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Hell Divers III: Deliverance: The Hell Divers series, Book 3

They will dive, but will humanity survive?

Left for dead on the nightmarish surface of the planet, commander Michael Everhart and his team of Hell Divers barely escape with their lives aboard a new airship called Deliverance. After learning that Xavier “X” Rodriguez may still be alive, they mount a rescue mission for the long-lost hero.

In the skies, the Hive is falling apart, but Captain Jordan is more determined than ever to keep humanity in their outdated lifeboat. He will do whatever it takes to keep the ship in the air – even commit murder. But when he learns the Hell Divers he exiled have found Deliverance, he changes course for a new mission – find the divers, kill them, and make their new ship his own. 

In the third installment of the USA Today best-selling Hell Divers series, Michael and his fellow divers fight across the mutated landscape in search of X. But what they find will change everything. 

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Lucifer’s Daughter: Princess of Hell, Book 1

It drives my dad nuts I’m such a Goody-Two-Shoes, but the fact that I’m a virgin makes smoke pour from his ears. See, I’m determined to save myself for love, but Daddy dear, more commonly known as Lucifer, just wants me to stop being an embarrassment. Would it kill you to sin a little?

Maybe he’ll get his wish, because I met an intriguing hunk last night in my bar. Could he be the one? He certainly melts my panties like marshmallows over the coals of Hell, but do I dare trust him? My last boyfriend thought he’d gain infamy by killing me. He’s infamous all right. Dad had him mounted on a wall, his version of modern art, titled, “Touch My Baby Girl and Die”.

My love life isn’t the only thing I’ve got to worry about. There’s someone threatening the denizens of Hell, and while my daddy says to not worry my pretty little head about it, I am involved because whoever is behind the attacks keeps coming after me.

Bring it. I’m not afraid.

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Fashionably Hotter Than Hell (Hot Damned)

What does a frustrated Vampyre do when the woman he’s chased for 200 years is still trying to get away? He plays dirty, that’s what.

Welcome to my own personal hell.

Name: Heathcliff. Occupation: Vampyre Warrior – one of the deadliest in the world. I plan. I fight. I win. Always. However, it’s never taken me this damned long to get what I want before.

Only I would be blessed with a Vampyre mate I’d have to chase for two centuries. The chemistry between us is steamy, and the sex is sizzling, but I want more – I want it all. Now, just as I’m finally wearing Raquel down, I find I have competition, not for my mate’s hand but for her very existence.

Raquel may run and she may hide, but she is mine, and I will no longer take no for an answer. Whatever is in the way between us doesn’t matter. We were made for each other. Nothing anyone can do will change that simple fact…except maybe the Trolls…or the Wraiths…or the reclusive, insane Vampyre sister of my King who wants to drink my mate dry for reasons no one will freakin’ explain to me.

Damn it, I thought the chase was difficult…keeping Raquel alive might prove to be my undoing.

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Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell: A Cosmere Novella

When the familiar and seemingly safe turns lethal, therein danger lies. Amid a forest where the shades of the dead linger all around, every homesteader knows to follow the Simple Rules: “Don’t kindle flame, don’t shed the blood of another, don’t run at night. These things draw shades.” Silence Montane has broken all three rules on more than one occasion. And to protect her family from a murderous gang with high bounties on their heads, Silence will break every rule again, at the risk of becoming a shade herself.

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Still Foolin’ ‘Em: Where I’ve Been, Where I’m Going, and Where the Hell Are My Keys?

Hilarious and heartfelt observations on aging from one of America’s favorite comedians now that he’s 65, and a look back at a remarkable career


Billy Crystal is 65, and he’s not happy about it. With his trademark wit and heart, he outlines the absurdities and challenges that come with growing old, from insomnia to memory loss to leaving dinners with half your meal on your shirt. In humorous chapters like “Buying the Plot” and “Nodding Off,” Crystal not only catalogues his physical gripes, but offers a road map to his 77 million fellow baby boomers who are arriving at this milestone age with him. He also looks back at the most powerful and memorable moments of his long and storied life, from entertaining his relatives as a kid in Long Beach, Long Island, his years doing stand-up in the Village, up through his legendary stint at Saturday Night Live, When Harry Met Sally, and his long run as host of the Academy Awards. Readers get a front-row seat to his one-day career with the New York Yankees (he was the first player to ever “test positive for Maalox”), his love affair with Sophia Loren, and his enduring friendships with several of his idols, including Mickey Mantle and Muhammad Ali. He lends a light touch to more serious topics like religion (“the aging friends I know have turned to the Holy Trinity: Advil, bourbon, and Prozac”), grandparenting, and, of course, dentistry. As wise and poignant as they are funny, Crystal’s reflections are an unforgettable look at an extraordinary life well lived.

Includes a portion recorded in front of a live studio audience