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Cat & Fern’s Excellent God Adventure: Daily Inspirations for 365 Days of Heaven on Earth

What happens when an Actress from Hollywood and a ninety-nine-year-old woman from Iowa meet on a path of faith in God and His Son Jesus Christ? They find they can’t wait to share the passion, joy, comfort, and the profound peace His Presence has made in their lives –creating Cat and Fern’s Excellent God Adventure, a collection of 365 prayers, meditations, spiritual insights, and personal stories. In just five minutes a day, these short readings will enrich your life by gently guiding you along that same path to the divine freedom of knowing of who and Whose you really are. Come on in..inner peace awaits you..

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Nora Roberts Three Sisters Island CD Collection: Dance Upon the Air, Heaven and Earth, Face the Fire (Three Sisters Island Trilogy)

Dance Upon the Air
When Nell Channing arrives on charming Three Sisters Island, she believes that she’s finally found refuge from her abusive husband…. But even in this quiet, peaceful place, Nell never feels entirely at ease. Just as Nell starts to wonder if she’ll ever be able to break free of her fear, she realizes that the island suffers from a terrible curse—one that can only be broken by the descendants of the Three Sisters, the witches who settled the island back in 1692.

Heaven and Earth
Ripley Todd just wants to live a quiet, peaceful kind of life. Her job as a sheriff’s deputy keeps her busy and happy. She’s perfectly content, except for one thing: she has special powers that both frighten and confuse her—and though she tries hard to hide them, she can’t get them under control…. Distraction soon arrives in the handsome form of MacAllister Booke—a researcher who’s come to investigate the rumors of witchcraft that haunt Three Sisters Island.

Face the Fire
Mia Devlin knows what it is like to love with your whole heart—and then watch your love walk away. Years ago, she and Sam Logan shared an incredible bond built on passion, legend, and fate. But then one day he fled Three Sisters Island, leaving her lost in memories of the magic they shared—and determined to live without love. The new owner of the island’s only hotel, Sam has returned to Three Sisters with hopes of winning back Mia’s affections. She’ll need his help—and his powers—to face her greatest, most terrifying challenge.

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Unlearn, Rewild: Earth Skills, Ideas and Inspiration for the Future Primitive

Picture a world where humans exist, like all other living things, in balance. Where there is no separation between “human” and “wild.” Unlearn, Rewild boldly envisions such a world, probing deeply into the cultural constraints on our ability to lead truly sustainable lives and offering real, tangible tools to move toward another way of living, seeing, and thinking.

Part philosophical treatise, part hard-core survival guide, this unique and thoroughly unconventional manual blends philosophy with a detailed introduction to a rich assortment of endangered traditional living skills, including:

Harvesting and preparing unconventional proteins
Feral food preservation
Dealing responsibly with waste
Natural methods of birth control
Tanning and processing animal skins

Lyrical, humorous, surprising, enlightening, and thought-provoking by turns, Unlearn, Rewild is essential reading for those who wish to heal themselves and the earth, live gracefully into the future primitive and experience their wildest dreams.

Miles Olson has spent the past decade deeply immersed in learning and practicing earth skills. While foraging, hunting, gardening, and gathering for his livelihood, his experiences have given him a unique perspective on rewilding, radical self-reliance, and the impact of civilization on the natural world.

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The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For?

A New Edition for A New Generation! Two new bonus chapters on the most common barriers to living a purpose driven life. Access to an online community where you can discuss your journey to purpose, get feedback, and receive support. “Movie stars and political leaders aren’t the only ones turning to Rick Warren for spiritual guidance. Millions of people—from NBA and LPGA players to corporate executives to high school students to prison inmates—meet regularly to discuss The Purpose Driven Life.” ~ TIME “The Purpose Driven Life is at the epicenter of a spiritual shockwave taking root across America in unlikely places like college campuses and offices. It’s more than a book; it has become a movement.” ~ ABC NEWS

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What on Earth Have I Done?: Stories, Observations, and Affirmations

“My house in Seattle is across the street from an elementary school.  A high fence blocks my view, but I’m close enough to overhear conversations.  One morning…I heard a car door opened, then slammed shut…a woman’s voice came blasting over the fence:  “BILLY…WHAT…ON…EARTH…HAVE…YOU…DONE?”…My own mother asked me the same question.  Often.  And I, in my turn asked my own children, who, no doubt have followed the same line of inquiry with their kids…”

Robert Fulghum’s new book begins with a question we’ve all asked ourselves: “What on Earth have I done?”  As Fulghum finds out, the answer is never easy and, almost always, surprising.  For the last couple of years, Fulghum has been traveling the world – from Seattle to the Moab Desert to Crete – looking for a few fellow travelers interested in thinking along with him as he delights in the unexpected: trick-or-treating with your grandchildren dressed like a large rabbit, pots of daffodils blooming in mid-November, a view of the earth from outer space, the mysterious night sounds of the desert, every man’s trip to a department store to buy socks, the raucous all-night long feast that is Easter in Greece, the trials and tribulations of plumbing problems and the friendship one can strike up with someone who doesn’t share the same language. What on Earth Have I Done? is an armchair tour of everyday life as seen by Robert Fulghum, one of America’s great essayists, a man who has two feet planted firmly on the earth, one eye on the heavens and, at times, a tongue planted firmly in his cheek. Fulghum writes to his fellow travelers, with a sometimes light heart, about the deep and vexing mysteries of being alive and says, “This is my way of bringing the small boat of my life within speaking distance of yours.  Hello…” 

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When Heaven Invades Earth

This book is a faith builder. It challenges every believer to walk in supernatural signs and wonders as a natural part of everyday life. —John Arnott

Anyone can walk in the miraculous—even you! If you’ve ever wanted to live and walk in the supernatural power of God, here’s your chance!

