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A Manual of Self-Help and Self-Empowerment for the 21st Century.: From the Esoteric Perspective.

This book is written on the subject of self-empowerment and fulfillment for those people who want to improve themselves and who value freedom and authenticity more than any other principles.

The book is unique in that firstly, it is written from personal experience; and secondly, it is also written from the esoteric perspective.

The key element of this book revolves around payment—in life, we must pay for all we get. We must pay for all that is real and authentic. Should we desire freedom and authenticity in our lives, then we must be prepared to pay the price.

This may sound somewhat harsh to some, but it is a universal rule and principle. And if we understand it and take it onboard, things quickly fall into place in terms of action and efforts.

The idea involves efforts and sacrifice. Sometimes we have to sacrifice certain things in our lives in order to gain those things important to us.

We can all understand this in relation to an Olympic athelete who sacrifices much time and energy in pursuit of Olympic gold, but we seem to be unable to apply this same principle to ourselves and our life.

Should we desire maximum freedom and self-empowerment in our life, this working manual will be a definitive aid to many, so long as this basic concept is understood and used unreservedly.

This volume has been written in a lucid and clear style, avoiding the pitfalls of an academic work or pseudointellectualism. Remember the old adage, “The intellectual is the enemy of authentic knowledge and wisdom.”

This volume has many valuable sections to aid the individual quest for freedom, authenticity, and self-empowerment.

Here are just a few of the chapters listed below for your reference:

—Man’s True Inner Psychology.
—Filters in the Psyche of Man
—Addressing Personal Deficiencies
—Working on Personal Deficiencies
—Taking Back One’s Power
—Cleansing the Emotional Centre
—Fulfillment/Meaning in Life
—Finding One’s Gift
—Confidence and Self-Esteem

This manual is written in a frank and definitive style, giving particular attention to the psychology of the self and methods useful for viewings one’s potential. This is achieved in essence via the introduction of esoteric knowledge on the subject—a powerful modality that enables one to reassess how we function as human beings and how we can develop new qualities or abilities, confidence and self-esteem, a higher cognitive ability, a new perspective on life, and how to reeducate ourselves about what really matters—exiting the herd mentality and creating a wellspring of self-empowerment and authenticity in our lives.

This material is not an academic work; it is a manual designed to be studied and then used in a practical fashion.

It does not give indications or advice that one cannot implement in a practical way. A combination of personal experience and useful esoteric wisdom creates a powerful and dynamic crucible of ideas and concepts, from which one may distill new meaning and purpose for oneself. This volume is exciting because it has been compiled by a person who has used these same principles and ideas in everyday life, with great success. With this material, we can make life our canvas!

“Teach me how to trust my heart, my mind, my intuition; my inner knowing, the senses of my body, the blessings of my spirit.

Teach me to trust these things so that I may enter my sacred space and love beyond my fear, and thus walk in balance with the passing of each glorious Sun” (Lakota Indian prayer, internet quote).

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Black Women and Singlehood: From Our Perspective

From the women that brought you “Two Faces: Health and Identity”….They return with another easy-to-read empowering book that is based on being single from a Black woman’s point of view. They collected information from family, friends, current research, and trends to bring you the truths AND opinions about being single in today’s society. Dr. Harris and Dr. Crockett brings you inspirational literature from the hearts of two friends that are both advocates for inspiring and supporting women from all spectrums of life. Their publications provides the reader with an expert guidance, based on validated research and an artful application of human service principles, to help you view the facts towards making a positive change and being a better healthier YOU!

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Hypnosis the Key to Self-Empowerment: Explanation, Application, and Scientific References of Hypnosis for Adults and Children, Including a View from the Perspective of Quantum Physics

