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The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams

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The creation of wealth has always been regarded as a process that requires hard work and luck–often at the expense of others. In this remarkable book, the author of Quantum Healing and other bestsellers reveals how to align with the subtle yet powerful, unseen forces that affect the flow of money in our lives.

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  • The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams Deepak Chopra

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3 thoughts on “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams

  1. A Real Treasure! The subheading of this book “the Fulfillment of your Dreams” is quite a fascinating concept. This best-selling author, guides the reader down a path of ‘success’, outlining principles and disciplines bound to help anyone reach a higher spiritual plane. This book shows you how to discover and unleash your ‘true’ self by breaking away from fear~ based thinking ( seeking approval of our actions/ needing to control /and a need for power are all fear~based methods of thinking). In fact, readers are urged to break away from the ‘Pavlov effect’ by resisting conditional reflexive responses triggered by circumstances out of one’s control. Mr. Chopra goes on to explain that most people spend the majority of their energy connvincing or persuading others of their point of view. He asks the reader to understand that what they are feeling is not someone else’s fault, instead one should take responsibility for one’s own thoughts and actions.

  2. Great is the operative word for this book The author helps us identify our “fear based” ways of thinking and substitue more effective ways to think. These concepts work. I would also recommend the book An Encounter With A Prophet to get rid of even deeper “fear based” beliefs.

  3. Shades of grey As I read the customer reviews about “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success”, I find it fascinating that the reviews are almost without exception one of two types; “Five stars–very positive–this book changed my life” or “One star–this new-age drivel makes me sick, please do not give your money to this man who is only using feel-good rhetoric to liberate the gullible from their money” There are not many reactions that are in the middle.

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