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All about Elephants: Boost Your Creativity with 70 Beautiful Elephant Patters for Your Inspiration (Inspiration & Meditation)

This book is comprised of 70 illustrations to boost your imagination and release stress. Inside you will find various designs featuring different elephants. They are suitable for adults.

You can use different techniques and color schemes, there are absolutely no restrictions. Coloring is a wonderful way to spend your free time, be more creative and relax.

Please, note, this kindle ebook is not suitable for coloring. It is only a preview showing the designs. You can download these designs following the link at the end of the book. There you will find high-quality images that can be printed out and colored.

Scroll up to order your copy of our awesome book.

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The Elephant in the Room: A journey into the Trump campaign and the ‘alt-right’

‘But Hillary is a known Luciferian,’ he tried.
‘She’s not a known Luciferian,’ I said.
‘Well, yes and no,’ he said.

In The Elephant in the Room, Jon Ronson, the New York Times best-selling author of The Psychopath Test, Them and So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed, travels to Cleveland at the height of summer to witness the Republican National Convention. Along the way he reunites with an old acquaintance – the influential provocateur and conspiracy talk-show host Alex Jones – who draws him, unexpectedly, into one of the most bizarre presidential campaigns in American history.

From the private Winnebago where conspiracy theorists and fearmongers discuss key campaign decisions to a chance encounter with notorious political operative Roger Stone, Ronson’s picaresque journey into Donald Trump’s atmosphere introduces us to the people who orbit the campaign machine and discovers what makes them tick – and what ticks them off.

Whimsical, hilarious and often downright terrifying, The Elephant in the Room captures a defining moment in our time as only Jon Ronson could see it.

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Is There a White Elephant in Your Way?: The Guidebook for Awakening and Self Empowerment

Whether you are looking to reclaim your life, improve relationships, attract more abundance or you are ready to wake-up, “Is There a White Elephant in Your Way?” provides the revolutionary answers you have been seeking. As this unique guidebook shows you exactly how to overcome the ego and live as your True Empowered Self, you will learn how to recognize and understand the unconscious dynamics that have run your life, and step by step, you will be able to overcome your own inner blocks and outer issues, so that, one day soon, life overflows with joy and fulfillment! Your life is a Divine Gift, waiting to be lived fully!

Is There a White Elephant in Your Way?
The answer is yes, if you ever…

Experience irrational fear or incessant worry Sabotage your big dreams or undermine your dearest desires Battle reoccurring issues in relationships, career, health or financial matters Feel like you are not yourself but don’t know why Get inspired but lack the motivation to follow through Believe that your greatest potential is out of reach Lack the energy to live your life the way you want to live it Worry about what other people think (especially about you) Beat yourself up with criticism but can’t seem to stop Play small or hide your gifts despite the compelling drive to live your life to the fullest

Discover the hidden key to unlocking your greatest potential and the real secret to being limitless!