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Weight Loss Motivation: Real Motivational Triggers That Will Get You to Stop Making Excuses & Start Losing Weight

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“I really struggle staying motivated. I lost a few pounds and even my friends and family hardly noticed. I have barely started and now I am on the verge of quitting. I really want to lose weight but I do not think I can get there because I am not simply not motivated enough”. Does this sound like you? Does this mirror your thoughts exactly? Do you want to stop making excuses and really find yourself taking action without making excuses? Do you want to really feel as if you are making progress every single day and you are really dropping pounds (and clothing size)? Then let’s get to it, I will help you.

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3 thoughts on “Weight Loss Motivation: Real Motivational Triggers That Will Get You to Stop Making Excuses & Start Losing Weight

  1. I am definintely motivated now! I have a serious motivation problem. I can sit here all day long reading one book after the other and honestly want to get up and do something about the weight that I need to lose. Yet when I try to force myself to be motivated about it, I fail miserably! Reading this book somehow opened my eyes and really made me stop and think about why I seem to be failing and why I tend to lack the motivation that I need to lose weight. I just wanted to say that the advice in this book actually got me off…

  2. Pump up Your Motivation Motivation, or the lack of it, IS a major road block when it comes to sticking with a diet plan of any kind. I know it’s a big problem for me so that’s why I was excited to find this book and see if it could help in the motivation department. I really liked the way Victoria Biven presented the information – simple, concise and straightforward. She offers tips or “hacks” to help you trigger your motivation to stay the course. I found the chapter on how to correct bad…

  3. Real Eye-Opener to Motivation Many people like myself want to lose weight. Yet, most of us start on our journeys to lose weight lacking serious motivation; thus, we usually do not succeed. This book is designed specifically to help in this area; to inspire and inform exactly on how to keep ourselves motivated and achieve healthy lifestyles. Since there are so many diets out there, it is refreshing to read a book that concentrates on the emotions of losing weight such as motivation. The author covers principles in this…

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