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Life’s Journey: Woman to Woman: Inspiration, Motivation, and Truth For the Woman’s Journey

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Every day women from all walks of life undergo negative experiences. All too often women find themselves alone in facing and coping with the problems they encounter. Whether it is divorce, failed dreams, unplanned pregnancy, financial hardship, family ridicule, abusive relationships, workplace discrimination, or a spiritual dilemma, women find themselves pushed to the sidelines to find healing and purpose on their own. This 200 page devotional workbook will discuss how women can break free of negative experiences in their past and present in order to take control of their lives and discover happiness and success.

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3 thoughts on “Life’s Journey: Woman to Woman: Inspiration, Motivation, and Truth For the Woman’s Journey

  1. I am appreciative about the energy and perspective that this author has put in with writing this book. As a man, I have limited perspective of the struggle that women face in this fallen world. Stephanneth Adams made the journey both applicable to women as well as men. As men, we have a responsibility to protect to precious gift that God has bestowed to us, women. It is so good, that I bought two books for my mother and sister. My mom has raved about the book and she is extremely grateful that I got it for her. As I have been blessed, my family has been blessed, let me encourage you to also be blessed and get the book to encourage you on your journey ladies. For men, get the book for a special woman (or women) in your life as a reminder of your support of their journey! Enjoy the book!

  2. This is a wonderful book for women! The message is applicable for all ages and races. Women need to be motivated and inspired to go through life and this book offers that motivation and inspiration for women. With a spiritual base, the author does a great job of making sure that women know that their healing is through God. He is The Healer so in order to receive healing, motivation, and inspiration, we must go through Him. The author also did an excellent job articulating the fact that we have to move beyond our past. The only way that can be achieved is through God. The poems were a great asset to the book as well! Many Blessings!

  3. best inspirational i have ever read. i did not want to put it down . will get others to read it.

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