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Fat for Fuel: A Revolutionary Diet to Combat Cancer, Boost Brain Power, and Increase Your Energy

For over a century, we’ve accepted the scientific consensus that cancer results from genetic disease due to chromosomal damage in cell nuclei. But what if scientists are chasing a flawed paradigm? What if cancer isn’t a disease of damaged DNA but rather of defective metabolism as a result of mitochondrial dysfunction? What if that startling truth could revolutionize our understanding of other diseases, too – and show us a radical new path to optimal health?

In this groundbreaking guide, the first of its kind, New York Times best-selling author and leading natural-health practitioner Joseph Mercola explains how nearly all disease is caused by defective metabolic processes. Then he reveals what’s causing your metabolism to go haywire: damage and dysfunction in the mitochondria, thousands of which are at work in nearly every cell in your body, generating energy you need to stay alive and well. When mitochondria are damaged in large numbers, it is impossible to stay healthy.

Dr. Mercola shows that you can take control of your health simply by giving your body the proper fuel – and it’s not what you’ve been led to believe. A ketogenic diet, very low in carbohydrates and high in healthy fats, is the way to optimize the biochemical pathways that suppress disease and support healing. And the benefits can be astonishing – not only in treating or preventing serious illness but in boosting your brainpower, increasing your energy, helping you lose weight and keep it off, and much more.

For over a century, we’ve accepted the scientific consensus that cancer results from genetic disease due to chromosomal damage in cell nuclei. But what if scientists are chasing a flawed paradigm? What if cancer isn’t a disease of damaged DNA but rather of defective metabolism as a result of mitochondrial dysfunction? What if that startling truth could revolutionize our understanding of other diseases, too – and show us a radical new path to optimal health?

In this groundbreaking guide, the first of its kind, New York Times best-selling author and leading natural-health practitioner Joseph Mercola explains how nearly all disease is caused by defective metabolic processes. Then he reveals what’s causing your metabolism to go haywire: damage and dysfunction in the mitochondria, thousands of which are at work in nearly every cell in your body, generating energy you need to stay alive and well. When mitochondria are damaged in large numbers, it is impossible to stay healthy.

Dr. Mercola shows that you can take control of your health simply by giving your body the proper fuel – and it’s not what you’ve been led to believe. A ketogenic diet, very low in carbohydrates and high in healthy fats, is the way to optimize the biochemical pathways that suppress disease and support healing. And the benefits can be astonishing – not only in treating or preventing serious illness but in boosting your brainpower, increasing your energy, helping you lose weight and keep it off, and much more.

As you listen to this audiobook, you’ll learn in clear, rational terms how your body works at a molecular level. You’ll finally understand the type of fuel it’s designed to burn in the most efficient way possible. You’ll find detailed guidelines for starting a ketogenic eating plan. And you won’t have to wait decades for metabolic mitochondrial therapy to make its way into the mainstream. You can build a healthier body and brain starting right now.

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From Doormat To Combat: An Empowerment Guide For Shy Persons, People Pleasers, And Those Who Self – Sabotage

This is not your typical self – help book. Although the spirit of the author’s work is uplifting and respectable, her messages are unexpected, entertaining and fierce! Are you a wounded warrior on the front line of life who is shy, to the point that you allow other people to run all over you? Are you so engaged in people pleasing that you neglect your own well – being? Or, maybe you’re an expert in self – sabotaging behavior that dishonor’s you and keeps you lying prostrate on the battle field. Whether you’re one or all three of this “adversarial trinity,” it is time that you stop ambushing yourself by thinking that you are unworthy and that somehow – something, or some other earthly being, is more powerful than you. This book has been written in a no-nonsense, simple format. The author’s intent is to reach you where you are and help you increase your self – esteem and stand in your own strength. The ultimate goal is to inspire you to embrace your authentic self and to recognize your worth. At some point, you laid down your sword of courage and your shield of resilience – it’s time to pick them back up! Learn how to use your shyness in your favor. Learn how to treat the disease to please. Learn how to stop making your ally an enemy. Let’s meet inside the pages! It’s time to wage war on the bullies that keep making you cry “Uncle.”