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Daniel Libeskind: Inspiration And Process In Architecture

Influenced by a deep commitment to music, philosophy, and literature, the world-renowned architect Daniel Libeskind chooses drawing to put his ideas and thoughts into practice, stating that architectural drawing is in itself a creative work. Drawings which constitute “architectural explorations” – from Micromegas to Chamber Works and Sonnets in Babylon – are presented in this book along with those on “real” architecture, documenting the creative process of prestigious projects such as the Jewish Museum in Berlin and the World Trade Center redevelopment in New York.

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Extermination: Daniel Black, Book 3

Gaea’s favored children have put her ancient plan to cleanse the Earth of humans into motion, and Kozalin stands high on their list of targets. Uncertain alliances, scheming gods, and an implacable foe will push Daniel to his limits. How far will the wizard from Earth go to protect his family?

Warning: This novel contains graphic violence, explicit sex, unconventional opinions and a protagonist who has no interest in being normal. Listen at your own risk.

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Against the Flow: The Inspiration of Daniel in an Age of Relativism

A wide-ranging discussion of the place of Christianity in the public square

Daniel’s story is one of extraordinary faith in God lived out at the pinnacle of executive power. It tells of four young men, born in the tiny state of Judah around 500 b.c., and captured by Nebuchadnezzar, emperor of Babylon. Daniel describes how they eventually rose to senior positions of administration.

Daniel and his friends did not simply maintain their private devotion to God; they maintained a high-profile witness in a pluralistic society antagonistic to their faith. Their story carries a powerful message for us today. Society tolerates the practice of Christianity in private and in church services, but increasingly it deprecates public witness. If Daniel and his compatriots were with us today they would be in the vanguard of public debate.

This is a lucid and erudite examination of the life of Daniel from a leading expert on faith and science. In his first biblical work, Dr. Lennox provides a unique perspective on both Western society and biblical exegesis that will make Against the Flow an instant classic encouraging Christians to speak out in our modern Babylon.

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The Daniel Plan: 40 Days to a Healthier Life

Revolutionizing The Concept of a Healthy Lifestyle God designed our bodies to be healthy, providing everything we need to thrive and live abundantly. And with assistance from medical and fitness experts, Pastor Rick Warren and thousands of people from his congregation at Saddleback Church started a journey to transform their lives. The result: 15,000 people lost over 260,000 pounds in the first year. But the changes in people’s lives went far beyond the pounds they lost. Feast on Something Bigger Than a Fad The Daniel Plan: 40 Days to a Healthier Life by Rick Warren, Dr. Daniel Amen, and Dr. Mark Hyman is far more than a diet plan. It is an appetizing approach to achieving a healthy lifestyle where people are encouraged to get healthier together by optimizing the key five essentials of faith, food, fitness, focus, and friends. Unlike thousands of other books on the market, this audiobook is not about a new diet fad, guilt-driven gym sessions, or shame-driven fasts. Nor is it a “do it all now” approach. The Daniel Plan shows you how focusing on the powerful combination of the key essentials can change your life forever . . . one choice at a time. The concepts in this audiobook will encourage you to deepen your relationship with God and develop a community of supportive friends who will encourage you to make healthy choices each and every day. The result for you: gradual changes that transform your life inside and out. Download The Daniel Plan App for i0S and Android or visit for more information.