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20 Principles of Productivity: Focus, Motivation, Organization, Habit Building, Time Management, Apps, Psychology, Goal Setting, Procrastination & More

This book will help you become more productive and professional starting today and for the rest of your life. Boosting your overall productivity will help you get more done in your business or any job regardless of which career you choose. This book is a collection of 20 productivity principles that will help you accomplish more in your daily minute to minute work, and in your life’s work by helping you set your life’s work on a path better suited for you as the individual. This book will help you identify the what’s most important for you, focus on those things, and say no to the things that are not important. Here are some of the productivity fields covered in this book: – Productivity fundamentals – Improving your focus – Self-discipline – Habit building: learn to form healthy work habits that replace damaging or bad habits – Productivity smartphone apps and desktop software – Minimizing distractions from your phone, co-workers, and browser tabs – Organization (how to improve organization of your desk and work area) – Task and project outsourcing – Task delegation – Business process optimization – Marketing optimization and automation – Work efficiency – Faster learning with coaching and masterminds – Planning projects ahead – Overall health maintenance for productivity – Improving your memory and cognitive ability. Memory is underrated in how closely it is related to ability to learn faster and intelligence – Time management, keeping a calendar and a schedule – Task and project prioritization – Self-awareness to make wiser choices – Practicing Mindfulness meditation to reinforce your self-awareness so you can choose projects and life goals more wisely after working on getting to know yourself better – Psychology and mindset to boost everything from focus to motivation to having more clarity when it comes to greater goal setting for your life – How to uncover your life purpose and set your life on the path that is right for you – Goal setting: short-term goal setting and long-term goal setting for your life projects – Reversing and decreasing procrastination by recognizing that procrastination is often a habit that we have to replace with a better habit – Boosting motivation (how to get short-term intrinsic and long-term extrinsic motivation) – Productive market testing for products and business ideas – Meeting productivity This book will help you become more productive today and for the rest of your career. No matter which career you choose, whether you want to start a business or be a productive and highly effective employee who shoots up through the ranks at your company, this book will give you all the tools to help you stand out, and do your best work. There are more than 20 principles of productivity in this book. I often add to the book. In the most recent edition of the book, I added a chapter on memory management and improving your memory. Memory has to do with intelligence and our cognitive abilities and has an impact on our overall productivity. I’ll be constantly working to add even more productivity strategies to this book on an ongoing basis. If you have the Kindle version of the book, your Kindle copy of the book will update automatically as the book is updated. Get this book today, and begin making yourself much more effective at everything you do, getting more done.

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Affirmation | The 500 Most Powerful Affirmations for Abusive Habits: Includes Life Changing Affirmations for Quit Smoking, Alcoholism, Addiction, Habits & Anger Management

Audio Version is Now Available with Audible!

Exclusive Offer — Includes Free Bonus of Best Selling Book: Conscious Visualization — 5 Simple Steps to Condition Your Mind to Create the Life of Your Dreams

You will not achieve fulfillment and happiness until YOU become the architect of your own reality. Imagine that with a few moments each day, you could begin the powerful transformation toward complete control of your own life and well being through positive affirmation. Because you can.

You will be able to release all fear and doubt simply because you know that you can. Utilize this simple, proven technique to regain the lost comforts of joy, love, and fulfillment in your life.

You have the ability to unlock your full inner-potential and achieve your ultimate goals. This is the age-old secret of the financial elite, world class scholars, and Olympic champions. For example, when you watch the Olympics, you’ll find one consistency in all of the champions. Each one closes their eyes for a moment and clearly affirms & visualizes themselves completing the event flawlessly just before starting. Then they win gold medals and become champions. That’s merely one example of how the real power of affirmation can elevate you above any of life’s challenges.

Life is too short to be exhausted on thousands of everyday anxieties and fears. Sadly, the average person will get to the end of their life and realize that more than half of it was spent struggling with these kind of problems. Because they didn’t know what to do, many of these people never found any satisfaction in life. You can and will become bigger than those struggles by enhancing the energy that already flows within you.

Too often people are held hostage and limited by a cycle of negative thinking and pessimism. This kind of thinking creates a streak of what many choose to call, “bad luck”. I have good news for you. There is no such thing as “bad luck”. This phenomenon is merely a cycle of negative affirmation that must be broken and mended with a fresh regimen of positive affirmation and vision. By repeating and remembering these affirmations in times of difficulty, we transform our rigid affirmations of defeat and intimidation into warm, confident manifestations of the world as we choose it to be.

Get what you want and desire from the world like millions of others around the globe using affirmations. You already possess the power to assert your own perceptions and transform your thoughts and desires into reality. By using positive affirmations daily, you will unlock that natural potential inside of you.

If you want to see positive change now, you’ll find the quickest path to fulfillment with positive affirmation and visualization. There is no time to spend on loss, negativity, and defeat when you can be achieving tangible, historically proven results with minimum time and effort invested.

There is no limit to changes that can be made through the power of creating truth with affirmation…

Read This Book To Change Your Life Today!

