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The Motivation Manifesto: 9 Declarations to Claim Your Personal Power by Brendon Burchard (28-Oct-2014) Hardcover

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3 thoughts on “The Motivation Manifesto: 9 Declarations to Claim Your Personal Power by Brendon Burchard (28-Oct-2014) Hardcover

  1. I honestly feel like no other book will measure up to the wealth … I purchased this book 11 months ago and just got around to reading it. It took me 4 days to read the book and I am starting again. After reading this, I honestly feel like no other book will measure up to the wealth of knowledge, the feelings of peace, and those ‘aha’ moments. This book has been declared my second bible. I want to read it until every piece of it is engraved in my brain. Everyone needs to read this book. You are doing yourself a disservice if you don’t. I honestly can’t say…

  2. Eloquently Written, Spiritually Dangerous Beautifully written, especially the opening Declarations (I absolutely loved the first 1/4 of this book). But as I went deeper into the book I kept finding an underlying current of contempt, even hatred, for that which we are supposed to “overcome.” That is, the weak-willed, the cowardly masses, the small-minds, the fearful. The thing is we are all that stuff at one point or another! We are all that stuff along our whole life-path. There’s never a point at which we’ve totally “transcended” any…

  3. I really tried to like it, but perhaps my expectations were too high I was super excited about Brendon putting out a new book as I am a fan of his intelligent, practical, strategic and entertaining delivery of highly valuable information. I have read his other books and attended his seminars. So I guess I had high expectations for this book. 

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