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101 Thoughts – A Practical Daily Guide to Living: A compilation of thoughtful quotes to enhance your life.

A compilation of inspirational, thoughtful and ideas to enhance life. A book for your own reference, a friend or loved one. Words and thoughts of love, kindness and insight makes the journey of life an easier road to travel so he developed the “101 Thoughts” series.

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Cherringham – A Cosy Crime Series Compilation (Cherringham 13-15)

Jack’s a retired ex-cop from New York, seeking the simple life in Cherringham. Sarah’s a Web designer who’s moved back to the village find herself. But their lives are anything but quiet as the two team up to solve Cherringham’s criminal mysteries. This compilation contains episodes 13 – 15:

A Lesson in Murder:
When Jack and Sarah are called in to investigate mysterious pranks at Cherringham Girls School, it seems at first that it might be the work of a few mean pupils with a grudge. But things quickly turn serious when a popular teacher meets a sudden, violent death.

The Secret of Combe Castle:
When the penniless FitzHenrys find themselves victims of a threatening campaign to oust them from their ancestral home, Jack and Sarah are called in to track down the culprit. Soon they discover that truth is often stranger than fiction, and in Combe Castle things do indeed go bump in the night…

A Fatal Fall:
Dylan McCabe – a labourer on a rushed Cherringham building project – has been complaining about the site’s lack of safety. When he’s discovered dead after a fall, it seems that Dylan’s own warnings were all too true. Jack and Sarah get involved, and suddenly what looks like an accident, becomes a case of cold-blooded murder.

Set in the sleepy English village of Cherringham, the detective series brings together an unlikely sleuthing duo: English web designer Sarah and American ex-cop Jack. Thrilling and deadly – but with a spot of tea – it’s like Rosamunde Pilcher meets Inspector Barnaby. Each of the self-contained episodes is a quick listen for the morning commute, while waiting for the doctor, or when curling up with a hot cuppa. For fans of Agatha Christie’s “Miss Marple series”, Lilian Jackson Braun’s “The Cat Who series”, Caroline Graham’s “Midsomer Murders”, and the American TV series “Murder She Wrote”, starring Angela Lansbury.

Co-authors Neil Richards (based in the UK) and Matthew Costello (based in the US), have been writing together since the mid 90’s, creating content and working on projects for the BBC, Disney Channel, Sony, ABC, Eidos, and Nintendo to name but a few. Their transatlantic collaboration has underpinned scores of TV drama scripts, computer games, radio shows, and – most recently – the successful crime fiction series Cherringham. The narrator of the audiobook, Neil Dudgeon, has been in many British television programmes including the roles of “DCI John Barnaby” in “Midsomer Murders” and “Jim Riley” in “The Life of Riley”.

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Cherringham – A Cosy Crime Series Compilation (Cherringham 10 – 12)

Jack’s a retired ex-cop from New York, seeking the simple life in Cherringham. Sarah’s a Web designer who’s moved back to the village find herself. But their lives are anything but quiet as the two team up to solve Cherringham’s criminal mysteries.

This compilation contains episodes 10 – 12: A Deadly Confession, Blade in the Water, Death on a Summer Night.
Here local priest Father Byrne meets his unexpected demise. Jack and Sarah investigate – who could harm the beloved Father? And what secrets did he take to the grave? The Cherringham Regatta is shaken when vandalism of boots turns into bloody murder. And when a murder suspect is freed from prison after 25 years, it’s apparent someone in Cherringham wants him to continue serving his sentence – to death. But Jack and Sarah start to question… did he commit the crime in the first place?

Cherringham is a series à la Charles Dickens, with a new mystery thriller released each month. Set in the sleepy English village of Cherringham, the detective series brings together an unlikely sleuthing duo: English web designer Sarah and American ex-cop Jack. Thrilling and deadly – but with a spot of tea – it’s like Rosamunde Pilcher meets Inspector Barnaby. Each of the self-contained episodes is a quick listen for the morning commute, while waiting for the doctor, or when curling up with a hot cuppa. For fans of Agatha Christie’s “Miss Marple series”, Lilian Jackson Braun’s “The Cat Who series”, Caroline Graham’s “Midsomer Murders”, and the American TV series “Murder She Wrote”, starring Angela Lansbury.

