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Factfulness: Ten Reasons We’re Wrong About the World – and Why Things Are Better Than You Think

For fans of Freakonomics and Thinking, Fast and Slow, here is a book by Hans Rosling, the scientist called “a true inspiration” by Bill Gates, that teaches us how to see the world as it truly is. 

Factfulness: The stress-reducing habit of carrying only opinions for which you have strong supporting facts. When asked simple questions about global trends – what percentage of the world’s population live in poverty; why the world’s population is increasing; how many girls finish school – we systematically get the answers wrong. So wrong that a chimpanzee choosing answers at random will consistently outguess teachers, journalists, Nobel laureates, and investment bankers. 

In Factfulness, professor of international health and global TED phenomenon Hans Rosling, together with his two longtime collaborators, Anna and Ola, offers a radical new explanation of why this happens. They reveal the ten instincts that distort our perspective – from our tendency to divide the world into two camps (usually some version of us and them) to the way we consume media (where fear rules) to how we perceive progress (believing that most things are getting worse). Our problem is that we don’t know what we don’t know, and even our guesses are informed by unconscious and predictable biases. 

It turns out that the world, for all its imperfections, is in a much better state than we might think. That doesn’t mean there aren’t real concerns. But when we worry about everything all the time instead of embracing a worldview based on facts, we can lose our ability to focus on the things that threaten us most. Inspiring and revelatory, filled with lively anecdotes and moving stories, Factfulness is an urgent and essential book that will change the way you see the world and empower you to respond to the crises and opportunities of the future.

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The Traveling Curmudgeon: Irreverent Notes, Quotes, and Anecdotes on Dismal Destinations, Excess Baggage, the Full Upright Position, and Other Reasons Not to Go There

On the theory that an account of a pleasant journey is best not thrust upon friends and strangers, that a disaster makes for a more entertaining story, here is a gathering of quotes, commentary, and anecdotes about the travails of travel, the downright strangeness of foreign places, and rueful encounters on the road. Abetted by a parade of well-known curmudgeons, Jon Winokur offers a thousand reasons not to go there. The Traveling Curmudgeon proves that travel and all things related to going from here to there — destinations, the locals, the tourists, the food, the accommodations, and, oh my god, the souvenirs we drag home — are all grist for a very entertaining mill.

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Oh My Goodness!: Food + Family: 130 Reasons For You To Cook, Smile and Laugh Awhile! Hand Lettered Frame-able Quotes, Illustrations, Quick & Easy Dishes!

From Puff the Magical Oven Pancake to the Spicy Penne Pasta (ONE pot!) and the decadent Big Girl Cupcakes, you’re sure to find something delightful to please your palate. Oh My Goodness! contains 71 sweet, savory, salty and scrumptious recipes that are sure to ooooh and ahhhhh your family, from breakfast on through dessert. (Plus leftovers…high-five!) None are overly complicated…nor too gourmet *whew*, they’ve all been tasted, tested, perfected and kid/husband approved (mostly…you can’t please everyone ALL the time), with a pleasant grouping of American, Mexican, Asian and Italian dishes to spice up the lives of your taste buds (they WILL thank you). BUT! Wait…there’s more! Aside from the mouth-watering photographs, you’ll also find 13 humorous, relatable and colorful illustrations depicting family life in the heart of the home (in the kitchen, of course), as well as handy guides for ‘How to Enjoy the Dinner Hour’ and ‘Mother May I?’, a game of substitutions, three (3!) frameable hand lettered quotes aaaaand, yes, there’s *gasp* MORE! You get ’12 Expert Tips for Saving Money on Groceries’, ’10 Helpful + Easy (and obvs brilliant) Tips for the Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookies’, along with fistfuls of fun quotes and light-hearted musings about food, family and life. These pages are positively filled to overflowing with goodness (Oh me, oh my!) and, in no time at all, you’ll want to cook, smile and laugh awhile, love, bake, eat and repeat. Yum.

