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Feel Free to Quote Me Volume II: 365 additional days of anecdotes, apostrophes, and antagonistic commentary.

An unrelenting ode to obscenity, “Feel Free to Quote Me Volume II” is just as original, offensive, and on point as the first. Within these pages, you’ll find 365 reasons why they call him “The Captain.” Get a copy for yourself, a copy for a friend, and an extra copy for when your first copy is stolen, a.k.a. “permanently borrowed.”

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The Impact Of Aristotle Upon Christian, Islamic, and Jewish Cultures: A Compilation Of Notes And Quotes From A Variety Of Sources Plus Commentary

About 800 years ago, the premises of three cultures were set — with consequences today. Islamic culture (led by Al-Ghazali) rejected Aristotle. It remains mystical and collectivist. Christian culture (via Thomas Aquinas) took a middle ground on Aristotle. Today it seeks the middle ground of luxuries and Jesus’ Sermon On The Mount. Jewish culture accepted Aristotle (via Maimonides) on a much greater basis and flourished.

According to Wilhelm Windelband, Aristotle’s system of philosophy considered happiness “as the supreme end of all endeavour”.

Philosopher-novelist Ayn Rand said, “Aristotle’s philosophy was the intellect’s Declaration of Independence. Aristotle, the father of logic, should be given the title of the world’s first intellectual, in the purest and noblest sense of that word.”

Medieval thinkers such as Averroes (Islam), Aquinas (Christian), and Maimonides (Jewish) regarded him as “The Philosopher.”

Join us on this 2500-year philosophical and historical journey through three major cultures — Christian, Islamic, and Jewish — to understand Aristotle’s influence upon each.

We will see when a culture accepts to some significant degree, either explicitly or implicitly, Aristotle’s ideas of reason and happiness. The main examples are:

• Ancient Greece,

• Islamic culture from about 800 to 1200 AD,

• the Renaissance,

• the Enlightenment,

• the Haskalah (Jewish Enlightenment) of the 19th century,

• and hopefully the future.

And also discover the consequences when a culture rejects his philosophy of reason. There is a consistent philosophical and historical pattern of the anti-Aristotelians:

• the obliteration of Aristotle and thus reason (Al-Ghazali, Kant, Augustine),

• the adoption of the arbitrary – either Augustinian revelatory or Kantian skepticism/subjectivism (the Koran, The Critique of Pure Reason, the Sermon on the Mount),

• submission to some alleged greater consciousness (Allah, The Fuhrer, communist state, the Holy Trinity, the collective consciousness, the will of Nature, the will of the people or proletariat),

• the demand to follow rules or commands from the alleged greater consciousness (Allah’s rules, the Hitler’s National Socialist 25 rules, the Ten Commandments),

• a fantasy reward for submission and following the rules (eternal life in heaven with God or in paradise with Allah, the emergence of a master race to produce the 1000 year Reich/idealized humanity, the withering of the state and economic abundance in the future, proletariat violent overthrow of the productive in search of a “charmed” and stagnant Middle Ages subsistence living),

• and the initiation of force against who don’t play along with their anti-reason program (Jihad, the SA, the Gestapo, the KGB, the Inquisition, gulags and concentration camps. In particular, hatred and force against the rational – for example against productive Jews and bourgeoisie; against advocates of reason such as Boethius, Abelard, Galileo, Gersonides; Pol Pot’s murder of millions of intellectuals.)

It’s all covered here. This clear, concise compilation explains the ups and downs of the last 2500 years — and the headlines of today. Hope you enjoy it!

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Tao of Charlie Munger: A Compilation of Quotes from Berkshire Hathaway’s Vice Chairman on Life, Business, and the Pursuit of Wealth With Commentary by David Clark

Words of wisdom from Charlie Munger—Warren Buffett’s longtime business partner and the visionary Vice Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway—collected and interpreted with an eye towards investing by David Clark, coauthor of the bestselling Buffettology series.

Born in Omaha, Nebraska in 1924 Charlie Munger studied mathematics at the University of Michigan, trained as a meteorologist at Cal Tech Pasadena while in the Army, and graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law School without ever earning an undergraduate degree. Today, Munger is one of America’s most successful investors, the Vice Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, and Warren Buffett’s business partner for almost forty years. Buffett says “Berkshire has been built to Charlie’s blueprint. My role has been that of general contractor.” Munger is an intelligent, opinionated business man whose ideas can teach professional and amateur investors how to be successful in finance and life.

Like The Tao of Warren Buffett and The Tao of Te Ching, The Tao of Charlie Munger is a compendium of pithy quotes including, “Knowing what you don’t know is more useful than being brilliant” and “In my whole life, I have known no wise people who didn’t read all the time—none, zero.” This collection, culled from interviews, speeches, and questions and answers at the Berkshire Hathaway and Wesco annual meetings, offers insights into Munger’s amazing financial success and life philosophies. Described by Business Insider as “sharp in his wit and investing wisdom,” Charlie Munger’s investment tips, business philosophy, and rules for living are as unique as his life story; intelligent as he clearly is; and as successful as he has been.

