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Zero Excuses: How to live a Beautiful Life and be Cool as F*ck

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If you’re looking for a book that will provide you with a magic solution to all your problems, you can stop reading now. However, if you’re trying to become more productive and make some changes in the routine machine that is your life, you have come to the right place. In Zero Excuses, you’ll learn: · Why we create excuses instead of working towards our goals · How to lose everything in a couple of hours (and have the courage to start all over again) · What you and Lionel Messi have in common · How to become a chess champion (or die trying) · The six ingredients of a successful plan You won’t learn: · How to be an absolutely successful, flawless human being · How to be 100% free of excuses · How to make a $100k in a month “Gabriel Machuret made my life a living hell — and I cannot thank him enough. He tore down my fears and destroyed my limiting beliefs. Working with him is a hard and painful journey, but the results are life-changing.” Jonny Nastor –

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3 thoughts on “Zero Excuses: How to live a Beautiful Life and be Cool as F*ck

  1. Gabriel has some interesting insights! Pretty solid read for the $5 I paid. 

  2. Concise Powerful Approach I’m a business coach and avid reader. I studied psychology in university and I teach communication strategy. Behavior, incentive and motivation are really hot topics in business. If you’re an entrepreneur, you want to understand what motivates your customers to buy your products or services. If you’re trying to make a change in your life, then you want to understand how to transform your behavior. This is the book you’re looking for! 

  3. Very Inspiring! 5/5 Stars! Upon reading this book, I’ve come up with a few steps on how to live a beautiful life. Number 1, always be grateful for the blessings and gifts you already have. Number 2, Try to work harder. 3, Know and understand yourself. 4, Work out what a beautiful life means to you. 5, Start to make changes to towards living your life. And most of all, bear in mind “NO EXCUSES.” 

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