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A potent new approach to self-empowerment with scientifically validated success, the Powerful Self treatment model is rapidly spreading the psychology of growth and creativity all over the world. Enhance your sense of self for better health, well being, and success. Dozens of techniques and exercises develop skills to handle all the resentment, anger, anxiety, obsessions, low or false self-esteem, and any other feelings of powerlessness the world can throw at you.

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2 thoughts on "The Powerful Self: A Workbook of Therapeutic Self-Empowerment"

  1. B. Ann says:

    HIRE A GHOST WRITER While the thinking behind The Powerful Self seems sound, the truly awful writing rendered it nearly useless for me. Stosny’s book is a powerful argument for hiring ghost writers or working with co-authors who can write and organize thoughts that the lay person can relate to. In his later collaboration on marriage he has thankfully done so. This book is poorly organized, with “workbook” exercises being presented to the clueless reader before his theory and vocabulary are fully explained or can…

  2. Lee "" says:

    Takes practice, but it’s worth it. It WILL help change your life. I’m finding this book a huge help. It’s not light reading, but the methods are effective. It’s worth spending the time with it and doing the exercises. Better would be a trip to a counselor, but reading this book first would save you hours of time (and hundreds of $$$) in preparing you to think through the many issues involved and start processing the emotions involved. What I like most about the book is that it gives you specific things to practice as you experience various emotions. In fact,…

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