The Insight Meditation Society is one of North America’s oldest institutions dedicated to bringing the life-changing gifts of mindfulness training to the West. On Lovingkindness Meditation, IMS cofounder and senior instructor Sharon Salzberg guides you through a six-step meditation designed to access the human heart’s own limitless source of supreme energy-the energy of love. Known traditionally as metta (an ancient Buddhist term meaning “lovingkindness”), this timeless practice is an easy-tolearn method for unlocking your greatest internal resource for healing others and yourself. Here is a universal meditation to help you: Melt away feelings of isolation Awaken true compassion, even for those who have hurt you Find freedom from needless, self-created suffering Learn to trust your own loving, intelligent heart, and much more. Among the world’s contemplative traditions, the meditation about how to love is perhaps the most basic-and most powerful. Lovingkindness Meditation is the perfect introduction to this enriching practice.
Meditation and Psychotherapy
Healing is a process of coming home to one’s authentic self-to the loving presence that is the ground of our being. But we often get trapped by the false refuges of fear-based habits and judgmental thoughts. To help us bring the fruits of mindfulness practice into our lives for healing and transformation, Dr. Tara Brach offers Meditation and Psychotherapy. Created for mental health professionals and illuminating to anyone interested in the core techniques, practices, and insights of Buddhist psychology, this experience-focused audio learning program helps us find our way back to natural presence, a place where peace and our deep love for life grows.
Learning How to Face Our Tangled Emotions and Release Our Limiting Beliefs
There are many skillful means that we can use to train ourselves and our clients to become aware, teaches Brach, a psychotherapist and meditator of more than 30 years. But they all lead to one essential question: Can I be here in this moment? Using her R.A.I.N technique, a four-part process that helps us learn how to stop running away from our tangled emotions and start to lovingly face them, we’ll investigate and unblock the beliefs that cause suffering. Guiding us through meditations and practices on mindfulness, lovingkindness, forgiveness, allowing, and more, Brach shares key tools and expert insights for moving through this liberating process so that we can open and allow our lives to unfold, moment by moment.
“Mindfulness can strengthen our attention, awaken compassion and empathy, and expand our acceptance of our own inner states,” teaches Brach. Meditation and Psychotherapy draws on the strengths of mindfulness meditation and the practice of modern therapeutic methods to help clear the emotional blocks holding us back.
Change Your Thoughts Meditation CD: Do the Tao Now!
Five hundred years before the birth of Jesus, a God-realized being named Lao-tzu in ancient China created the ultimate commentary on the nature of our existence. This classic text, called the Tao Te Ching or the Great Way, offered advice and guidance that was balanced, moral, spiritual, and always concerned with working for the good.
On this CD, for the very first time, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer takes you on a compelling journey through all 81 verses of the Tao, as he offers affirmations and a unique meditation technique that you can directly apply to your life. By actually repeating the word Tao as a mantra, you will subliminally attain a level of wisdom and peace that you may have never experienced before.
     Do the Tao now . . . and usher in an entirely new way of thinking!
Meditation to Connect with Archangel Michael (Angel & Archangel Meditations)
Each meditation in this series from angel authority Diana Cooper takes the listener on a journey to connect with the angelic realm. With information on how and why the meditations summon a specific angel and how that being can aid in healing, life affirmations, and growth, these CDs offer inspiration and enlightenment for those who are open to receiving messages. Â Â
ÂA guided meditation allows believers to join Archangel Michael, who offers protection and cuts negative cords. Through this union, listeners can find power and inner strength as well as shed past baggage and free themselves from emotional ties.
A Meditation to Help You With Radiation Therapy
Guided imagery designed to help listeners see radiation treatment in a positive light; reduce adverse side effects, such as fatigue and nausea; help immune cells combat trouble spots; reduce anxiety; encourage feelings of hope, resiliency, safety and support. Followed by continous music. (Running Time: 32 minutes)
A Meditation to Help You Stop Smoking
Motivation to stop smoking comes from imagining the lungs healing and toxins clearing, while anticipating being able to fully smell, taste and enjoy life, and welcome the return of energizing oxygen and energy. Relaxation skills allow the listener to comfortably maintain impulse control. (Running Time: 60 minutes)
Meditation on Twin Hearts with Self Pranic Healing
Meditation on Twin Hearts with Self-Pranic Healing is an exceptional meditation technique for spiritual development and healing. As one becomes a channel of divine energy and blesses the earth with peace, love, healing and goodwill, one in turn receives divine blessings.
Product Features
- Guided Meditation
- Pranic Healing
- Beginners
The Secret Universal Mind Meditation
The Secret Universal Mind Meditation imparts the sacred truth spiritual masters have taught for centuries. This truth is real and powerful. It starts by changing your belief system, slowly, subtly and gently while you sleep. As you are lulled into blissful slumber, secret messages are whispered into your ears–first audibly, and then just below the level of consciousness.
Over days and weeks to come, your conscious and your subconscious mind will accept the secret as true. Without knowing how or why, everything you need and desire will come to you through communing with the Universal Mind.
With this program you will overcome limiting, outmoded beliefs that have hindered your ability to create the life you’ve always wanted. While theta and delta waves gently lull you to sleep, your mind is re-programed with new knowledge and beliefs that unleash your power to create a new reality; a reality that fulfills your deepest needs and desires.
Through nightly listening, your subconscious will accept the information it receives as true. When this happens, what you need and desire comes to you. And there is nothing you need to do except relax and listen. If you fall asleep while listening, that’s even better; the messages are still absorbed into your subconscious. The results are profound.
Meditations & Music for Sound Healing: A Leading Oncologist Explores the Healing Power of Sound (Sound Medicine)
“Research shows that listening to the right kind of music can help you sleep better, enhance your immune system, reduce pain and even help to lower your heart rate and blood pressure. As an oncologist and internist who has made music an integral part of my practice, I use this power of music to assist in the healing of my patients every day.”–Dr. Mitchell Gaynor. CD1 MEDITATIONS FOR SOUND HEALING. The Healing Power of Music and Meditation. Studies demonstrate that guided imagery meditation and music can boost the immune system, decrease stress, and lower heart rate and blood pressure. These four powerful guided meditations, combined with singing bowls, keyboards, flute, percussion, soprano sax, and Vedic chanting, are the same meditations that have benefited thousands of Dr. Gaynor’s patients over the last 15 years. CD 2 MUSIC FOR SOUND HEALING. Medical Science Meets Ancient Tradition. Uplifting melodies performed on keyboards, harmonium and thumb piano are blended with world percussion, Sanskrit chants and the healing sounds of Tibetan metal and crystal singing bowls. Listening and even chanting along with this inspiring recording will help you to create both inner and outer harmony as you tap into your own natural source of health, vitality and well-being. Mitchell Gaynor, M.D., is a board-certified oncologist, internist and hematologist. He is the author of four books, including The Healing Power of Sound. Dr. Gaynor is founder and president of Gaynor Integrative Oncology in New York City and is assistant clinical professor of medicine at Weill-Cornell Medical College. He has been featured in The New York Times, Newsweek, CNN, PBS, Fox News Channel, and the Discovery Channel.