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The Duchess Deal: Girl Meets Duke

When girl meets Duke, their marriage breaks all the rules…Since his return from war, the Duke of Ashbury’s to-do list has been short and anything but sweet: brooding, glowering, menacing London ne’er-do-wells by night. Now there’s a new item on the list. He needs an heir-which means he needs a wife. When Emma Gladstone, a vicar’s daughter turned seamstress, appears in his library wearing a wedding gown, he decides on the spot that she’ll do.His terms are simple: – They will be husband and wife by night only.- No lights, no kissing. – No questions about his battle scars.- Last, and most importantly… Once she’s pregnant with his heir, they need never share a bed again.But Emma is no pushover. She has a few rules of her own: – They will have dinner together every evening.- With conversation.- And unlimited teasing.- Last, and most importantly… Once she’s seen the man beneath the scars, he can’t stop her from falling in love.

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The Duchess Deal (Girl Meets Duke series, Book 1)

When girl meets Duke, their marriage breaks all the rules

Since his return from war, the Duke of Ashbury’s to-do list has been short and anything but sweet: brooding, glowering, menacing London ne’er-do-wells by night. Now there’s a new item on the list. He needs an heir — which means he needs a wife. When Emma Gladstone, a vicar’s daughter turned seamstress, appears in his library wearing a wedding gown, he decides on the spot that she’ll do.

His terms are simple:

–They will be husband and wife by night only.
— No lights, no kissing.
–No questions about his battle scars.

–Last, and most importantly Once she’s pregnant with his heir, they need never share a bed again.

But Emma is no pushover. She has a few rules of her own:

–They will have dinner together every evening.
–With conversation.
–And unlimited teasing.
–Last, and most importantly Once she’s seen the man beneath the scars, he can’t stop her from falling in love

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Rough Around the Edges Meets Refined: Meet Your Match, Book 2

For Noah Mackie, life is finally back on track. He has a great support system, a promised promotion is on its way, and he’s finally getting the hang of this single father thing. But when the job falls through and his neighbor’s matchmaking efforts become more aggressive, Noah is in for yet another unwanted detour. With his career and two spirited daughters to worry about, he doesn’t have time for dating – especially not someone like Cassie Ellis, his girls’ beautiful and sophisticated dance instructor, who is about as open and approachable as a brick wall.

Rough around the Edges Meets Refined is about two people who think they know exactly what they want but who have no idea what they really need. It’s about learning that people aren’t always what they seem and that sometimes life’s detours take you exactly where you need to go.

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Self Growth – A Holistic Approach to the Journey: Where the Mind Meets the Heart

The concepts in this book are excerpts from the Journeys of Wisdom programs and articles previously published in the or magazine. This book is intended for self-growth and empowerment. The source of wisdom in this book is part spiritual inspiration and part human inspiration from the more than 100,000 folks we call teachers who have brought their wisdom and life perspectives into the Journeys of Wisdom workshops and private sessions.