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Hierarchy of Needs: A Theory of Human Motivation

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When Abraham H. Maslow introduced the world to Humanistic Theory, a ‘third force’ in psychology was born (Behaviorism & Psychoanalytical theory being the first and second). As the name suggests, humanistic theory concerns itself with characteristics which are distinctly human.

Arguably the best known example of such a characteristic is Self-Actualization, an innate motivating force unique to the human species. It was in this landmark publication that Maslow provided the first published representation of Self-Actualization at the pinnicle of a hierarchy of human needs. According to Maslow Self-Actualization refers to the desire for self-fulfillment, in essence to become everything that one is capable of becoming.

This classic publication is essential reading for psychology students, educators and professionals.

Hierarchy of Needs: A Theory of Human Motivation (Kindle Edition) forms part of an initiative to make important, insightful and engaging psychology publications widely available.

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3 thoughts on “Hierarchy of Needs: A Theory of Human Motivation

  1. Maslow – Theory of Human Motivation – Hierarchy of Needs This book enabled me to complete a series of required reading in the area of self development within my professional individual study credit. It was an excellent book for this training.

  2. A Must read for managers Maslow’s theory has been around for sometime now and offers interesting insights into how people are motivated at different stages or levels in life.Highly recommended that everyone in a managerial role or operating as a business owner reads this.

  3. No need to buy this… This Maslow paper (it’s not a book) is readily available for free on many Internet sites. Just search for the title. Of course, if you really want to read it in Kindle form and/or like having all your literature managed by Amazon, buy this 🙂

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