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18 Fields of Productivity For Entrepreneurs and Professionals: Focus, Motivation, Organization, Habit Building, Time Management, Efficiency, Apps, … Humanity, Delegation, Outsourcing & More

This book will help you become more productive and professional starting today and for the rest of your life. This book is a collection of 18 productivity subfields that will help you accomplish more in your daily work and in your life’s work by helping you focus on what’s most important, and say no to the things that are not important. Here are some of the productivity fields covered in this book: – How to improve focus – How to get intrinsic and extrinsic motivation – How to boost organization by organizing your desk and work area – Habit Building – learn to form healthy habits that replace damaging habits – Time Management – Business process optimization – Marketing optimization – Efficiency – Productivity apps and software – Psychology and mindset – Goal setting – How to decrease procrastination – How to boost meeting productivity – How to uncover your life purpose and set your life on the path that is right for you – Mindfulness – Humanity – Delegation, outsourcing – More

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The Book of Children: Supporting the Freedom and Intelligence of a New Generation (Foundations of a New Humanity)

“Look into the eyes of a child—you cannot find anything deeper. The eyes of a child are an abyss, there is no bottom to them.”


Children have an authentic freedom. They are joyful, playful, and naturally creative. But by the time they grow up, most children have been sacrificed to the gods of “productivity” and good behavior to the extent that only nostalgia for childhood remains. Osho says, “It is the child’s experience that haunts intelligent people their whole life. They want it again—the same innocence, the same wonder, the same beauty.” And while each adult generation may vow, with the best of intentions, not to repeat the mistakes of the past, they inevitably find themselves imposing their own inherited limitations on new generations to come.

This book calls for a “children’s liberation movement” to break through old patterns and create opportunities for an entirely new way of relating as human beings. It is a guide for grown-ups to become aware of their own conditioning as they relate to the children in their lives. And, with that awareness, to learn when to nurture and protect and when to get out of the way, so that children can flower into their highest potential and greatest capacity for joy.