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It’s Time: Conversation With Angels Volume III

The Angels Ask: Are You Ready? The one question that you are asked is, “Are you ready?” A bigger story is now unfolding, and it is your choice whether to be part of that story or watch it unfold from the sidelines. The greatest gift you have is being alive in a body at this time of immense changes and the opportunity to follow your path of truth and light. Human consciousness is ascending as a whole, along with Earth’s vibration to its next evolutionary step. You, the one following your heart, are being asked to be one of the columns that support the bridge now being built to a new level of consciousness. Every transition aspires to be organic in form and pace to allow the ones who are destined to pave this road to build these bridges, creating a new roadmap for others to follow. This is what you are called to do and be. You are asked if you are ready to be part of that bridge and embody the pathway for others to follow. You are asked if you are ready to live from your heart, breathe from your heart, communicate from your heart, act from your heart, think from your heart, and feel from your heart. You are asked to be a pulsating, throbbing heart of light, opening and charting a new vibration for others to live by example. You are asked to be in that frequency all the time, even when you are asleep. Are you ready? We are not asking you to imagine it in some esoteric way; we are asking you to be it. And So Be It is you building a bridge that was never there before and taking a road that did not exist, paving it so the whole frequency of human consciousness aligns via the new coherent resonance that you are embodying through your heart. This is your potential and what this book is all about. You have asked to move higher. We have given you the roadmap. It is on you to step forward and manifest it. It’s time.

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Return of the Angels

Return of the Angels explains everything about angels. Explore the origin of these celestial beings and how they are related to God. Learn about Paradise, the Four Great Archangels, and the seven heavens and the angels who protect them. Discover your own guardian angel and how you can obtain his or her help when problems arise in your life. You will find messages and prophecies for the new millennium, plus biographies of 900 angels.In one of the more fascinating books on angels out there, author Migene Gonzalez-Wippler impresses the reader with the sheer weight of her academic research and scientific understanding of angel phenomena, and she entertains with engaging prose, literary acumen, and astonishing first-hand experiences with Archangel Michael. After regaling the reader with numerous stories of angel encounters and explanations of the celestial hierarchy, angelic language, the seven heavens, and paradise, she teaches rituals to invoke or evoke (the two are different) angelic presence. While the author confesses to being a devout Catholic, even the most skeptical may begin looking over their shoulders after reading this one. You’ll find out that there is simply no reason not to accept the fact that angels exist. Like Tinkerbell, the more deeply one believes, the more likely an angel will manifest from our collective unconscious. Black-and-white illustrations illuminate this scholarly yet magical and inspiring volume. –P. Randall Cohan

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Angel Talk: Chatting With The Angels

The Angels are working in our lives on a daily basis. Angel Talk is a book about my chats with the Angels over the last 16 years. I have been asked to put all of my notes from my journals into a book to share with others. These messages are here to help people learn to live their lives to the fullest. The Angels ask people to look at life and others in a different way. Throughout the book you will find words of comfort, joy and guidance. There are meditations and assignements the Angels have ask me to share with others. Angel Talk will challenge some and ring true with others. It is a call to wake up and help the Angels create the Army of God. They are here to help us stand strong and stay strong through the changes that we are being prepared for. This call asks for you to begin spreading the Light and Love of God to all nations and to all peoples.

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Angels: Winged Whispers – True Stories from Angel Experts around the World

Angels are constantly whispering to you – but what if you cannot hear these messages?

Take a spiritual journey with professional Angel Experts from across the globe. Learn to perceive the whispered messages and persistent nudges from Guardian Angels, the Archangels, Animals and Faeries, all awaiting your discovery!

New techniques will help you and your clients experience the deep wisdom and loving power of the angelic realm – to comfort, guide, uplift and heal every aspect of your life!

