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Find the Fire: Ignite Your Inspiration–and Make Work Exciting Again

Is the thrill gone? What to do when your mojo’s missing at work . . .

For many employees, feeling burned out and uninspired is nothing new. But going through the motions impairs more than just work performance–it affects your well-being. Wouldn’t it be better to feel as engaged and energized as you were on day one?

Fortunately, everyone has the ability to rekindle inspiration. The key is to quit waiting for it to happen and take control of the process yourself. Whether you’re wrestling with fear, disconnectedness, boredom, lack of creative outlets, overwhelm, or other issues, Find the Fire helps shake off the malaise and dial up the motivation.

Packed with insights, exercises, inspiring stories, checklists, and more, this potent self-help guide identifies nine forces that drain inspiration and delivers tips and advice for turning things around, including how to:

Start learning and growing again – Reconnect with coworkers and your boss – Stop procrastinating – Empower yourself – Stay in control during tough times – Overcome fear and embrace risk – Produce work you’re proud of – Boost your self-confidence and personal presence – Leave your mark – And more

Instead of asking what inspires you, the deeper question is, how did you lose inspiration in the first place? Learn to find it again–and fuel greater fulfillment and success.

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Nutty Bible Quotes – black & white version: Satire on the best selling book of all time, exposing crazy verses you won’t hear in church. Fun and … exciting debate. (Black and white) (Volume 1)

How well do you know the Christian bible?
If you haven’t read it cover to cover, or have been relying on what they tell you in the Christian “Church”, then you are missing a lot. This humorous and informative book will reveal parts of the bible you never knew existed. Here you will find the stories they don’t teach in church, and what religious leaders don’t want you to know. This book is sure to be a conversation starter, and is a great gift for believers and atheists alike.

Are you a BLASPHEMING HERETICAL ATHEIST? Do you want to be?
Nutty Bible Quotes contains fifty absurd and vividly illustrated verses from the bible that will both amuse and horrify. Discover the dark side of the bible in a humorous way and get dazzling insights about the “holy” bible.

This book is satirical and thought provoking. Learning what is really said in the bible and reflecting on what each passage really means is a great way to frame a discussion on atheism and ethics with the people in your life. A discussion of ethics and how we govern our society is exactly the kind of action that leads us to a better place. This book is the tool that you can use to make our world a better place. Use it please.

Join the free atheist community at:

Atheist, Atheism, Bible, Christianity, Humor, Religion, Satire

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Nutty Bible Quotes: Satire on the best selling book of all time, exposing crazy verses you won’t hear in church. Fun and vividly illustrated passages … start an exciting debate. (Volume) (Volume 1)

Bible satire vividly illustrated. In this book you will find verses you never heard of in church. Crazy bible quotes you didn’t thought existed. Nutty Bible Quotes is the book that provides new perspectives and dazzling insights about the “holy” scripture. It contains fifty absurd and vividly illustrated verses from the bible that will amuse and horrify.

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Easy Breezy Miracle: A Fun, Exciting & Simple Guide to Creating a Miraculous Life

What would it be like to experience miracles on a daily basis? EASY BREEZY MIRACLE is here to serve as a guidebook that empowers you to create even more miracles in every area of your life. Combining both scientific & spiritual concepts, EASY BREEZY MIRACLE makes miracles accessible to everyone! Miracles are no longer something we only read about in fairy tales. They are real, and you absolutely deserve to experience an overflow of them. In this book, you will have a new perspective of what miracles really are, and will receive step-by-step guidance that shows you how to become a miracle magnet!