Also available in Audiobook & Ebook Format

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The Inspiration That Lies Within…: Success Management & Planning

This book is intended to reach its readers with a message that encourages a lifestyle, which embraces success as an experience. As you read, you will feel a spark of motivation, but once you finish, it’s guaranteed you would have ignited a flame of inspiration to seek your highest level of success!

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Affirmation | The 100 Most Powerful Affirmations for Anger Management – Including 2 Positive & Affirmative Action Bonus Books on Discipline & Happiness, Also Included Conscious Visualization

Audio Version is Now Available with Audible!

Exclusive Offer — Today Includes 2 Amazing Bonus Books: The 100 Most Powerful Affirmations for Discipline & The 100 Most Powerful Affirmations for Happiness

You will not achieve fulfillment and happiness until YOU become the architect of your own reality. Imagine that with a few moments each day, you could begin the powerful transformation toward complete control of your own life and well being through positive affirmation. Because you can.

You will be able to release all fear and doubt simply because you know that you can. Utilize this simple, proven technique to regain the lost comforts of joy, love, and fulfillment in your life.

You have the ability to unlock your full inner-potential and achieve your ultimate goals. This is the age-old secret of the financial elite, world class scholars, and Olympic champions. For example, when you watch the Olympics, you’ll find one consistency in all of the champions. Each one closes their eyes for a moment and clearly affirms & visualizes themselves completing the event flawlessly just before starting. Then they win gold medals and become champions. That’s merely one example of how the real power of affirmation can elevate you above any of life’s challenges.

Life is too short to be exhausted on thousands of everyday anxieties and fears. Sadly, the average person will get to the end of their life and realize that more than half of it was spent struggling with these kind of problems. Because they didn’t know what to do, many of these people never found any satisfaction in life. You can and will become bigger than those struggles by enhancing the energy that already flows within you.

Too often people are held hostage and limited by a cycle of negative thinking and pessimism. This kind of thinking creates a streak of what many choose to call, “bad luck”. I have good news for you. There is no such thing as “bad luck”. This phenomenon is merely a cycle of negative affirmation that must be broken and mended with a fresh regimen of positive affirmation and vision. By repeating and remembering these affirmations in times of difficulty, we transform our rigid affirmations of defeat and intimidation into warm, confident manifestations of the world as we choose it to be.

Get what you want and desire from the world like millions of others around the globe using affirmations. You already possess the power to assert your own perceptions and transform your thoughts and desires into reality. By using positive affirmations daily, you will unlock that natural potential inside of you.

If you want to see positive change now, you’ll find the quickest path to fulfillment with positive affirmation and visualization. There is no time to spend on loss, negativity, and defeat when you can be achieving tangible, historically proven results with minimum time and effort invested.

There is no limit to changes that can be made through the power of creating truth with affirmation…

Read This Book To Change Your Life Today!

Also available in Audiobook & Ebook Format

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Time Management: How to Find the Time and Motivation to be Productive and Get Things Done

Many people hide behind the theory of creative chaos and how it leads to great achievements. But if you care enough to research the theory, you will find out that it doesn’t apply to your everyday life. It applies to a universal structure of a pattern much greater than what your mind can perceive and imagine, so what seems like a disorganized and chaotic pattern now, is actually a great plan that will unfold sometime in the future. This book “Time Management” will provide you with advice, tools and methods to utilize your time best and thereby live your life to the fullest extent! It will provide you valuable information on: Time Management techniques The Power of Time Blocking Spending Time with Friends Learning How to Prioritize Achieving a Flexible Work Schedule And much, much more!! Don’t let your life pass you by only to catch you regretting the lost time in your winter years. Be the master of your time. This book will help you increase productivity, save time, and organize your life so that you can do the things that YOU want to do instead of what other people want you to do!! Time Management is an informative book that will give wings to the imagination and help reach your goals!!

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18 Fields of Productivity For Entrepreneurs and Professionals: Focus, Motivation, Organization, Habit Building, Time Management, Efficiency, Apps, … Humanity, Delegation, Outsourcing & More

This book will help you become more productive and professional starting today and for the rest of your life. This book is a collection of 18 productivity subfields that will help you accomplish more in your daily work and in your life’s work by helping you focus on what’s most important, and say no to the things that are not important. Here are some of the productivity fields covered in this book: – How to improve focus – How to get intrinsic and extrinsic motivation – How to boost organization by organizing your desk and work area – Habit Building – learn to form healthy habits that replace damaging habits – Time Management – Business process optimization – Marketing optimization – Efficiency – Productivity apps and software – Psychology and mindset – Goal setting – How to decrease procrastination – How to boost meeting productivity – How to uncover your life purpose and set your life on the path that is right for you – Mindfulness – Humanity – Delegation, outsourcing – More

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Productivity: 2 Manuscripts – Confidence An Ex-SPY’s Guide, Self-Discipline An Ex-SPY’s Guide (Time Management, Anti-Procrastination, Motivation, … Mindset) (Spy Self-Help) (Volume 3)

Imagine how different your life would be if you knew a way to hack your daily habits to become a highly self-disciplined and productive person.

