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129 Inspiring Quotes About Love: Could What Artists, World Leaders, Actors, Scholars and Writers Say About Love Inspire You and Your Life? Absolutely!

Could What Artists, World Leaders, Actors, Scholars and Writers Say About Love Inspire You and Your Life? Absolutely! In “129 Inspiring Quotes About Love,” you will find some of the most powerful words ever spoken about love. From 600 B.C. to the 21st century, these words and thoughts will provoke, challenge and inspire you like nothing else. If they don’t, you might want to check to see if you have a pulse. In it, you’ll learn: —Why Beatle John Lennon says “love” is like a plant… —Why D.H. Lawrence claims a woman “not in love” must have luxuries… —Why Mother Teresa says “love” does not have to be extraordinary… —What Dr. Seuss says the reason for not sleeping when you’re in love (it’s not what you think!) —Plus 125 more brilliant quotes that nothing but pure gems sorted from the best of the best… Check it out today. Because nothing is more sought after and revered more in life than love. And yet it seems to be in desperately short supply in today’s world. I’m hopeful these “gems” will be the catalyst for more love in your life.