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The Wisdom Collection: Quotes and Commentary to Cultivate Self-Knowledge

Quotes are echoes from the past, succinct summaries of lessons to remember, and contemplate. They provide us with glimpses of times gone by, and they carry forward knowledge that can influence our days yet to come. Each quote in this vast collection is a bite-sized chunk of wisdom, something we can learn from, and use in our own lives. Lissa Coffey has complied a unique variety of sayings from a myriad of minds throughout history and cultures. Her commentary further provokes thought and deepens our understanding about these timeless topics. Words carry weight, and quotes are a quiet legacy of those people who have traveled this road before us. Use this book as a reference to guide you through the experiences of life. Take these gifts, offered with love; savor the importance of the words, and let them nourish your soul. “Lissa Coffey has inspired a book that will delight you for hours, days and years. Timeless wisdom and Lissa’s insight of the quotes themselves give rise to a deeper awareness of self. Explore a different quote each day and use it as a mirror, you will be surprised and speechless at the reflection you reveal within.” ~ Patti Conklin, Author: God Within: The Day God’s Train Stopped “I absolutely love “The Wisdom Collection” because, in it, Lissa Coffey offers us exactly that–the collective wisdom of the ages… categorized, summarized, and exquisitely articulated by a current day master teacher in her own words. This book is so powerful because it offers tasty tidbits of universal wisdom that can easily be personalized and used as a daily mindfulness practice. Read this book because it will point you to the way home–within–where the true authentic Self you came here to be awaits your arrival.” ~ Dennis Merritt Jones, Award winning author: The Art of Uncertainty – How to Live in the Mystery of Life and Love It, and, Your (Re)Defining Moments – Becoming Who You Were Born to Be

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Feel Free to Quote Me: 365 days of social commentary, serial commas, and cursing.

Satirical wit, unapologetic observation, and relentless tough love — this book is exactly what it claims to be: commentary, commas, and cursing. With topics ranging from fake gluten allergies, to the practice of safe sex, and dogs being, well, way better than cats, it’s ideal for awkward first dates, late nights, and dinners with friends. But don’t read it to your grandma. Seriously, this book contains a ton of F-words.

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Inspirations from the Quran – Selected DUAs, Verses, and Surahs from the Quran: Includes Select Commentary, Tafsir, and Reasons for Revelation

In this unique book, you will finally get the opportunity to learn not only the sacred Quranic Du’as (Supplications) but also the context in which various people including the prophets of Allah made those Du’as, thus increasing your appreciation and faith when making those Quranic Duas to Allah.

Here are some examples of those powerful Duas:

Dua that a few young people who were being persecuted made to Allah to ask for His guidance and wisdom in their affairs A Quranic Dua about which Prophet Muhammad (s) said, “No Muslim ever prays to his Lord with these words for anything, but He will answer his prayer.” Dua that Children of Israel made when they were being led by Talut (Saul) against Jalut (Goliath) in a big battle Dua that Prophet Zakaria made when he was approaching a state of hopelessness to have children of his own Dua that Prophet Huud (A.S.) and Prophet Yaqub (Jacob) made for having Tawakkul (trust) in Allah Dua that Prophet Ayyub (Job) made when he was in a distressful situation having lost all his health, wealth, and children Dua that Prophet Younus (Jonah) made when he was punished by Allah for making a mistake Dua that Prophet Musa (Moses) made when he and his people were running from Fir’awan (Pharaoh) who was chasing them with his army and they came upon a sea and didn’t know where to go next. And many more Duas…

This excellent book also covers the following topics:

Spiritual power and virtues of Quranic verses Special Surahs and verses that according to Prophetic sayings have special blessings Duas from the Quran for various situations Context of select DUAs based on commentary and Tafsir Significance of various Surahs and reasons for revelation of select Surahs. Additionally, in this 180 page book you will get to learn the special blessings of the following Surahs and verses of the Quran: Special blessings of Surah Al-Fatihah (Allah mentions about the verses of Surah Al-Fatihah in a separate Surah and verse in the Quran) Special blessings of two verses of the Quran about which the Prophet (s) said that whoever recites them will suffice him. The verse from Surah Aal-e-Imran which when it was revealed made the prophet (s), he stood up and cried until his beard became wet. He, then, prostrated and cried until he made the ground wet. He then laid down on his side and cried. A Surah in the Quran that according to the prophet (s) will argue on behalf of its reciter until it causes him to enter into Paradise. and information on other Surahs.