It is truly possible for human people to walk in the divine, and Christ came to show us the way. It is by rediscovering our true identity in Him that we can begin to move into the promises of God regarding the miraculous. Bill Johnson not only teaches the supernatural, he imparts it by changing the way we think.

If you are not walking in the miraculous, you’re living far below your birthright! By laying a carefully constructed biblical foundation for walking in the supernatural power of God, When Heaven Invades Earth provides all the equipment you need to experience miracles every day.

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So you want to be a Medium: A Down to Earth Guide

Are you fascinated by the spirit world? Wish you could communicate with loved ones on the Other Side? According to Spiritualist minister Rose Vanden Eynden, everyone possesses innate capabilities for spirit communication. Emphasizing the principles of modern Spiritualism, So You Want to Be a Medium? demonstrates how to enhance one’s spiritual senses for working between worlds.

Through exercises involving meditation, breathing, dream work, symbols, and energy systems, the author teaches how to prepare one’s mind and body for spiritual communication. Readers also learn about the many kinds of spirit guides and elemental energies, how to get in touch with them, and how to interpret their messages. Whether you’re seeking to become a professional medium or simply interested in a closer connection to Creator, this fascinating guide to the spirit world can enrich your spiritual life-no matter what your religious background.

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The Earth Child’s Handbook – Book 2: Crafts and inspiration for the spiritual child. (Volume 2)

The Earth Child’s Handbook
written and illustrated by Brigid Ashwood

The Earth Child’s Handbook is a primer, reference, craft and activity book series for families that follow Pagan, Wiccan and Earth Based spiritual paths. Designed to appeal to all age groups (and grown-ups too!), the books address common Pagan beliefs and practices, explaining the principles and traditions behind them.

Each chapter features: Recipes Instructional craft projects Coloring pages, mazes and word searches Color, cut and assemble projects

Younger children will delight in the coloring pages and paper crafts. Older children will find educational fun with word searches, mazes, connect-the-dots and instructional crafts. And parents might find it a lifesaver with easy recipe ideas and inspiration for teaching and building Pagan traditions.

The Earth Child’s Handbook – Book 2 features chapters on the Seasons, the 8 Pagan Sabbats and the Wheel of the Year. Each Sabbat chapter includes facts, traditions, correspondences and information about that holiday as well as recipes, altar decorating ideas, rituals and crafts, coloring pages, mazes and word searches.

Special topics include Seasonal Altars, Solstice Sabbats, Equinox Sabbats, Quarters and Cross Quarters.

Featured activities include cinnamon ornaments, Yule wrapping paper, Brigid’s cross weaving, handmade paper, flower beads necklace, Beltaine masks, prayer flag, magickal broom and much, MUCH more.

Digital Edition available at

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The Earth Child’s Handbook – Book 1: Crafts and inspiration for the spiritual child. (Volume 1)

The Earth Child’s Handbook
written and illustrated by Brigid Ashwood

The Earth Child’s Handbook is a primer, reference, craft and activity book series for families that follow Pagan, Wiccan and Earth Based spiritual paths. Designed to appeal to all age groups (and grown-ups too!), the books address common Pagan belief and practices, explaining the principles and traditions behind them.

Each chapter features:
~ Recipes
~ Instructional craft projects
~ Coloring pages, mazes, connect-the-dots and word searches
~ Color, cut and assemble projects.

Younger children will delight in coloring pages and paper crafts. Older children will find educational fun with word searches, mazes, connect the dots and instructional crafts. And parents might find it a lifesaver with easy recipe ideas and inspiration for teaching and building Pagan traditions.

The Earth Child’s Handbook – Book 1 features chapters on the joy of family and diversity, honoring the earth and the principles of the four elements, the universe and Pagan beliefs regarding the Sun and the Moon, explanation of Deities, an introduction to Magick and Ritual with simple spells and exercises, and a complete “color, cut and assemble” paper altar project.

Topics covered include Shapeshifting, Runes, Book of Shadows, Animal Guides, Chakras, Meditation, Astrological Signs, The Elements, Cycles of the Moon, Magickal Correspondences, Sun Deities, Moon Deities, Triple Goddess and Triple God, The Four Quarters and Casting a Circle.

Featured activities include making a Chakra shirt, rain stick, homemade face paints, herbal infusions, bath salts, a moon phase wheel, moon cake recipe, a complete “color, cut and assemble” paper altar and much, MUCH more.

Digital Edition available at