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Quote Junkie: “Change Your Life” Mega Edition: Over 1,500 quotes that will improve your life through providing laughter as well as words of wisdom

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This is the third edition of the Mega series which focuses on larger compilations of quotations. This Mega edition includes over 1,500 quotations that will improve your life, either through providing laughter or by providing short bursts of wisdom that will help you lead a more fulfilling life. This Mega edition is a combination of two of the most popular editions of the Quote Junkie series: The “Words To Live By” edition, and the “Funny” Edition. This is the perfect book to pick up and flip through when the world seems a little too serious, when you are trying to find some advice on how to be happier with your life, or when you just need a quick laugh to put a smile back on your face. Please enjoy, and share these quotes with your co-workers, friends and family.

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1 thought on “Quote Junkie: “Change Your Life” Mega Edition: Over 1,500 quotes that will improve your life through providing laughter as well as words of wisdom

  1. Another Great Book This is one of those books that I plan to keep within easy reach at all time. Open the book to a page, any page, and you’ll be given either a thought to ponder or a thought that will make you laugh out loud.I never knew that so many people in history said things that were so appropriate for any given situation. If only my history teachers had opened classes with some of these quotes, they would have had my attention for the full hour of class.This book is perfect for…

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