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Spiritual Healing Guide: How to Heal Yourself and Others Using Spiritual Methods: Chakra, Reiki and Theta Healing Guides for Spiritual Healing

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Spiritual Healing Guide: How to Heal Yourself and Others Using Spiritual Methods Chakra, Reiki and Theta Healing Guides for Spiritual Healing Spiritual healing isn’t sold in prescription tablets at the corner drugstore. Chakra, Reiki and Theta are spiritual healing methods with distinctive and unique characteristics and concepts that must be fully grasped before they can be used to effectively heal. Stacy Milescu’s Spiritual Healing Guide: How to Heal Yourself and Others Using Spiritual Methods explains these three well-known and respected spiritual healing methods in one substantive resource – breaking down complex theory and practice into easily understood layman’s terms. With the help of this guide, non-professional healers can fully understand and practice spiritual healing methods in the most effective manner. Throughout this helpful beginner’s guide, Milescu’s clear and refreshingly concise writing style is beautifully complemented by serenely inspiring color photographs. Open the door to knowledge and let the healing journey begin! Special Features and Details • Written particularly for non-professional spiritual healers • Provides a detailed overview of Chakra, Reiki and Theta Healing • Illustrated with vivid color photographs, including a Chakra photograph illustrating the various Chakra locations on the human body Scroll Up and Click “Buy Now” to start Reading Today.

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3 thoughts on “Spiritual Healing Guide: How to Heal Yourself and Others Using Spiritual Methods: Chakra, Reiki and Theta Healing Guides for Spiritual Healing

  1. Spiritual Healing for Beginniners The Spiritual Healing Guide is perfect for beginners who want to know more about the basics of spiritual healing including the difference between spiritual and medical healing, chakras and raki. Recommended to anyone who has a beginning interest in these topics.

  2. Excellent Foundational Work The first time I came across the concept of “spiritual healing” was more than 30 years ago. A teacher here in San Diego had a 26-week course on spiritual healing and although healing isn’t my life path, it’s been something I’ve been connected to for all of that time. That’s why I can say with authority (IMHO) that I think this book offers newcomers an excellent foundation from which to move forward in their healing studies. I really liked the info on the chakras (which I know well) and Reiki (which I don’t). A good beginner’s guide.

  3. Spiritual Healing Guide Spiritual healing is a subject that people have great interest in — believer or not. Just the expression alone gives rise to questions and curiosities like, “How does this work?”, “Where did this come from?”, “How do you practice it?” and etc. The book addresses almost all of the basic questions like these.I was surprised to read about quantum physics in a book like this because I was under the impression that science and spirituality were in total opposites of each other. Another misconception addressed was the difference between religiosity and spirituality — very insightful.The concepts made more sense as I read on, especially because the book contains mostly information on different sub-topics connected to spiritual healing rather than the application of it. It’s a great topic introduction for people that are curious or for people that are actually interested.

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