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59 Reasons to Write: Mini-Lessons, Prompts, and Inspiration for Teachers

In order to teach writing effectively, teachers must be writers themselves. They must experience the same uncertainty of starting a new draft and then struggling to revise. As they learn to move past the fear of failure, they discover the nervous rush and exhilaration of sharing work with an audience, just as their students do. Only by engaging in the real work of writing can teachers become part of the writing community they dream of creating for their students.
Kate Messner’s new book, 59 Reasons to Write, shows teachers and librarians who teach writing how to be stronger role models for their students.
“Writing for my students provided me with appropriate mentor texts to share,” she writes. “Writing with my students made me a mentor and a far better teacher.”
59 Reasons to Write grew out of Messner’s popular online summer writing camp, Teachers Write. Throughout the book she offers mini-lessons, writing prompts, and bursts of inspiration designed to get you writing every day, whether on your own or as part of a group. Dozens of guest authors also share their writing processes and secrets, from brainstorming ideas and organizing research to developing characters and getting unstuck from writer’s block.
59 Reasons to Write is for anyone who has always wanted to write but never managed to get into the habit. Daily warm-ups will help you flex your writing muscles and energize your teaching. As Messner shares, “One of the greatest gifts of writing is the way it nudges us to look more closely not only at the world but also at ourselves.” 

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Inspirations from the Quran – Selected DUAs, Verses, and Surahs from the Quran: Includes Select Commentary, Tafsir, and Reasons for Revelation

In this unique book, you will finally get the opportunity to learn not only the sacred Quranic Du’as (Supplications) but also the context in which various people including the prophets of Allah made those Du’as, thus increasing your appreciation and faith when making those Quranic Duas to Allah.

Here are some examples of those powerful Duas:

Dua that a few young people who were being persecuted made to Allah to ask for His guidance and wisdom in their affairs A Quranic Dua about which Prophet Muhammad (s) said, “No Muslim ever prays to his Lord with these words for anything, but He will answer his prayer.” Dua that Children of Israel made when they were being led by Talut (Saul) against Jalut (Goliath) in a big battle Dua that Prophet Zakaria made when he was approaching a state of hopelessness to have children of his own Dua that Prophet Huud (A.S.) and Prophet Yaqub (Jacob) made for having Tawakkul (trust) in Allah Dua that Prophet Ayyub (Job) made when he was in a distressful situation having lost all his health, wealth, and children Dua that Prophet Younus (Jonah) made when he was punished by Allah for making a mistake Dua that Prophet Musa (Moses) made when he and his people were running from Fir’awan (Pharaoh) who was chasing them with his army and they came upon a sea and didn’t know where to go next. And many more Duas…

This excellent book also covers the following topics:

Spiritual power and virtues of Quranic verses Special Surahs and verses that according to Prophetic sayings have special blessings Duas from the Quran for various situations Context of select DUAs based on commentary and Tafsir Significance of various Surahs and reasons for revelation of select Surahs. Additionally, in this 180 page book you will get to learn the special blessings of the following Surahs and verses of the Quran: Special blessings of Surah Al-Fatihah (Allah mentions about the verses of Surah Al-Fatihah in a separate Surah and verse in the Quran) Special blessings of two verses of the Quran about which the Prophet (s) said that whoever recites them will suffice him. The verse from Surah Aal-e-Imran which when it was revealed made the prophet (s), he stood up and cried until his beard became wet. He, then, prostrated and cried until he made the ground wet. He then laid down on his side and cried. A Surah in the Quran that according to the prophet (s) will argue on behalf of its reciter until it causes him to enter into Paradise. and information on other Surahs.

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8 Reasons Your Life Matters

If I were to disappear, would anybody notice? Each of us has asked that question in dark, honest moments. In his first nonfiction book, 8 Reasons Your Life Matters, bestselling author John Herrick combines personal struggles with biblical insight. Injecting eight chapters with humor, memoir moments, and a postmodern perspective on life, Herrick shares eight reasons your life matters: Your Life is More Permanent than Your Struggles God Sees You Differently than You See Yourself You Have a Destiny You are Remembered, not Forgotten You Were Someone’s First Pick Your Absence Would Leave a Permanent Hole People Need to See You Overcome You are Loved and Valued Eight solid reasons to give life one more chance. Eight reasons your life matters. Join John Herrick, author of the novels From The Dead and The Landing, and discover fresh purpose for your life.