and family from #1 New York Times bestselling author Nora Roberts.

Suzanna’s Surrender
Burned-out and tired as hell, the only thing ex-cop Holt Bradford wanted to do was relax. But when beautiful single mom Suzanna invaded his solitude to search for the missing Calhoun emeralds, he couldn’t say no. Holt was no longer the bad-boy teen Suzanna remembered. He’d grown into a dangerously sexy man-all the more reason to keep a safe distance. Suzanna wouldn’t risk her well-ordered life for a man who could make her mouth go dry with a simple glance.

Megan’s Mate
Calhoun sister-in-law Megan O’Riley and her young son have traveled far to become the Towers’ newest residents and begin a fresh chapter in their lives. Cool as an Atlantic breeze, Megan buried her passions deep and vowed never to let her heart lead her astray again. But when boat captain Nate Fury set his course for her, not even Megan’s toughest resistance could divert him. The practical lady seemed destined to be swept away by the rugged seaman’s formidable charm….

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Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender

     Letting Go describes a simple and effective means by which to let go of the obstacles to Enlightenment and become free of negativity. During the many decades of the author’s clinical psychiatric practice, the primary aim was to seek the most effective ways to relieve human suffering in all of its many forms. The inner mechanism of surrender was found to be of great practical benefit and is described in this book.
     Dr. Hawkins’s previous books focused on advanced states of awareness and Enlightenment. Over the years, thousands of students had asked for a practical technique by which to remove the inner blocks to happiness, love, joy, success, health, and, ultimately, Enlightenment. This book provides a mechanism for letting go of those blocks.
     The mechanism of surrender that Dr. Hawkins describes can be done in the midst of everyday life. The book is equally useful for all dimensions of human life: physical health, creativity, financial success, emotional healing, vocational fulfillment, relationships, sexuality, and spiritual growth.
     It is an invaluable resource for all professionals who work in the areas of mental health, psychology, medicine, self-help, addiction recovery, and spiritual development.

Product Features

  • Used Book in Good Condition
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Giving In (The Surrender Trilogy)

From the “must-read author” (Romance Junkies) of Letting Go – the new novel in her Surrender Trilogy. In her sensational Breathless Trilogy, New York Times bestselling author Maya Banks tested the boundaries of desire. In her new trilogy, there’s only one thing left to do: cross them. Now, the story continues as one woman, haunted by the shadows of the past, explores the possibilities of a new beginning in ways she never could have imagined… Kylie sees the way Jensen looks at her. The dark promise in his eyes. That rough edge of dominance she knows he possesses. But dominance is the one thing that frightens her above all else. She and her brother barely survived a childhood steeped in violence and abuse. She could never give up total control and submit to a man. Especially a man like Jensen. Could she? Jensen sees the shadows in Kylie’s eyes. Knows he has to tread very carefully or risk losing any chance he has with her. All he wants is the opportunity to show her that dominance doesn’t equal pain, bondage, or discipline. That emotional surrender is the most powerful of all, and that to submit fully to him will fulfill the aching void in her heart in a way nothing else ever will.