Co-authors Neil Richards (based in the UK) and Matthew Costello (based in the US), have been writing together since the mid 90’s, creating content and working on projects for the BBC, Disney Channel, Sony, ABC, Eidos, and Nintendo to name but a few. Their transatlantic collaboration has underpinned scores of TV drama scripts, computer games, radio shows, and – most recently – the successful crime fiction series Cherringham.

The narrator of the audiobook, Neil Dudgeon, has been in many British television programmes including the roles of “DCI John Barnaby” in “Midsomer Murders” and “Jim Riley” in “The Life of Riley”.

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The Impact Of Aristotle Upon Christian, Islamic, and Jewish Cultures: A Compilation Of Notes And Quotes From A Variety Of Sources Plus Commentary

About 800 years ago, the premises of three cultures were set — with consequences today. Islamic culture (led by Al-Ghazali) rejected Aristotle. It remains mystical and collectivist. Christian culture (via Thomas Aquinas) took a middle ground on Aristotle. Today it seeks the middle ground of luxuries and Jesus’ Sermon On The Mount. Jewish culture accepted Aristotle (via Maimonides) on a much greater basis and flourished.

According to Wilhelm Windelband, Aristotle’s system of philosophy considered happiness “as the supreme end of all endeavour”.

Philosopher-novelist Ayn Rand said, “Aristotle’s philosophy was the intellect’s Declaration of Independence. Aristotle, the father of logic, should be given the title of the world’s first intellectual, in the purest and noblest sense of that word.”

Medieval thinkers such as Averroes (Islam), Aquinas (Christian), and Maimonides (Jewish) regarded him as “The Philosopher.”

Join us on this 2500-year philosophical and historical journey through three major cultures — Christian, Islamic, and Jewish — to understand Aristotle’s influence upon each.

We will see when a culture accepts to some significant degree, either explicitly or implicitly, Aristotle’s ideas of reason and happiness. The main examples are:

• Ancient Greece,

• Islamic culture from about 800 to 1200 AD,

• the Renaissance,

• the Enlightenment,

• the Haskalah (Jewish Enlightenment) of the 19th century,

• and hopefully the future.

And also discover the consequences when a culture rejects his philosophy of reason. There is a consistent philosophical and historical pattern of the anti-Aristotelians:

• the obliteration of Aristotle and thus reason (Al-Ghazali, Kant, Augustine),

• the adoption of the arbitrary – either Augustinian revelatory or Kantian skepticism/subjectivism (the Koran, The Critique of Pure Reason, the Sermon on the Mount),

• submission to some alleged greater consciousness (Allah, The Fuhrer, communist state, the Holy Trinity, the collective consciousness, the will of Nature, the will of the people or proletariat),

• the demand to follow rules or commands from the alleged greater consciousness (Allah’s rules, the Hitler’s National Socialist 25 rules, the Ten Commandments),

• a fantasy reward for submission and following the rules (eternal life in heaven with God or in paradise with Allah, the emergence of a master race to produce the 1000 year Reich/idealized humanity, the withering of the state and economic abundance in the future, proletariat violent overthrow of the productive in search of a “charmed” and stagnant Middle Ages subsistence living),

• and the initiation of force against who don’t play along with their anti-reason program (Jihad, the SA, the Gestapo, the KGB, the Inquisition, gulags and concentration camps. In particular, hatred and force against the rational – for example against productive Jews and bourgeoisie; against advocates of reason such as Boethius, Abelard, Galileo, Gersonides; Pol Pot’s murder of millions of intellectuals.)

It’s all covered here. This clear, concise compilation explains the ups and downs of the last 2500 years — and the headlines of today. Hope you enjoy it!

