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Daily Wisdom: 365 Buddhist Inspirations

Open up Daily Wisdom and find page after page of illuminating words. You’ll encounter ancient Buddhist sages and contemporary meditation masters offering encouragement and quiet counsel – some in spacious poetry, others in lucid prose – on love and living wisely, on meditation and mindfulness, on the pitfalls of anger and necessity of compassion. Whether you’re seeking morning inspiration or a few uplifting words to help keep a difficult day in perspective, Daily Wisdom is a valuable companion. Includes words of wisdom from:
The Dalai Lama Lama Yeshe Ayya Khema Bhante G. Thich Nhat Hanh B. Allan Wallace Lorne Ladner Sandy Boucher Lama Zopa Rinpoche Master Hsing Yun Sakya Pandita Milarepa Kalu Rinpoche and many more! One of the basic practices of Buddhism is to remain mindful, and one way this is achieved is simply through reminders. Josh Bartok, a publishing-house editor and practitioner of Zen Buddhism, has mined the literature for a yearlong collection of daily reminders. Ranging in length from a sentence to a short page, these reminders include poetry,meditation instruction, practical advice, and thoughts on the way things are. A cynic might notice that all of the selections are from books published by the editor’s own press, and therefore dismiss the book as a sly attempt at self-promotion, but when the selections are brilliant quotes from the likes of Ayya Khema, Alan Wallace, Milarepa, Henepola Gunaratana, Martine Batchelor, and the Dalai Lama, one wishes to read them rather than dismiss them. In beautiful verse, the Chinese poet Chia Tao tells of a bell heard during a stroll in the mountains at daybreak. The monk Henepola Gunaratana reminds us that “pain is inevitable, suffering is not.” Retain this kind of inspiration throughout the day, and peace will be yours. –Brian Bruya

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  • Ships from Vermont
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Buddhist Quotes: Meditation, Happiness, Inner Peace.: Spirituality and Buddhism: Bouddha, Zen, Thich Nhat Hanh, Dalaï-Lama… (Buddhism, Bouddha, … & Spirituality, Dalaï Lama, Zen.) (Volume 1)

– Buddhism and Spirituality / Happiness and Peace of mind –

Words are an interesting concept, they can elevate us and reveal the beauty of an imperceptible instant, describe a being’s thought in a deep state of inspiration… They can also mislead us if we mingle them with the thing they describe…
A quotation represents a condensation of the spirit, a condensation of the philosophy and attitude adopted and applied by the author in his thoughts, speeches and actions.

Reading and understanding these thoughts can allow us to discover a new way of looking at the world, by widening our perception, we get a greater faculty to discern the most appropriate response in a given situation…

In Buddhism in general and Zen in particular, it is said that a sentence, a word even, can awaken someone, while opening the door of knowledge and wisdom.
Perhaps the reading of these sentences will open up unexplored dimension within you, perhaps you will have a moment of clear comprehension or perhaps you will have the desire to apply a certain attitude that would allow you to be more peaceful…
Whatever the result of your reading, I am convinced that your life will improved, that your desire to understand will be satisfied and that you will re-established the connection with your true self which is now waiting for only one thing, for you to continue reading in order to find deep within you, this familiar sensation to have found again this treasure buried and hidden deep down for too long…

I wish you beautiful reunion with yourself, with the light, joy and love which are abundantly accessible and available within all of us, at any moment!

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The Road Home: A Contemporary Exploration of the Buddhist Path

A lively exploration of contemporary Buddhism from one of its most admired teachers

Do you feel at home right now? Or do you sense a hovering anxiety or uncertainty, an underlying unease that makes you feel just a bit uncomfortable, a bit distracted and disconnected from those around you?
In The Road Home, Ethan Nichtern, a senior teacher in the Shambhala Buddhist tradition, investigates the journey each of us takes to find where we belong. Drawing from contemporary research on meditation and mindfulness and his experience as a Buddhist teacher and practitioner, Nichtern describes in fresh and deeply resonant terms the basic existential experience that gives rise to spiritual seeking–and also to its potentially dangerous counterpart, spiritual materialism. He reveals how our individual quests for self-awareness ripple forward into relationships, communities, and society at large. And he explains exactly how, by turning our awareness to what’s happening around us and inside us, we become able to enhance our sense of connection with others and, at the same time, change for the better our individual and collective patterns of greed, apathy, and inattention.
In this wise and witty invitation to Buddhist meditation, Nichtern shows how, in order to create a truly compassionate and enlightened society, we must start with ourselves. And this means beginning by working with our own minds–in whatever state we find them in.

