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A Manual of Self-Help and Self-Empowerment for the 21st Century.: From the Esoteric Perspective.

This book is written on the subject of self-empowerment and fulfillment for those people who want to improve themselves and who value freedom and authenticity more than any other principles.

The book is unique in that firstly, it is written from personal experience; and secondly, it is also written from the esoteric perspective.

The key element of this book revolves around payment—in life, we must pay for all we get. We must pay for all that is real and authentic. Should we desire freedom and authenticity in our lives, then we must be prepared to pay the price.

This may sound somewhat harsh to some, but it is a universal rule and principle. And if we understand it and take it onboard, things quickly fall into place in terms of action and efforts.

The idea involves efforts and sacrifice. Sometimes we have to sacrifice certain things in our lives in order to gain those things important to us.

We can all understand this in relation to an Olympic athelete who sacrifices much time and energy in pursuit of Olympic gold, but we seem to be unable to apply this same principle to ourselves and our life.

Should we desire maximum freedom and self-empowerment in our life, this working manual will be a definitive aid to many, so long as this basic concept is understood and used unreservedly.

This volume has been written in a lucid and clear style, avoiding the pitfalls of an academic work or pseudointellectualism. Remember the old adage, “The intellectual is the enemy of authentic knowledge and wisdom.”

This volume has many valuable sections to aid the individual quest for freedom, authenticity, and self-empowerment.

Here are just a few of the chapters listed below for your reference:

—Man’s True Inner Psychology.
—Filters in the Psyche of Man
—Addressing Personal Deficiencies
—Working on Personal Deficiencies
—Taking Back One’s Power
—Cleansing the Emotional Centre
—Fulfillment/Meaning in Life
—Finding One’s Gift
—Confidence and Self-Esteem

This manual is written in a frank and definitive style, giving particular attention to the psychology of the self and methods useful for viewings one’s potential. This is achieved in essence via the introduction of esoteric knowledge on the subject—a powerful modality that enables one to reassess how we function as human beings and how we can develop new qualities or abilities, confidence and self-esteem, a higher cognitive ability, a new perspective on life, and how to reeducate ourselves about what really matters—exiting the herd mentality and creating a wellspring of self-empowerment and authenticity in our lives.

This material is not an academic work; it is a manual designed to be studied and then used in a practical fashion.

It does not give indications or advice that one cannot implement in a practical way. A combination of personal experience and useful esoteric wisdom creates a powerful and dynamic crucible of ideas and concepts, from which one may distill new meaning and purpose for oneself. This volume is exciting because it has been compiled by a person who has used these same principles and ideas in everyday life, with great success. With this material, we can make life our canvas!

“Teach me how to trust my heart, my mind, my intuition; my inner knowing, the senses of my body, the blessings of my spirit.

Teach me to trust these things so that I may enter my sacred space and love beyond my fear, and thus walk in balance with the passing of each glorious Sun” (Lakota Indian prayer, internet quote).

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The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook: Your Self-Treatment Guide for Pain Relief (A New Harbinger Self-Help Workbook)

Trigger point therapy is one of the fastest-growing and most effective pain therapies in the world. Medical doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists, and massage therapists are all beginning to use this technique to relieve patients’ formerly undiagnosable muscle and joint pain, both conditions that studies have shown to be the cause of nearly 25 percent of all doctor visits.

This book addresses the problem of myofascial trigger points—tiny contraction knots that develop in a muscle when it is injured or overworked. Restricted circulation and lack of oxygen in these points cause referred pain. Massage of the trigger is the safest, most natural, and most effective form of pain therapy. Trigger points create pain throughout the body in predictable patterns characteristic to each muscle, producing discomfort ranging from mild to severe. Trigger point massage increases circulation and oxygenation in the area and often produces instant relief.

The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook, Third Edition, has made a huge impact among health professionals and the public alike, becoming an overnight classic in the field of pain relief. This edition includes a new chapter by the now deceased author, Clair Davies’ daughter, Amber Davies, who is passionate about continuing her father’s legacy. The new edition also includes postural assessments and muscle tests, an illustrated index of symptoms, and clinical technique drawings and descriptions to assist both practitioners and regular readers in assessing and treating trigger points.

If you have ever suffered from, or have treated someone who suffers from myofascial trigger point pain, this is a must-have book.

Product Features

  • New Harbinger Publications
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Og Mandino’s University of Success: The Greatest Self-Help Author in the World Presents the Ultimate Success Book

The greatest success authorities in the world share their most treasured success secrets.
Each powerful lesson will bring you closer to your life’s goals: • How to conquer the ten most common causes of failure • How to make the most of your abilities • How to find the courage to take risks • How to stop putting things off • How to build your financial nest egg • How to look like a winner • How to take charge of your life • And much more in fifty memorable presentations by the greatest success authorities.
Dean of this unique University of Success is Og Mandino, the most acclaimed self-help writer of this generation. The faculty he has assembled includes such celebrities as Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, Dale Carnegie, W. Clement Stone, Napoleon Hill, George S. Clason, Nena and George O’Neil, Dr. Joyce Brothers, Michael Korda, Lord Beaverbrook, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, and many more winners in life.

Product Features

  • Og Mandino’s University of Success
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Productivity: 2 Manuscripts – Confidence An Ex-SPY’s Guide, Self-Discipline An Ex-SPY’s Guide (Time Management, Anti-Procrastination, Motivation, … Mindset) (Spy Self-Help) (Volume 3)

Imagine how different your life would be if you knew a way to hack your daily habits to become a highly self-disciplined and productive person.