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Tao of Charlie Munger: A Compilation of Quotes from Berkshire Hathaway’s Vice Chairman on Life, Business, and the Pursuit of Wealth With Commentary by David Clark

Words of wisdom from Charlie Munger—Warren Buffett’s longtime business partner and the visionary Vice Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway—collected and interpreted with an eye towards investing by David Clark, coauthor of the bestselling Buffettology series.

Born in Omaha, Nebraska in 1924 Charlie Munger studied mathematics at the University of Michigan, trained as a meteorologist at Cal Tech Pasadena while in the Army, and graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law School without ever earning an undergraduate degree. Today, Munger is one of America’s most successful investors, the Vice Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, and Warren Buffett’s business partner for almost forty years. Buffett says “Berkshire has been built to Charlie’s blueprint. My role has been that of general contractor.” Munger is an intelligent, opinionated business man whose ideas can teach professional and amateur investors how to be successful in finance and life.

Like The Tao of Warren Buffett and The Tao of Te Ching, The Tao of Charlie Munger is a compendium of pithy quotes including, “Knowing what you don’t know is more useful than being brilliant” and “In my whole life, I have known no wise people who didn’t read all the time—none, zero.” This collection, culled from interviews, speeches, and questions and answers at the Berkshire Hathaway and Wesco annual meetings, offers insights into Munger’s amazing financial success and life philosophies. Described by Business Insider as “sharp in his wit and investing wisdom,” Charlie Munger’s investment tips, business philosophy, and rules for living are as unique as his life story; intelligent as he clearly is; and as successful as he has been.

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Cherringham – A Cosy Crime Series Compilation (Cherringham 7 – 9)

Jack’s a retired ex-cop from New York, seeking the simple life in Cherringham. Sarah’s a Web designer who’s moved back to the village find herself. But their lives are anything but quiet as the two team up to solve Cherringham’s criminal mysteries.

This compilation contains episodes 7 – 9: THE BODY IN THE LAKE, SNOWBLIND and PLAYING DEAD.

Here Jack and Sarah are called to task when the body of a dignitary turns up in a lake – with all too many suspects involved. A resident of the retirement home falls victim to the elements in one of Cherringham’s worst blizzard in years – but was there something sinister at work here? And Cherringham Christmas show rehearsals spin into chaos as someone is out to sabotage the event with deadly repercussions.

Cherringham is a serial novel à la Charles Dickens, with a new mystery thriller released each month. Set in the sleepy English village of Cherringham, the detective series brings together an unlikely sleuthing duo: English web designer Sarah and American ex-cop Jack. Thrilling and deadly – but with a spot of tea – it’s like Rosamunde Pilcher meets Inspector Barnaby. Each of the self-contained episodes is a quick read for the morning commute, while waiting for the doctor, or when curling up with a hot cuppa.

For fans of Agatha Christie’s “Miss Marple series”, Lilian Jackson Braun’s “The Cat Who series”, Caroline Graham’s “Midsomer Murders”, and the American TV series “Murder She Wrote”, starring Angela Lansbury.

Co-authors Neil Richards (based in the UK) and Matthew Costello (based in the US), have been writing together since the mid 90’s, creating content and working on projects for the BBC, Disney Channel, Sony, ABC, Eidos, and Nintendo to name but a few. Their transatlantic collaboration has underpinned scores of TV drama scripts, computer games, radio shows, and – most recently – the successful crime fiction series Cherringham.

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Cherringham – A Cosy Crime Series Compilation (Cherringham 4 – 6)

Jack’s a retired ex-cop from New York, seeking the simple life in Cherringham. Sarah’s a Web designer who’s moved back to the village to find herself. But their lives are anything but quiet as the two team up to solve Cherringham’s criminal mysteries.

This compilation contains episodes 4 – 6: THICK AS THIEVES, LAST TRAIN TO LONDON and THE CURSE OF MABB’S FARM.

Here Jack and Sarah get caught up in a mysterious treasure hunt. They tease out the truth behind the town puppeteer’s death, and they’re threatened by the ancient curse of a local farm.

