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Fashionably Hotter Than Hell (Hot Damned)

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What does a frustrated Vampyre do when the woman he’s chased for 200 years is still trying to get away? He plays dirty, that’s what.

Welcome to my own personal hell.

Name: Heathcliff. Occupation: Vampyre Warrior – one of the deadliest in the world. I plan. I fight. I win. Always. However, it’s never taken me this damned long to get what I want before.

Only I would be blessed with a Vampyre mate I’d have to chase for two centuries. The chemistry between us is steamy, and the sex is sizzling, but I want more – I want it all. Now, just as I’m finally wearing Raquel down, I find I have competition, not for my mate’s hand but for her very existence.

Raquel may run and she may hide, but she is mine, and I will no longer take no for an answer. Whatever is in the way between us doesn’t matter. We were made for each other. Nothing anyone can do will change that simple fact…except maybe the Trolls…or the Wraiths…or the reclusive, insane Vampyre sister of my King who wants to drink my mate dry for reasons no one will freakin’ explain to me.

Damn it, I thought the chase was difficult…keeping Raquel alive might prove to be my undoing.

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3 thoughts on “Fashionably Hotter Than Hell (Hot Damned)

  1. This made my week! Well. Robyn Peterman never disappoints. several times I thought ‘Oh, it’s resolved.’ – Wrong! Until the end (for now)Thoroughly enjoyable, as long as you don’t mind a little irreverence. But if you did, wouldn’t have read the earlier ones, hmmmm? Thanks again RPZ!

  2. Vampires and Angels, Oh My!! Demons and Wraiths and Trolls , OH MY!!! 5 Candi Kisses 

  3. LOVED IT With every one of these books I’m amazed at the author’s wonderful imagination. These books are funny, exciting, sexy and just all around love able. If you are a fan of the Hot Damned Series you want to read this book. If you are just a fan of an all around good book than you want to read this book. The cuss words she comes up with are freaking awesome

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