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Getting Through What You Can’t Get Over: Stories, Tips, and Inspiration to Help You Move Past Your Pain into Lasting Freedom

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There are some things in life people never get over. No matter how much they want to. Many experience abuse, financial disaster, serious illness, death of loved ones, and other common traumas making them believe they’ll never move past the pain, but through research and true story compilations, author Anita Agers-Brooks offers emotional, practical, and spiritual insights from experts and people who have survived intense trauma—and have made it through seemingly impossible situations.

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3 thoughts on “Getting Through What You Can’t Get Over: Stories, Tips, and Inspiration to Help You Move Past Your Pain into Lasting Freedom

  1. The insider insights are amazing and provided incite on what I could do to … Getting Through What You Can’t Get Over such an inspirational book. Everyone should take the time to read this book. There were so many things in it that I needed to hear. I could relate to so many of the stories and knowing that I was not alone in what I went there was so helpful. The insider insights are amazing and provided incite on what I could do to work through some of the things I have not dealt with in my own life. There is a lot of helpful information and guidance on how to move…

  2. Life Changing – Getting Through What You Can’t Get Over is not only a book title its a tag line to life. We have all had those episodes in life where we get blindsided by the affects of poor decision, abuse, or actions of others. These things can stop us in our tracks and put our lives on hold – or in the most tragic cases cause lives to end. Anita’s book recounts true stories of people who have lived through the very things many of us have and gives hope and healing to everyone by knowing that although you…

  3. You need this book in your self-care tool kit! Anita Agers-Brooks has penned not only a book about recovery from emotional and spiritual pain, but a book packed with practical advice, insights and tools to help you do exactly what she promises in her title of “Getting Through What You Can’t Get Over.” Her Insider Insights at the end of each chapter are perfect ‘cheat sheets’ you can use to kickstart your day with music, scripture and prayer – no doubt I will refer to them often when my own inspiration…

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