James Daugherty is an intelligence expert & former CIA Spy who specializes in all forms of human behavior. There are many unique skills required for the job, but there is one thing that makes everything else tick, productivity. A spy would be worthless without high output.

Productivity: An Ex-SPY’s guide is designed to help you with just that. It is a combination of the following two books to help you with productivity, anti-procrastination and time management techniques for success and the confidence to put them into play.

(Confidence: An Ex-SPY’S guide to build unwavering confidence & override social anxiety to win in any situation)

In this eye-opening & engaging book, Daugherty gives readers a firsthand look into the trials & tribulations he dealt with in the field as a CIA operative & no nonsense guide revealing how to:

Build general overriding confidence (that lasts).Step by step strategies to overcome limiting beliefs.Prepping for important ‘missions’ (interviews, meetings, dates) you have prior warning for.Positive visualisation techniquesBreakdown on the OODA loop process to efficiently deal with stressful situationsSpy tactics to deal with social anxiety on the fly.

Confidence is a mixture of fascinating anecdotes combined with the scientific rationale to back up the author’s advice. The clever confidence tricks described will help you in all areas of life from professional career, relationships and ultimately your future success.

(Self Discipline: An EX-Spy’s guide to hack your daily habits to build unshakeable Self-Control, laser sharp focus, extreme productivity & eliminate procrastination without the need for willpower)

In this insightful and functional book, Daugherty gives readers a firsthand look into the trials & tribulations he dealt with in the field as a CIA operative & no nonsense guide revealing how to:

Understand the basic cognitive principles on how the brain actually worksThe nature of a ‘habit loop’ Why it’s critical to identify bad habits & replace them with better onesTactics to help you naturally cultivate a self-disciplined mindsetStrategies to help with delaying gratification & preventing procrastinationDay-to-Day habits of a spy to develop extreme productivityImplementing ‘Habit Pyramiding’ for exponential progressCIA Fitness Training Principles for fast results

… and much more.

An Ex-Spy’s guide to Self-Discipline is a mixture of methodical methods combined with the scientific rationale to back up the author’s advice. The clever self-discipline and habit tricks described will help you in all areas of life from health & fitness, career, relationships and everything in between.

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How to Change your Life in the next 15 minutes (Self-Help 101)

Bonus: Free Affirmations Audio MP3 download inside the book An action-oriented self-help book! Ever wondered why that ugly, talentless acquaintance is so successful? Or why that no-good-for-any-job neighbor earns more than you do? Here you are trying to do everything you possibly can, and you aren’t moving even an inch towards your goals. And you feel frustrated that others are able to reach their dreams so easily. Why? Its all due to Self Belief. Self Belief is the only common denominator between all successful people. Your Self Belief has a deep connection with your Thoughts and Actions. This book will finally unravel why you have been struggling. This book will strengthen your Self Belief by first strengthening your thoughts and actions. Here what will be unveiled: Introduction: Self-Belief allows you to predict the future SECTION I: Thoughts that strengthen Belief Chapter 1: We think only twice in a year I didn’t make the above claim. It was made by one of the greatest thinkers of yesteryears. George Bernard Shaw. Why? This chapter will tell you. Chapter 2: Thinking is Praying Countless times you have prayed for something, and it didn’t materialize. Be honest. Did you really felt deep down that it wasn’t going to happen? Did you know that you are praying each minute of your life without knowing it? God is always providing you with exactly what you are praying for. Stop getting in your own way of success. Be kind to yourself and learn why you hold yourself back. Chapter 3: Asking Hard Questions We can walk up to anyone and tell ’em how to get thin, save more money, have better relations. Question is, why don’t we follow our own advice? SECTION II: Actions that strengthen belief Chapter 1: Why the Law of Attraction will never work for you? So you think Law of Attraction is either awesomeness or a scam? This chapter will tell you of a more powerful law than the law of attraction. And surprisingly, its hidden within those very words. Chapter 2: Taking tough actions Whose dream are you living? Yours? Your spouse’s? Your boss’? Your kid’s? Its time to live your own dream. Whether it’s a New Year’s Resolution or a list of chores, you need to take action. Chapter 3: Why its critical to succeed just today? Forget long term goals. Your mind simply isn’t programmed to think about what you will be 5 years from now. This critical piece is missing from most goal-setting exercises. You will be a success tomorrow only if you just do everything right only for today. “Just do it only for today. We will think about tomorrow, tomorrow.” BONUS SECTION: How do I use this information to change my life in the next fifteen minutes Unlike most other self-help books, you will get to know exactly what you need to do in the next 15 minutes after completing this book. As easy as following Step 1…Step 2…Step 3… etc. Please scroll up and grab this book NOW.

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The Power Of Positive Thinking: A Self-Help Guide on How to Overcome Negativity, Adversity, Depression and Change Your Life (Positive Thinking,Motivation,Stop Negative Thinking, Empowerment)

The Power of Positive Thinking

A Self-Help Guide on How to Overcome Negativity, Adversity, Depression, and Change Your Life

Each one of us has a story we tell ourselves. For decades, we have pondered how anxiety, depression and negativity impact our lives, sometimes with debilitating manifestations. In The Power of Positive Thinking the author slices through to the very root of our issues. When our brains are hijacked, our minds commandeered by our own internal demons and negative self-talk. The book takes us through a journey of the self, examining the artificial constructs we’ve put in place to make our lives make sense, so we can justify our thoughts, feelings, and actions. By applying the techniques presented in the book, we can come closer to realizing our true potential and discovering our true selves. Alleviating effects of negative thoughts, emotions, and behavior to ultimately understand the root causes of our anxieties. The Power of Positive Thinking is a critical exploration of the mind.