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Don’t Bullsh*t Yourself!: Crush the Excuses That Are Holding You Back

Jon Taffer, the popular host of Spike TV’s Bar Rescue, doesn’t sugarcoat – he tells it like it is. In Don’t Bullsh*t Yourself!, he teaches you how to stop fooling yourself and turn your excuses into solutions, to improve your life and business.

As host of SpikeTV’s hugely popular Bar Rescue, Jon Taffer gives struggling bars one last chance to succeed with a mixture of business acumen and tough love. Now, he offers his no-nonsense strategy for kicking excuses to the curb, with a dose of raw and refreshing honesty. He’ll help you identify your excuses and take practical steps to fix them.

We all love to make excuses; it’s only human. It’s so much easier to pin the blame on everyone and everything else than to admit our own shortcomings. But when we make excuses, we are lying to ourselves. Jon Taffer is here to shut it down. He argues that if we can identify the real issue behind the excuse and address it in a straightforward way, we have the power to turn our lives around completely.

Doing what you’ve always done will get you nowhere. Taffer breaks excuses down into six major categories, offering real-life examples that are sure to instruct and inspire, such as:

Marcus Luttrell, the lone survivor of a SEAL team mission in Afghanistan, who faced his fears one step at a time to avoid almost certain death in Taliban territory.
Christine King, founder and CEO of Your Best Fit, who, despite being paralyzed in a horrific Jet Ski accident, was able to build a company that shows people how to transform their lives with fitness.
Mark Itkin, longtime television agent at William Morris Endeavor, who worked his way up from the mailroom, going against the grain to transform the television industry with the creation of Real World and other reality TV megahits.
Derrick Coleman, the deaf former Seattle Seahawks fullback, who, despite always being picked last in school, was able to overcome his circumstance to turn his deafness into an asset on and off the field.

You are your own worst enemy – if you own your failure, you can fight it. Jon Taffer in Don’t Bullsh*t Yourself! gives you a chance to throw away your excuse crutches so you can get back to winning.

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Nora Roberts Dream Trilogy CD Collection: Daring to Dream, Holding the Dream, Finding the Dream (Dream Series)

Daring to Dream

Margo Sullivan had everything a young woman could ask for. But while growing up along the rocky cliffs of Monterey, she couldn’t help but dream of bigger things. The daughter of the Templeton’s stern Irish housekeeper, Margo had been treated like a member of the family. Deep down, she knew that money could not buy the one thing she craved most―her mother’s acceptance.

Holding the Dream

Kate’s dreams were fueled by a horrible secret…. Her childhood had been a lie. Her father had been a thief. Kate Powell had been orphaned at an early age, when she had, essentially, watched her parents die. Her family had been taken away, but she had been given another. The distant kinship didn’t matter to Thomas and Susan Templeton. They had taken her in, raised her as their own, given her a home and love. And now, twenty years later, she has learned the truth from a colleague of her father.

Finding the Dream

Laura Templeton found out the hard way that nothing in life is guaranteed. The daughter of a wealthy hotelier, she had always known comfort, privilege, and security. But by the age of thirty, her storybook marriage had been destroyed by her husband’s infidelity. Laura’s divorce left her both emotionally and financially devastated―but determined to rebuild her life without the help of the Templeton fortune….

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Cosmic Consciousness and Healing with the Quantum Field: -a Guide to Holding Space Facilitating Healing, Attunements, Blessings, and Empowerments for Self and Others

-a Guide to Holding Space Facilitating Healing, Attunements, Blessings, and Empowerments for Self and Others

This is an Empowerment, Initiation, and Guidebook, to holding a space of Infinite Possibilities.

You can then utilize this energy for Healing, Blessings, and to achieve Ascension.

Learn how to practice awareness of the never ending resources of the Super Conscious Unified Quantum Field.

Learn practices for perceiving energy.

Receive initiations that activate the energies of ascension to higher levels of being in the world and can even lead to cellular transfiguration into a pure light body.

Welcome to a Magical and Mysterious World without limits…

(Please do not read this book while or immediately before driving or operating heavy machinery…)

The Energy Field is an important part of life, indeed it is the foundation of all material reality.  Learning to cultivate awareness of energy and a pragmatic awareness of working with a field of energy is a valuable skill.  With this sense of energy and energy movements comes a whole new dimension to life.  In a unified Field of Energy the resources available to you and possibilities of experience are infinitely more vast than a mere world of separate objects and individual identity.  Within this world as a Being of Energy in a Field of Energy, miracles become commonplace, and Instant Healing, 12 Stranded DNA Activation, and Ascension of the Physical Body into pure light become equally valid as “physical” reality by Awareness of Infinite Possibilities – The Ultimate Reality…

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Cosmic Consciousness and Healing with the Quantum Field: -a Guide to Holding Space Facilitating Healing, Attunements, Blessings, and Empowerments for Self and Others

-a Guide to Holding Space Facilitating Healing, Attunements, Blessings, and Empowerments for Self and Others

This is an Empowerment, Initiation, and Guidebook, to holding a space of Infinite Possibilities.

You can then utilize this energy for Healing, Blessings, and to achieve Ascension.

Learn how to practice awareness of the never ending resources of the Super Conscious Unified Quantum Field.

Learn practices for perceiving energy.

initiations that activate the energies of ascension to higher levels of
being in the world and can even lead to cellular transfiguration into a
pure light body.

Welcome to a Magical and Mysterious World without limits…

(Please do not read this book while or immediately before driving or operating heavy machinery…)

Energy Field is an important part of life, indeed it is the foundation
of all material reality.  Learning to cultivate awareness of energy and a
pragmatic awareness of working with a field of energy is a valuable
skill.  With this sense of energy and energy movements comes a whole
new dimension to life.  In a unified Field of Energy the resources
available to you and possibilities of experience are infinitely more
vast than a mere world of separate objects and individual identity.
Within this world as a Being of Energy in a Field of Energy, miracles
become commonplace, and Instant Healing, 12 Stranded DNA Activation, and
Ascension of the Physical Body into pure light become equally valid as
“physical” reality by Awareness of Infinite Possibilities – The Ultimate