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How to Be a Bawse: A Guide to Conquering Life

From actress, comedian and YouTube sensation Lilly Singh (aka Superwoman) comes the definitive guide to being a BAWSE – a person who exudes confidence, reaches goals, gets hurt efficiently, and smiles genuinely because they’ve fought through it all and made it out the other side. Told in her hilarious, bold voice that’s inspired over nine million fans, and using stories from her own life to illustrate her message, Lilly proves that there are no shortcuts to success.

Warning: This book does not include hopeful thoughts, lucky charms and cute quotes. That’s because success, happiness and everything else you want in life needs to be fought for – not wished for. In Lilly’s world, there are no escalators. Only stairs.

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Unholy Alliance: The Agenda Iran, Russia, and Jihadists Share for Conquering the World

The New York Times bestselling author of Rise of ISIS exposes the dangers of radical Islam and the effects it has on the American way of life in this informative and eye-opening new audiobook.

The fundamental principle of our system of government is individual liberty. Our forefathers chose to bequeath a system that limited the reach of government officials so that Americans could control their own lives.

When the United States was attacked on September 11, 2001, the true face of radical Islam was exposed for the world to see. Our nation came face-to-face with a rabid ideology that was—and is—committed to destroying our freedoms and imposing Islamic Shariah onto the Western world.

The principles of Shariah, which demands total submission to Allah, completely clash with US law and legal tradition. But that doesn’t stop adherents of fundamental Islam from executing those who they believe have offended Islam and Muhammad. As such, Shariah has become a threatening danger to our country, our values, and our way of life.

In Unholy Alliance, Jay Sekulow and the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) tackle radical Islam head on. They expose the attempts by fundamentalist Muslims—both in the US and abroad—to destroy our legal system in favor of a system that would destroy our essential liberties. They bring attention to terrorism in today’s world and reflect on the recent Paris and San Bernardino attacks, as well as Russia, Syria, Iran, and continuous threats to our nation. Each of us should be aware of what is going on in the world and learn what we can do as individuals to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies, be they foreign or domestic.

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Change Your Brain, Change Your Life (Revised and Expanded): The Breakthrough Program for Conquering Anxiety, Depression, Obsessiveness, Lack of Focus, Anger, and Memory Problems

In this completely revised and updated edition of the breakthrough bestseller, you’ll see scientific evidence that your anxiety, depression, anger, obsessiveness, or impulsiveness could be related to how specific structures in your brain work. You’re not stuck with the brain you’re born with. Renowned neuropsychiatrist Dr. Daniel Amen includes cutting-edge reseach and the latest surprising, effective “brain prescriptions” that can help heal your brain and change your life:
To quell anxiety and panic:
Use simple breathing techniques to immediately calm inner turmoil
To fight depression:
 Learn how to kill ANTs (automatic negative thoughts)
To curb anger:
Follow the Amen anti-anger diet and learn the nutrients that calm rage
To conquer impulsiveness and learn to focus:
Develop total focus with the One-Page Miracle
To stop obsessive worrying:
Follow the “get unstuck” writing exercise and learn other problem-solving exercises

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Conquering Writer’s Block and Summoning Inspiration: Learn to Nurture a Lifestyle of Creativity

Position yourself to live an inspired life and send the dreaded writer’s block packing.

Inspiration is a slippery thing at the best of times. But as a writer, you can’t afford to wait around on Madam Muse’s goodwill. In this encouraging audiobook, award-winning author K.M. Weiland shows you how to nurture creativity and put it at your summons, rather than the other way around. After listening to this book, you will be able to:

Build a lifestyle that encourages inspiration Say goodbye to destructive guilt over “wasting” time on creative endeavors Discover why inspiration isn’t so much a feeling as an act of will Understand what to do when your best-laid writing plans go awry Use your non-writing time to boost your creative energy Apply specific tips to prevent and combat writer’s block Instill habits for improving your efficiency and commitment as an author

Nurture a lifestyle of creativity that will keep your fingers flying over the keyboard!