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Whatever Arises, Love That: A Love Revolution That Begins with You

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There are four simple words that point the way toward liberation and fulfillment: whatever arises, love that. This is the life-changing teaching that Matt Kahn has been sharing with millions of YouTube viewers around the world. Whatever Arises, Love That offers a collection of powerful teachings by this highly regarded teacher, providing you with a series of deeply healing insights and practices to ignite the spark of your highest potential. Topics include: 

• Discovering the first step in finding inner peace

• Reclaiming the passion, joy, and inspiration of your true innocent nature

• Exploring the essential role of surrender throughout the spiritual journey

• Unraveling the patterns of ego with compassion and ease

• Mastering the vital skill of conscious communication to uplift every relationship and encounter

• Reuniting the mind and heart as a doorway into greater spiritual evolution

As Matt often says, “The deepest invitation in any moment is to heal the root of human suffering and celebrate the Spirit in all by opening your heart to its absolute potential. In a universe of endless questions, love is the only answer.” Whatever Arises, Love That is the blueprint for a new spiritual paradigm and your companion in exploring spiritual evolution in the most heart-centered way.

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3 thoughts on “Whatever Arises, Love That: A Love Revolution That Begins with You

  1. AMAZING!!! This book is truly amazing. It flips the spiritual journey on its head in the most heart centered and loving way. The teachings are accessible to all whether you are familiar with Matt or discovering him for the first time. Whatever Arises, Love That is transformative, life changing and a blessing to the world.

  2. Absolutely loving this book! What a great book! I’m a big fan of Matt Kahn and this book wraps up his core teachings and personal experiences all in one awesome package. It’s like taking his retreats and soul gatherings, wrapping up all of the most important goodies (plus things he hasn’t shared before), and presenting it to you in a book that you can read through, follow his recommendations and suggestions on healing mantras and doing the I Love You’s, and feel how it changes you as you move forward step by step…

  3. SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL! What an AMAZING book this is!!! This book is all about feel. It helps relax the body and puts the mind at ease ever so sweetly. Matt’s message is warm, gentle, nurturing, intimate and expansive all at the same time. Honestly, this book just radiates profound heart centered truth and goodness!! It is an unconditionally loving companion that guides you back to yourself each time you pick it up. It’s like coming home over and over again. Thank you you for this gift Matt Kahn!! May everyone who…

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