Learn how to ~ Conduct Sacred Ceremony ~ Discover the Goddess Within ~ Empower your Meditations ~ Step into the Magical Faery Realm ~ Transmute Negative Energy ~ Link Archangels, Crystals & Dreams ~ Meet your Guardian Angel ~ Contact Deceased Loved Ones & Pets.

Contributing Authors ~ Cobie Andrews, Ros Booth, Denise Burant, Maryellen De Vine, Sophia Fairchild, Wendy Gabriel, Claire Jennings, De-Arne King, Debbie Kosabeck, Denise Martin, Orietta Mammarella, Flavia Kate Peters, Belinda Ridley, Robyn Ridley, and Christine Schreibstein.Angels are constantly whispering to you – but what if you cannot hear these messages?

Take a spiritual journey with professional Angel Experts from across the globe. Learn to perceive the whispered messages and persistent nudges from Guardian Angels, the Archangels, Animals and Faeries, all awaiting your discovery!

New techniques will help you and your clients experience the deep wisdom and loving power of the angelic realm – to comfort, guide, uplift and heal every aspect of your life!

Learn how to ~ Conduct Sacred Ceremony ~ Discover the Goddess Within ~ Empower your Meditations ~ Step into the Magical Faery Realm ~ Transmute Negative Energy ~ Link Archangels, Crystals & Dreams ~ Meet your Guardian Angel ~ Contact Deceased Loved Ones & Pets.

Contributing Authors ~ Cobie Andrews, Ros Booth, Denise Burant, Maryellen De Vine, Sophia Fairchild, Wendy Gabriel, Claire Jennings, De-Arne King, Debbie Kosabeck, Denise Martin, Orietta Mammarella, Flavia Kate Peters, Belinda Ridley, Robyn Ridley, and Christine Schreibstein.

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Angels Within Us: A Spiritual Guide to the Twenty-Two Angels That Govern Our Lives

THE ANGELS WITHIN US shows how to pinpoint your own trouble spots, discover which angel waits beyond reach, and ask it for guidance. In a step-by-step process that includes meditations, practical exercises, and examples of angelic conversations experienced by the author and others, you will meet the Angel of Unconditional Love and Freedom, catalyst of all angels. You will then learn about the twenty-one other angels whose energies are attuned to such realms as: Illusion and Reality; Creative Wisdom; Abundance; Power and Authority, and more.
THE ANGELS WITHIN US guides you to that exalted and natural existence where you can be as cosmically whole, vibrant, strong, and free as you were created to be.

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When Angels Touch You

Take a stroll with highly acclaimed author L. C. Hayden as she takes you with her on her journey. Read of Hayden’s true accounts as she reveals the miracles in her life.
This book will leave you spiritually uplifted and help you realize how you too can understand the miracles that surround you.

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Angels: Artists and Inspirations

Angels, or angel-like beings, have appeared in art from around the world for millennia. Though intrinsically a religious concept, they seem to also represent a universal ideal of purity, benevolence and beauty and so have cried out to be represented in art. In this beautiful book, the reader is taken on a journey from ancient Byzantine images to the classical angels of the Renaissance and the romantic and poetic creatures of Victorian and Pre-Raphaelite art. Full-page artworks are accompanied by fascinating text.

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Angels: A Novel

The most critically acclaimed, and first, of Denis Johnson’s novels, Angels puts Jamie Mays — a runaway wife toting along two kids — and Bill Houston — ex-Navy man, ex-husband, ex-con — on a Greyhound Bus for a dark, wild ride cross country. Driven by restless souls, bad booze, and desperate needs, Jamie and Bill bounce from bus stations to cheap hotels as they ply the strange, fascinating, and dangerous fringe of American life. Their tickets may say Phoenix, but their inescapable destination is a last stop marked by stunning violence and mind-shattering surprise.

Denis Johnson, known for his portraits of America’s dispossessed, sets off literary pyrotechnics on this highway odyssey, lighting the trek with wit and a personal metaphysics that defiantly takes on the world.