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Daily Doses of Wisdom: A Year of Buddhist Inspiration

Daily Doses of Wisdom draws on the richness of Buddhist writings to offer a spiritual cornucopia that will illuminate and inspire day after day, year after year. Sources span a spectrum from ancient sages to modern teachers, from monks to laypeople, from East to West, from poetry to prose. Each page, and each new day, reveals another gem carefully selected from the entire list of titles published by Wisdom.

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A Beginner’s Guide to Meditation: Practical Advice and Inspiration from Contemporary Buddhist Teachers

A practical, accessible guide to the fundamentals of Buddhist meditation, with pointers from some of today’s most respected Buddhist teachers, including Pema Chödrön, Thich Nhat Hanh, Cyndi Lee, and Sharon Salzberg.

As countless meditators have learned firsthand, meditation practice can positively transform the way we see and experience our lives. This authoritative guide to Buddhist meditation will introduce readers to the practice, explain how it is approached in the main schools of Buddhism, and offer advice and inspiration from Buddhism’s most renowned and effective meditation teachers, including Pema Chödrön, Thich Nhat Hanh, and Matthieu Ricard.
     Topics include how to build excitement and energy to start a meditation routine and keep it going, setting up a meditation space, working with and through boredom, what to look for when seeking others to meditate with, how to know when it’s time to try doing a formal meditation retreat, how to bring the practice “off the cushion” with walking meditation and other practices, and much more.

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Qigong Empowerment: A Guide to Medical, Taoist, Buddhist and Wushu Energy Cultivation

Qigong Empowerment is the most unique and complete volume ever written in the English language on qigong (Chi Kung). This volume can be used for attaining better health, for healing, for gaining extraordinary power, and for spiritual development. This volume consists of five books which covers: – Traditional Chinese Medical theories and qi cultivation methods. – Taoist methods to foster Essence, Qi, and Spirit. – Buddhist Esoteric Abilities of the Body, Speech, and Mind. – Emitting, Absorbing, and Healing Qigong. – Wushu (martial arts) Iron Shirt training. Qigong (Chi Kung) has been an integral part of Chinese culture since ancient China. High level qigong masters have always been respected and held in high esteem in Chinese society. Qi is a Chinese term used to refer to all types of energy. It is the intrinsic substance or the vital force behind all things in the universe. It is the medium between and within all material substances. We are all immersed in it. The term gong refers to the power to produce an effect, an attainment of, or an accomplishment that is achieved with steady practice. Loosely, qigong can be translated as the attainment of qi. Healers and the medical society use qigong for healing and preventing illness. Martial artists use qigong for developing incredible strength and abilities. Others use qigong to attain a greater consciousness.

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  • Used Book in Good Condition
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Powerful Buddhist Quotes

Powerful Buddhist Quotes is a collection of carefully selected quotes from more than twelve sources including: 1. Thich Nhat Hanh. 2. Tenzin Gyatso, the Fourteenth Dalai Lama. 3. Alan W. Watts. 4. Philip Kapleau. 5. Shunryu Suzuki. 6. Joseph Goldstein. 7. Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki. 8. Kosho Uchiyama. 9. Lama Anagarika Govinda. 10. Nyanatiloka. 11. Wang-ch’ug dor-je, the Ninth Karmapa. 12. Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai. These quotes were selected for those who would like to awaken in this lifetime.

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The Buddhist Prayer Deck: A Beautiful Collection of Life-Affirming Buddhist Prayers to Inspire and Enlighten

Buddhism counsels acceptance, detachment, purity, compassion, and love—and this beautiful deck of 52 cards can help us achieve these worthy goals. Every card features a life-affirming prayer with an inspiring precept of the Buddha or his followers. Simply go through the deck, find the prayer that speaks to you, place that card in the ingeniously designed easel holder, and sit quietly while absorbing the gentle wisdom of the words and image.

Embellished with superb artwork, this deck will work for anybody who seeks guidance, comfort, or encouragement in any aspect of life.