This book intends to inform what hypnosis is and how it works. It explains how techniques of hypnosis are used in hypnotherapy to improve mental and physical health. The book gives ample examples of scientific research in the field of hypnosis and hypnotherapy, and connects this with recent neurological studies. Therefore, this book is also valuable for hypnotherapists. The working of the normal consciousness versus the subconscious mind are explained and how hypnosis comes into play. Furthermore, the book gives an understanding why emotions are important and how to deal with them. The importance of neuroplasticity is discussed as well as the power of words. There are a lot of misconceptions about hypnosis and the authors will deal with the questions that most people have with regard to hypnosis. The authors explain hypnosis, the power of belief, energy and consciousness by using insights from quantum physics and the unified field theory. Hypnosis and hypnotherapy can be used for a variety of mental health problems and the authors explain how hypnosis can be used to reduce or eliminate stress by using self-hypnosis or through the elimination of stress factors. Other uses such as dealing with weight problems, quitting smoking, and a variety of other problems such as depression, burn-out, fears, phobias, bereavement, sexual dysfunction, sleep, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder are explained. As you read through the pages you will learn how hypnosis can be used for a variety of medical problems. One of the most prominent uses is hypnosis for pain elimination. Hospitals are starting using hypnosis as an alternative or adjunct for chemical anesthesia. Additionally, hypnotherapy is used for eliminating complaints for irritable bowel syndrome in an increasing number of hospitals. Hypnosis and hypnotherapy can also be helpful with fertility, pregnancy and birthing, emergency hypnosis, migraines, menopause. The authors also discuss how hypnosis can help to alleviate the suffering from severe illnesses such as cancer. Hypnotherapy can help children in a variety of ways. In this book the authors discuss addressing problems such as bedwetting, sensitive kids, ADHD, study problems, being bullied, and how to help children with all kinds of fears. It is also discussed how hypnosis techniques can be used for sports improvements, how to retrieve lost objects, how it is used in forensic hypnosis and how hypnosis can be used to enhance beauty, become younger and cultivate charisma. It gives you a brief overview of the history of hypnosis by talking about some great names in the world of hypnosis such as Franz Anton Mesmer, James Braid, Hippolyte Bernheim, Sigmund Freud, Dave Elman, Milton Erickson, Ernest Hilgard and Gerald Kein. The book finishes with an overview of some techniques used in hypnotherapy and gives examples of testimonials for hypnotherapy sessions. At the end there is a resource page through which the reader can obtain a link to a free hypnosis audio.

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Complexity in Classroom Foreign Language Learning Motivation: A Practitioner Perspective from Japan (Second Language Acquisition)

This book explores how complex systems theory can contribute to the understanding of classroom language learner motivation through an extended examination of one particular, situated research project. Working from the lived experience of the participants, the study describes how action research methods were used to explore the dynamic conditions operating in a foreign language classroom in Japan. The book draws attention to the highly personalised and individual, yet equally co-formed nature of classroom foreign language learning motivation and to the importance of agency and emotions in language learning. It presents an extended illustration of the applicability of complex systems theory for research design and process in SLA and its narrative approach shines light upon the evolving nature of research and role of the researcher. The study will be a valuable resource for practitioners, researchers and postgraduate students interested in classroom language teaching and learning, especially those with a focus on motivation among learners.

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More Than A Rib: A Woman’s Inspiration for Perspective. Healing. Empowerment (Volume 1)

More Than A Rib is a life changing resource of structure based on 9 pillars to manage day-to-day obstacles as they relate to rational decision making. Within these 9 pillars is a collection of gut-wrenching poems and short stories from women just like you, sharing their experiences of how they have managed or not managed their emotional demons. This book is designed to enlighten, encourage and motivate you to be happy with the life you have been blessed with and to inspire you to grow beyond your immediate circumstance. More Than A Rib will offer you a more positive outlook on how to balance family, career, your social life and other aspects of your life. You will hear the voices of many women brave enough to share their experiences – perhaps some of their stories will be familiar to you, similar to some of your own experiences. The stories shared are evidence that you are not alone: Others have experienced your struggles but, with perseverance and determination, the battle can be won. Before you decide to abandon your vision or settle for an insignificant one, we want to encourage you to make changes in your life to harvest and achieve your goal. More Than A Rib will leave you with the confidence to overcome minor setback and prepare you for a major comeback. Each pillar will discuss a particular aspect that embraces direct self-improvement and indirect relationship improvement. The only way to benefit from the pillars is to first admit that there is need for improvement. The mentality is flexible. You can address the opportunity or opportunities that have priority in your life. Listed below is a brief description of the 9 Pillars of Success.