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Jokes Quotes & Anecdotes

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“Dan Goldsmith has compiled a volume of pure joy… Keep it close when your long hair has given way to a longing for hair… I’d take this book over Prozac any day.” Phil Callaway, Speaker and Author of “Laughing Matters.” Three Hills, AB (For more humor and laughs visit Phil’s website: Dan Goldsmith has done a yeoman’s job of gathering far and wide over the years to bring us ‘the best of”… I think you’ll pick it up from time to time just for sheer enjoyment…” John Coulombe, Pastor, Senior Adults, First Evangelical Free Church, Fullerton, CA Leader, Speaker with CASA (Christian Association of Serving Adults) “Danny Goldsmith and I were young together as boys in Ontario. Now we are older and live far apart, but still friends who love to share memories, and to laugh… Danny’s book will help you to say thanks for the gift of laughter…” Leighton Ford, President, Leighton Ford Ministries, Charlotte, NC “A wonderful resource of quips and funny stories… You will thoroughly enjoy this treasure chest of senior’s wit and wisdom.” Allen Powles, Pastor to Seniors and Adult Ministries, Beulah Alliance Church, Edmonton, AB “Jokes, Quotes, & Anecdotes is a helpful book for and about 55+ folks. It is not offensive nor does it downgrade older people. Once you start it, you must turn to the next page for your interest has been caught…” Timothy Starr, Pastor to Seniors, The People’s Church, Toronto, ON

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2 thoughts on “Jokes Quotes & Anecdotes

  1. Book for any age to laugh over 0

  2. Make Your Day Make your day or the day of someone you love with this wonderful book by Dan Goldsmith. It is a book that you will never finish … every time you pick it up, you will find something you didn’t see before … something that will make you laugh, inspire you, or in most cases both! Designed for those in their “senior years” but suitable for all ages. Good, clean humour that never gets old. But be careful … once you get started on this book, anything else you planned to do that day will be…

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