James Daugherty is an intelligence expert & former CIA Spy who specializes in all forms of human behavior. There are many unique skills required for the job, but there is one thing that makes everything else tick, productivity. A spy would be worthless without high output.

Productivity: An Ex-SPY’s guide is designed to help you with just that. It is a combination of the following two books to help you with productivity, anti-procrastination and time management techniques for success and the confidence to put them into play.

(Confidence: An Ex-SPY’S guide to build unwavering confidence & override social anxiety to win in any situation)

In this eye-opening & engaging book, Daugherty gives readers a firsthand look into the trials & tribulations he dealt with in the field as a CIA operative & no nonsense guide revealing how to:

Build general overriding confidence (that lasts).Step by step strategies to overcome limiting beliefs.Prepping for important ‘missions’ (interviews, meetings, dates) you have prior warning for.Positive visualisation techniquesBreakdown on the OODA loop process to efficiently deal with stressful situationsSpy tactics to deal with social anxiety on the fly.

Confidence is a mixture of fascinating anecdotes combined with the scientific rationale to back up the author’s advice. The clever confidence tricks described will help you in all areas of life from professional career, relationships and ultimately your future success.

(Self Discipline: An EX-Spy’s guide to hack your daily habits to build unshakeable Self-Control, laser sharp focus, extreme productivity & eliminate procrastination without the need for willpower)

In this insightful and functional book, Daugherty gives readers a firsthand look into the trials & tribulations he dealt with in the field as a CIA operative & no nonsense guide revealing how to:

Understand the basic cognitive principles on how the brain actually worksThe nature of a ‘habit loop’ Why it’s critical to identify bad habits & replace them with better onesTactics to help you naturally cultivate a self-disciplined mindsetStrategies to help with delaying gratification & preventing procrastinationDay-to-Day habits of a spy to develop extreme productivityImplementing ‘Habit Pyramiding’ for exponential progressCIA Fitness Training Principles for fast results

… and much more.

An Ex-Spy’s guide to Self-Discipline is a mixture of methodical methods combined with the scientific rationale to back up the author’s advice. The clever self-discipline and habit tricks described will help you in all areas of life from health & fitness, career, relationships and everything in between.

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Weekly Planner: Grey Quote Cover | Best Weekly Calendar and Motivational Journal to Increase Productivity, Time Management & Happiness | Paperback 6 x 9″ | Non Dated- 52 Weeks With Quotes

A beautiful but simple designIncludes: 52 Undated Weeks for you to start at any point in the yearFields include Weekly goals, A reflection section, Daily Focus, Personal & Work To Do List, Urgent, Don’t Forget & Tasks, Notes SectionWeekly motivational quotesThe pages open up to display the weekly planner full sizeTake a look at our other products and cover designs available to meet your needs. 

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Stress & Anxiety Relief: 20+ Natural Remedies, Herbs & Stress Management Techniques to Calm Your Anxious Mind (Fear, Depression, Self Help, Confidence, Self Esteem)

20+ Natural Remedies, Herbs & Stress Management Techniques to Calm Your Anxious Mind

Have you ever felt like you are teetering on the brink of something truly horrible? You’re suffering from a strange gripping feeling in your chest, heart palpitations, intense fear and worry, and you regularly find yourself shaking like a leaf. Perhaps even you’ve begun to notice worrying and upsetting health problems creeping up on you, like excess hair loss, unsightly skin conditions, and IBS. And the worst thing is, no matter how utterly exhausted you feel, there are nights when you simply can’t drop off to sleep.

Rewind a couple of years ago or so, and that was exactly me. I’d spent too many nights burning the candle at both ends, sacrificing my own needs, pushing myself too vigorously in an attempt to get ahead of the crowd – but all it ended up doing was driving me towards utter stress and exhaustion.

But luckily, I found a way through before my entire world crashed around my shoulders, and you will too. I discovered some amazing techniques to manage my stress, I supercharged my lifestyle, and I uncovered some wonderful natural remedies that helped me to get exactly where I am today: happy, healthy and stress-free.

And you can get there too, no matter how bad things feel right now.

In the pages of this book, you’ll discover the right way to manage your stress levels to prevent them from reaching epic proportions (and it doesn’t involve making sacrifices either), you’ll learn the secret ninja tricks that will eliminate stress when you want instant results, and you will discover the amazing herbs, supplements and essential oils that will have you feeling amazing once again. And best of all, you’ll dive right into the psychology and biology of how you are feeling to get to the true root of the problem to make you stronger and happier.

Here are just some of the things you will learn from this book:

• The (often silent) symptoms of stress and how to spot them

• The amazing stress-responses inside your body

• Why the modern diet could be to blame for your stress

• How you can harness the power of your mind to overcome stress

• Why your personality isn’t to blame for your anxiety

• How you can eat yourself better using fresh and natural foods

• Tricks and tips to help manage your stress

• Which supplements will help eliminate your stress quickly

And so much more…

You see, there’s simply no need sacrifice your life to stress.

Grab your copy of this book today to learn how to overcome stress and anxiety for good!