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Don’t Bullsh*t Yourself!: Crush the Excuses That Are Holding You Back

Jon Taffer, the popular host of Spike TV’s Bar Rescue, doesn’t sugarcoat – he tells it like it is. In Don’t Bullsh*t Yourself!, he teaches you how to stop fooling yourself and turn your excuses into solutions, to improve your life and business.

As host of SpikeTV’s hugely popular Bar Rescue, Jon Taffer gives struggling bars one last chance to succeed with a mixture of business acumen and tough love. Now, he offers his no-nonsense strategy for kicking excuses to the curb, with a dose of raw and refreshing honesty. He’ll help you identify your excuses and take practical steps to fix them.

We all love to make excuses; it’s only human. It’s so much easier to pin the blame on everyone and everything else than to admit our own shortcomings. But when we make excuses, we are lying to ourselves. Jon Taffer is here to shut it down. He argues that if we can identify the real issue behind the excuse and address it in a straightforward way, we have the power to turn our lives around completely.

Doing what you’ve always done will get you nowhere. Taffer breaks excuses down into six major categories, offering real-life examples that are sure to instruct and inspire, such as:

Marcus Luttrell, the lone survivor of a SEAL team mission in Afghanistan, who faced his fears one step at a time to avoid almost certain death in Taliban territory.
Christine King, founder and CEO of Your Best Fit, who, despite being paralyzed in a horrific Jet Ski accident, was able to build a company that shows people how to transform their lives with fitness.
Mark Itkin, longtime television agent at William Morris Endeavor, who worked his way up from the mailroom, going against the grain to transform the television industry with the creation of Real World and other reality TV megahits.
Derrick Coleman, the deaf former Seattle Seahawks fullback, who, despite always being picked last in school, was able to overcome his circumstance to turn his deafness into an asset on and off the field.

You are your own worst enemy – if you own your failure, you can fight it. Jon Taffer in Don’t Bullsh*t Yourself! gives you a chance to throw away your excuse crutches so you can get back to winning.

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Zero Excuses: How to live a Beautiful Life and be Cool as F*ck

If you’re looking for a book that will provide you with a magic solution to all your problems, you can stop reading now. However, if you’re trying to become more productive and make some changes in the routine machine that is your life, you have come to the right place. In Zero Excuses, you’ll learn: · Why we create excuses instead of working towards our goals · How to lose everything in a couple of hours (and have the courage to start all over again) · What you and Lionel Messi have in common · How to become a chess champion (or die trying) · The six ingredients of a successful plan You won’t learn: · How to be an absolutely successful, flawless human being · How to be 100% free of excuses · How to make a $100k in a month “Gabriel Machuret made my life a living hell — and I cannot thank him enough. He tore down my fears and destroyed my limiting beliefs. Working with him is a hard and painful journey, but the results are life-changing.” Jonny Nastor –

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Weight Loss Motivation: Real Motivational Triggers That Will Get You to Stop Making Excuses & Start Losing Weight

“I really struggle staying motivated. I lost a few pounds and even my friends and family hardly noticed. I have barely started and now I am on the verge of quitting. I really want to lose weight but I do not think I can get there because I am not simply not motivated enough”. Does this sound like you? Does this mirror your thoughts exactly? Do you want to stop making excuses and really find yourself taking action without making excuses? Do you want to really feel as if you are making progress every single day and you are really dropping pounds (and clothing size)? Then let’s get to it, I will help you.

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Training Motivation: How To Stop Making Excuses And Increase Motivation To Exercise

Your mind wants to exercise and eat right but you can’t seem to do it and stay on track. It’s so easy for people to make excuses why they shouldn’t exercise right now. You’re about to discover how to overcome the lack of motivation in order to achieve the goals that you’ve set for yourself and improve your life. Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn… How To Get Motivated And Start Right Where You Are How to Overcome Temptations How To Face Your Challenges And Focus On Solutions How To Chunk Your Goals In Manageable Pieces Maintaining Your Momentum Despite How You Feel How To Function In Beast Mode Secret Tips & Techniques To Support Your Fitness Training Much, much more!

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The No Excuses Diet: The Anti-Diet Approach to Crank Up Your Energy and Weight Loss!

When was the last time you had tons of energy, were at a healthy weight, and felt amazing? Maybe it was in high school, on your wedding day, or prior to having your first child. Whether it was six months ago or thirty years ago, you deserve to get back to that place. And you can do it without dieting and without long workouts! Eight Things You Can Expect from This Book: 1) You will learn how to hit your goal weight or drop 52 to 156 pounds (1 to 3 pounds per week) in one year. 2) You will turn exercise from something you dread into the most enjoyable time of your day. 3) You will develop a healthy and sustainable lifestyle that includes being fit and reaching and staying at your goal weight. 4) You will accept the responsibility of being an example of health to your kids. (Our kids become us!) 5) You will gain awareness of and control over your negative inner voice. (This is the true battleground!) 6) You will become accountable to yourself to drive action and results. (Saying “I don’t have time to exercise today” while you’re spending time watching TV and online is not the truth.) 7) You will be inspired to live the type of life you deserve as the best version of yourself. 8) You will have tons of energy and be truly happy! The “perfect time” to lose weight and get fit is a pipe dream that doesn’t exist. Decide that NOW is your time, and get ready to shock yourself with your results—just like Jonathan did! Jonathan Roche is an award-winning fitness expert, eighteen-time Boston Marathon finisher, and twelve-time Ironman Triathlon finisher. He has been awarded two patents on personalized interval workouts. He weighed 224 pounds and was wearing a size 38 pants in 1995 when his father (who was obese) died of cardiac arrest. Jonathan has kept 40 pounds off since 1995, and he wants you be the next success story!