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Love, Inspiration, and Adventure: But What Do I Know

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“Let me say this right from the start, a poet always writes from the heart.” So begins Willie O’Michael’s moving collection of poetry that captures the humdrum of life and makes it all quite magical. He believes inspiration comes from everything we see, whether that be a familiar face in the street or the experiences we’ve had-good or bad.

O’Michael never really fancied himself a poet until the loss of his wife, after which his mind yearned for outlet. He found that outlet in the written word. In his poems, he travels the world through his imagination to fictional places like the future Earth, scorched from the apocalypse, to real-life locales like the soothing prairie lands of today.

He uses simple language and vivid imagery to transport the reader to literal locations as well as places hidden deep within the soul. O’Michael hopes to invoke a smile or perhaps bring a tear, but most of all-he wants readers to realize life is a miraculous gift, not to be overlooked. Take a moment to slow down, and feel the pull of Love, Inspiration, and Adventure.

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2 thoughts on “Love, Inspiration, and Adventure: But What Do I Know

  1. Five Stars Love this book of Poems. Willie O’Michael great author.

  2. “you’ve read a good book when you turn the last page and feel … Paul Sweeney said, “you’ve read a good book when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you have lost a friend.” After reading this collection of poetry I feel as if I have made a new friend. Willie O’ Michael has gifted us, as readers, with a very personal vision that is always from the heart, and often from the gut. The most honest work I’ve read in a while.

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