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Productivity: 2 Manuscripts – Confidence An Ex-SPY’s Guide, Self-Discipline An Ex-SPY’s Guide (Time Management, Anti-Procrastination, Motivation, … Mindset) (Spy Self-Help) (Volume 3)

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Imagine how different your life would be if you knew a way to hack your daily habits to become a highly self-disciplined and productive person.

James Daugherty is an intelligence expert & former CIA Spy who specializes in all forms of human behavior. There are many unique skills required for the job, but there is one thing that makes everything else tick, productivity. A spy would be worthless without high output.

Productivity: An Ex-SPY’s guide is designed to help you with just that. It is a combination of the following two books to help you with productivity, anti-procrastination and time management techniques for success and the confidence to put them into play.

(Confidence: An Ex-SPY’S guide to build unwavering confidence & override social anxiety to win in any situation)

In this eye-opening & engaging book, Daugherty gives readers a firsthand look into the trials & tribulations he dealt with in the field as a CIA operative & no nonsense guide revealing how to:

Build general overriding confidence (that lasts).Step by step strategies to overcome limiting beliefs.Prepping for important ‘missions’ (interviews, meetings, dates) you have prior warning for.Positive visualisation techniquesBreakdown on the OODA loop process to efficiently deal with stressful situationsSpy tactics to deal with social anxiety on the fly.

Confidence is a mixture of fascinating anecdotes combined with the scientific rationale to back up the author’s advice. The clever confidence tricks described will help you in all areas of life from professional career, relationships and ultimately your future success.

(Self Discipline: An EX-Spy’s guide to hack your daily habits to build unshakeable Self-Control, laser sharp focus, extreme productivity & eliminate procrastination without the need for willpower)

In this insightful and functional book, Daugherty gives readers a firsthand look into the trials & tribulations he dealt with in the field as a CIA operative & no nonsense guide revealing how to:

Understand the basic cognitive principles on how the brain actually worksThe nature of a ‘habit loop’ Why it’s critical to identify bad habits & replace them with better onesTactics to help you naturally cultivate a self-disciplined mindsetStrategies to help with delaying gratification & preventing procrastinationDay-to-Day habits of a spy to develop extreme productivityImplementing ‘Habit Pyramiding’ for exponential progressCIA Fitness Training Principles for fast results

… and much more.

An Ex-Spy’s guide to Self-Discipline is a mixture of methodical methods combined with the scientific rationale to back up the author’s advice. The clever self-discipline and habit tricks described will help you in all areas of life from health & fitness, career, relationships and everything in between.

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3 thoughts on “Productivity: 2 Manuscripts – Confidence An Ex-SPY’s Guide, Self-Discipline An Ex-SPY’s Guide (Time Management, Anti-Procrastination, Motivation, … Mindset) (Spy Self-Help) (Volume 3)

  1. This book provided several tips on how to gain such confidence and self-discipline and they’re pretty effective. Been following I was just gonna buy the self-discipline book but when I found out that there’s a box set, I got this one instead. I believe that both self-discipline and confidence are important traits one must have and sometimes, I lack both or either of them. This book provided several tips on how to gain such confidence and self-discipline and they’re pretty effective. Been following them ever since i got this bundle and I’ve never been this satisfied wil myself.

  2. inspiring productivity is the one thing that separates the winner from the losers. the productive person wins and the unproductive person loses. This book expands on the nuggets that can translate one from a loser to a winner, from an unproductive individual to a highly productive one. Encapsulated in the book is the basics for developing confidence in everyday life, preparing for important occasions – dates, interviews, meetings and more,and then the tricks to override social anxiety in stressful…

  3. An awesome book This book guide us in all ways. Very well written and easy to understand. This book explains so well the steps that you need to follow for being more productive, are simple things that we know but we don’t apply in our daily life. An inspiring view to a change in lifestyle based on well known philosophical and empirical principles. This book showed me that most of what we need for a change in life can be drawn from what great thinkers taught us through different fields of human knowledge.I…

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