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Motivation: Secrets Successful People Know To Achieve Better Focus And Habits, O (Self-Discipline, Motivational Books, Communication, Self-Confidence, Self-esteem, Organizing)

Over this book your life will undergo an amazing transformation as you are about to implement the world’s best execution strategy for driving radical results. STOP settling for things as they currently are and opt for progress and change. You will never achieve your highest potential or your dreams if you don’t consistently make a conscious choice to step up and swing confidently at life’s curveballs. DECIDE TODAY that no matter what problem arises in your life, you are always bigger than that problem. COMMIT to dealing with all your responsibilities and fears with everything you’ve got. From here on out for the rest of your life, refuse to shrink from anyone or anything. You are never as small or weak or helpless as you may think. You are a force of nature, a being of unlimited power and potential. CHOOSE to stand up in life. Make your presence known. Declare what you want. Be strong and fight for what you deserve. If you choose to strive for your best, for high performance in all you do and in all you ARE, then EVERYTHING changes. The struggle to the next level will be worth it. My aim is to introduce you to the change, challenge and work and prepare you for the great adventure you are about to undertake. In this book I will give you some deep-dive motivation and high-performance strategies.

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Encyclopedia of Slide Layouts: Inspiration for Visual Communication

Are you harnessing the power of visual communication in your presentations? Do the layouts of your slides communicate your key insights, and tell a story that engages your audience? More than a collection of world-class slide layouts – find practical inspiration to ensure your next presentation communicates effectively, with very few slides, and drives your audience to action.

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Human Communication: Motivation, Knowledge, Skills

HUMAN COMMUNICATION: MOTIVATION, KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS, Second Edition, features the collaborative work of recognized experts in the fields of communication and offers a unified approach to the basic processes of human communication backed by skill assessment. Beginning with the premise that all forms of communication have the potential to be viewed as competent depending on the context or situation, the text helps readers develop a framework for choosing among communication messages that will allow them to act competently. The theoretically based and skills-oriented framework emphasizes the basic themes of motivation, knowledge and skills across interpersonal communication, electronically mediated communication, small group communication, public speaking, and-new to the Second Edition-mass communication to help students become competent communicators in their own lives.

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  • Used Book in Good Condition
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The Sympathetic Medium: Feminine Channeling, the Occult, and Communication Technologies, 1859-1919

The nineteenth century saw not only the emergence of the telegraph, the telephone, and the typewriter but also a fascination with séances and occult practices like automatic writing as a means for contacting the dead. Like the new technologies, modern spiritualism promised to link people separated by space or circumstance; and like them as well, it depended on the presence of a human medium to convey these conversations. Whether electrical or otherworldly, these communications were remarkably often conducted—in offices, at telegraph stations and telephone switchboards, and in séance parlors—by women.

In The Sympathetic Medium, Jill Galvan offers a richly nuanced and culturally grounded analysis of the rise of the female medium in Great Britain and the United States during the Victorian era and through the turn of the century. Examining a wide variety of fictional explorations of feminine channeling (in both the technological and supernatural realms) by such authors as Henry James, George Eliot, Arthur Conan Doyle, Bram Stoker, Marie Corelli, and George Du Maurier, Galvan argues that women were often chosen for that role, or assumed it themselves, because they made at-a-distance dialogues seem more intimate, less mediated. Two allegedly feminine traits, sympathy and a susceptibility to automatism, enabled women to disappear into their roles as message-carriers.

Anchoring her literary analysis in discussions of social, economic, and scientific culture, Galvan finds that nineteenth- and early twentieth-century feminization of mediated communication reveals the challenges that the new networked culture presented to prevailing ideas of gender, dialogue, privacy, and the relationship between body and self.

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The Spirit Book: The Encyclopedia of Clairvoyance, Channeling, and Spirit Communication

This reference explores Qabbalah, Sibyls, Fairies, Poltergeists; phenomena such as intuition and karma; objects useful in the attempt to cross the divide, including tarot cards, flower reading, and runes; and related practices such as Shamanism, transfiguration, meditation, and mesmerism. It covers the history of Spiritualism as well as offshoots such as Kardecism, channeling, fraud, psychic research, and possession; and also reports on investigations of contemporary manifestations.

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Saying What’s Real: 7 Keys to Authentic Communication and Relationship Success

Whether with friends, lovers, neighbors, family members or business associates, the bedrock of healthy relationships is always the same: honest, clear communication. Drawing on her years of experience as a relationship coach and a teamwork consultant to Fortune 500 companies, Susan Campbell shows readers how to drastically improve the quality of their everyday interations by relying on a simple, straight-forward approach to communication and letting go of their need to control the outcome. Practical techniques for dropping one’s defenses are offered, as well as a fresh new perspective on using intimate relationships as a form of spiritual practice. Other useful tools include seven statements designed to bring the reader’s awareness into the present moment, as well as handy communication-enhancing phrases and Campbell’s insights on the most commonly encountered problems.