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Indigo Dreams: Relaxation and Stress Management Bedtime Stories for Children, Improve Sleep, Manage Stress and Anxiety (Indigo Dreams)

Indigo Dreams is a 60 minute CD/audio book designed to entertain your child while introducing them to 4 research-based, stress management techniques. Four unique bedtime stories incorporate diaphragmatic breathing, visualizations, progressive muscular relaxation, and affirmations (positive statements). These are the same techniques recommended for adults but presented in a fun, interactive format that appeal to children. Children follow the characters along as they learn belly breathing with A Boy and a Bear, make positive statements with The Affirmation Web, visualize with A Boy and a Turtle, and use progressive muscular relaxation with The Goodnight Caterpillar. All four of these stories are also available in book format. Indigo Dreams shorter stories are perfect for shorter attention spans and beginners. The stories are best suited for ages 4-9. These proven techniques encourage wellness and provide tools for children who suffer from anxiety, stress, trauma, hyperactivity, anger, sleep issues, and lack of confidence. The female narration is accompanied by soothing sounds of crickets, gentle breezes, and forest animals. An additional music sound track is included to further enhance your child’s relaxation experience.

The Relaxation Techniques found in these stories can help children:

* Decrease phobias, fears, night terrors, worries
* Deal with changes, transitions (divorce, death, relocating, family member in military, having a sibling with special needs, health challenges)
* Fall asleep peacefully and quickly * Have a more restful sleep
* Decrease moodiness, irritability * Increase creativity
* Increase positive attitude * Increase social skills
* Increase self-belief * Increase test scores
* Have greater attendance * Visit doctor less
* Manage pain during and after medical procedures and treatments
* Manage anxiety associated with hospital stays and treatments
* Sleep better when traveling, time changes, hotels, airplanes
* Self-soothe * Increase ability to focus and concentrate
* Recover from PTSD, Abuse, Neglect, Trauma * Decrease anger
* Mental Health Challenges, Depression, Bi-Polar, Anxiety Disorders
* Special Needs, Autism, Asperger, OCD, ADD, ADHD, SPD

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Effective Life Skills — Complete Body & Mind Relaxation, Full Version, Audio Cassette TAPE, (Progressive Muscle Relaxation for Stress Management & Reduction) (Relaxation & Stress Management/Reduction)

This progressive relaxation recording is ideal for creating the deepest possible physical relaxation that releases and discharges all traces of stress and tension from your entire body, and then clears & calms your mind. It works so effectively by systematically tensing & relaxing each of the major muscle groups and areas of your body, beginning at the tips of your toes, and slowly & sequentially moving up through each area, until reaching the very top of your head. With practice, this process will retrain your brain to recognize whenever any part of you is carrying stress or tension, and allow you to rapidly release it. Therefore, this technique becomes a powerful aid to you in preventing the build-up of stress and tension in your body & mind, in repairing & preventing the damage of accumulation of tension and stress, and creating a more relaxed physical and mental state as your “new baseline”, becoming your normal way of living & coping. This relaxation state enhances your immune system, reduces the negative impact of stressors on your body (including health problems), strengthens your ability to respond in a beneficial & constructive way to life’s challenges, stresses, physical & emotional demands — all because your body & mind’s resources are no longer being drained by chronic and/or intense stress or tension. Even if you feel that you have never been able to completely relax, you will find that you can relax more & more deeply with this than ever before. IMPORTANT NOTE: The progressive relaxation technique is like a “mini workout” of stretching, strengthening, and tension-releasing resistance exercises for your muscle groups. The process requires your active participation, both physically & mentally, in an interactive guided program of stress/tension release & deep relaxation. ALSO, there are two different versions: BRIEF (approx. 25- 30 minutes); and FULL (approx. 50-60 minutes). Cassette tapes are specially made when ordered to ensure quality of recording.