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The Powerful Self: A Workbook of Therapeutic Self-Empowerment

A potent new approach to self-empowerment with scientifically validated success, the Powerful Self treatment model is rapidly spreading the psychology of growth and creativity all over the world. Enhance your sense of self for better health, well being, and success. Dozens of techniques and exercises develop skills to handle all the resentment, anger, anxiety, obsessions, low or false self-esteem, and any other feelings of powerlessness the world can throw at you.

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The Tarot Activity Book: A Collection of Creative and Therapeutic Ideas for the Cards

Did you know that tarot cards can have a rich and varied life outside of divination? They certainly do when you combine them with expressive arts activities such as writing, making art, and crafting.

In this book, you’ll learn how mixing tarot into the creative process is a fun and powerful way to stimulate your imagination. After all, each card is itself a mini artistic masterpiece, packed with symbolism and meaning. This makes them natural tools for developing self-awareness and personal transformation.

Whether beginner or advanced, if you have an interest in tarot you will find much to enjoy in this book. The nearly 100 activities and exercises will add quite another dimension to your experience with the cards.

This book will also be useful if you are a mental health professional or art teacher who uses the expressive arts in your practice. Inside, you will discover a wealth of creative and therapeutic ideas regarding how to incorporate tarot into the work you do with clients or students.