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Committed to Wellness, Fitness, and a Healthy Lifestyle: How to Unleash Your Inner Motivation, Change Your Mindset, and Transform Your Body Fast! … Weight Loss Motivation) (Volume 1)

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How to Finally Create a Healthy Lifestyle you Enjoy! Exciting Motivation Techniques for Health & Fitness!

Weight Loss & Fitness Motivation without the B.S…
Your mind is stronger than you believe. You are just about to discover how to re-program your brain with powerful psychological hacks to create unstoppable motivation-motivation on demand!
Ready to transform your body? Ready to debunk the most common motivational myths?
Well, you don’t need to depend on other people as the source of your motivation, success, and happiness…


•Your motivation for preparation phase- make it exciting!
•How to combine different motivation techniques effectively
•Your motivation for the actual fitness/weight loss program
•Psychological aspects of internal motivation- how to ACTIVATE YOUR INNER FIRE and be successful with your fitness and weight loss goals
•How to deal with haters and bad influences when creating your healthy lifestyle (don’t let them stop you from succeeding!)
•Your motivational techniques for the feedback phase
•How to feel healthier and utilize it as your motivator
•How to actually keep on TRACK; MINDSET CHANGE: diet vs lifestyle
•How to pull yourself together after falling off the wagon and take MASSIVE ACTION AGAIN!
•How to successfully plan your meals and how to enjoy them
•How to fall in love with WELLNESS
•Little weight loss tricks that work as massive motivation boosters
•How to aim for progress and stop being a perfectionist
•How to use failure to actually achieve success (make it your asset!)
•The concept of self-coaching: how to be your own weight loss and fitness coach
•How to be creative during your weight loss/fitness/physical transformation journey (you need creativity to make the process as exciting and fun as possible!)
•The concept of holistic wellness- how to make the most of your wellness journey and use it as a personal development tool as well

Would You Like To Know More?

Download your copy now and start enjoying a healthy lifestyle today!
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3 thoughts on “Committed to Wellness, Fitness, and a Healthy Lifestyle: How to Unleash Your Inner Motivation, Change Your Mindset, and Transform Your Body Fast! … Weight Loss Motivation) (Volume 1)

  1. easy to follow i downloaded this onto my kindle and read it within the first 30 minutes after it was electronically transferred! it held great advice with easy to read & understand information. very practical ideas. i made notes while reading and feel that i am “set for success” – you can use the advice in the book to go with any diet or exercise program, nothing to buy, not trying to sell anything. a great approach to make any work-out routine or “diet” successful. highly recommend!

  2. The secret ingredient As a fitness fanatic myself. I am well aware most diets, exercises, and workout plans will give you results. 

  3. good book with very useful info. I liked the book because it reminded me to go back to what I was doing at the start of my weight loss. Journaling is great and small goals keep you less frustrated. I would recommend this book to anyone needing a little push on their exercise and diet program.

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