Cherringham is a serial novel à la Charles Dickens, with a new mystery thriller released each month. Set in the sleepy English village of Cherringham, the detective series brings together an unlikely sleuthing duo: English web designer Sarah and American ex-cop Jack. Thrilling and deadly – but with a spot of tea – it’s like Rosamunde Pilcher meets Inspector Barnaby. Each of the self-contained episodes is a quick read for the morning commute, while waiting for the doctor, or when curling up with a hot cuppa.

For fans of Agatha Christie’s “Miss Marple series”, Lilian Jackson Braun’s “The Cat Who series”, Caroline Graham’s “Midsomer Murders”, and the American TV series “Murder She Wrote”, starring Angela Lansbury.

Co-authors Neil Richards (based in the UK) and Matthew Costello (based in the US), have been writing together since the mid 90’s, creating content and working on projects for the BBC, Disney Channel, Sony, ABC, Eidos, and Nintendo to name but a few. Their transatlantic collaboration has underpinned scores of TV drama scripts, computer games, radio shows, and – most recently – the successful crime fiction series Cherringham.

The narrator of the audiobook, Neil Dudgeon, has been in many British television programmes including the roles of “DCI John Barnaby” in “Midsomer Murders” and “Jim Riley” in “The Life of Riley”.

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Cherringham – A Cosy Crime Series Compilation (Cherringham 1 – 3)

Jack’s a retired ex-cop from New York, seeking the simple life in Cherringham. Sarah’s a Web designer who’s moved back to the village find herself. But their lives are anything but quiet as the two team up to solve Cherringham’s criminal mysteries.

This compilation contains episodes 1 – 3: MURDER ON THAMES, MYSTERY AT THE MANOR and MURDER BY MOONLIGHT.

Here Jack and Sarah investigate a suicide in the River Thames – or was it murder? They investigate an “accidental” fire with deadly consequences, and they nab the culprit behind the Rotary Club choir poisoning.

Cherringham is a series à la Charles Dickens, with a new mystery thriller released each month. Set in the sleepy English village of Cherringham, the detective series brings together an unlikely sleuthing duo: English web designer Sarah and American ex-cop Jack. Thrilling and deadly – but with a spot of tea – it’s like Rosamunde Pilcher meets Inspector Barnaby. Each of the self-contained episodes is a quick listen for the morning commute, while waiting for the doctor, or when curling up with a hot cuppa.

For fans of Agatha Christie’s “Miss Marple series”, Lilian Jackson Braun’s “The Cat Who series”, Caroline Graham’s “Midsomer Murders”, and the American TV series “Murder She Wrote”, starring Angela Lansbury.

Co-authors Neil Richards (based in the UK) and Matthew Costello (based in the US), have been writing together since the mid 90’s, creating content and working on projects for the BBC, Disney Channel, Sony, ABC, Eidos, and Nintendo to name but a few. Their transatlantic collaboration has underpinned scores of TV drama scripts, computer games, radio shows, and – most recently – the successful crime fiction series Cherringham.

The narrator of the audiobook, Neil Dudgeon, has been in many British television programmes including the roles of “DCI John Barnaby” in “Midsomer Murders” and “Jim Riley” in “The Life of Riley”.

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Fight Quotes: A Compilation of Quotes from the Greatest Fighters of all Time

Fight Quotes is a compilation of quotes by the world’s greatest fighters. You’ll receive strategies, insight, opinions, and entertainment from legendary fighters like Bruce Lee, Muhammad Ali, Chuck Norris, Sugar Ray, and Gene Lebelle. This inclusive book captures all fight disciplines, including Boxing, MMA, Karate, Judo, Jiu-Jistsu, Wrestling and Kung Fu, as well as fighting between ancient warriors on the battlefield. Let Fight Quotes be your ringside seat into fighters’ thoughts, determination, passions, and attitudes. Full of wit and wisdom, the quotes and photos included are certain to entertain and keep you coming back for more.