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365 Goddess: A Daily Guide to the Magic and Inspiration of the Goddess

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Goddess wisdom for every day of the year

Bring life-affirming magic and empowerment into every day of your life with this unique and useful guide to the goddess. Through the ages, people have celebrated the role of goddesses in maintaining the fl

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3 thoughts on “365 Goddess: A Daily Guide to the Magic and Inspiration of the Goddess

  1. Embarrassing The information in this book is so wrong that it is an embarrassing read. I will write example to clarify this. 

  2. What a joy! Imbues each day with magic and meaning. In a world where our dreams and culture are shaped by Big Money interests, what a joy to rediscover and reaffirm the rich cultural diversity of our planet and the pervasiveness of the goddess throughout the world. The small daily rituals that anyone may perform lend magic and meaning to each day. I look forward in the morning to which goddess comes next (and haven’t cheated by looking ahead yet!) A brilliant concept, Ms. Telesco, wonderfully executed and fascinating. More icing on an…

  3. Excellent Daily Meditation/Prayer Book I consider myself to be a Christian woman but I believe in the female (as well as the male) divine. I have always had daily prayer time when I also read from scripture. I initially ordered this book because it is a requirement for a class I am taking. What a gem this book is! The daily meditations can be followed by date or you can let God/Goddess lead you. Not only do you learn about a different Goddess each day but you learn about a corresponding world holiday/observance. There are also…

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