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The Elephant in the Room: A journey into the Trump campaign and the ‘alt-right’

‘But Hillary is a known Luciferian,’ he tried.
‘She’s not a known Luciferian,’ I said.
‘Well, yes and no,’ he said.

In The Elephant in the Room, Jon Ronson, the New York Times best-selling author of The Psychopath Test, Them and So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed, travels to Cleveland at the height of summer to witness the Republican National Convention. Along the way he reunites with an old acquaintance – the influential provocateur and conspiracy talk-show host Alex Jones – who draws him, unexpectedly, into one of the most bizarre presidential campaigns in American history.

From the private Winnebago where conspiracy theorists and fearmongers discuss key campaign decisions to a chance encounter with notorious political operative Roger Stone, Ronson’s picaresque journey into Donald Trump’s atmosphere introduces us to the people who orbit the campaign machine and discovers what makes them tick – and what ticks them off.

Whimsical, hilarious and often downright terrifying, The Elephant in the Room captures a defining moment in our time as only Jon Ronson could see it.