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Heavier Than a Mountain: Destiny’s Crucible, Book 3

Beware of creating your worst enemy.

All Joe Colsco wanted out of life was a reasonably interesting job supporting a quiet, comfortable suburban lifestyle, eventually a small family, and time to pursue hobbies. Instead, a freak accident casts him naked onto a beach of another planet inhabited by humans with technology circa 1700. In time, Joe, now known as Yozef Kolsko, makes the difficult acceptance of a new life, has a respectable position in his new society, and is married with a child on the way. But all is not rosy. He has become embroiled in a struggle beyond any dream he could have had – or any nightmare.

The Narthani are a militant society intent on subjugating the Caedelli, the people he’s come to identify with. Despite Yozef’s hope to focus his life on transferring scientific knowledge and supporting a quiet life, he finds his life’s direction moving beyond his control. As his actions and ideas become more important in resisting the Narthani, he reluctantly finds himself dragged into leadership roles he doesn’t believe himself qualified – including efforts to unite the Caedelli clans.

The transformation of Joseph Colsco to Yozef Kolsko is about to take another step. Unwittingly, the Narthani themselves are creating an opponent unlike any they have ever faced, an enemy beyond their conceptions.

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Rocky Mountain Haven: Six Pack Ranch Series, Book 2

Beth Danube’s emotionally abusive husband is dead and buried. So is her heart. It’s no big deal, she has all she wants: her three little boys and a fresh start in a small Alberta town. What she doesn’t want is another man in her life-not now, maybe not ever. After ten years of unsatisfactory, missionary-position sex, she never expected her libido to reawaken. One look at sex-in-boots Daniel Coleman in a Calgary bar, though, blows the dust off her sexuality. Sensing an edge of desperation, even fear, beneath Beth’s come-on, Daniel finds himself giving in to the powerful urge to let his normally subdued desires run wild. The lady wants non-judgmental, non-vanilla sex? She’s got it-in and out of the bedroom. At first, friends with blazing-hot benefits is more than enough. Then she realizes Daniel is burning away the protective fortress around her heart . . . and the guilty secret she dare not reveal.

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Wifed by the Mountain Man (Modern Mail-Order Brides)

“That’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.” She laughs softly. “Reed, you’ve been alone far too long if a woman putting a baby to sleep is the thing that gets you hard.”

“Oh, honey.” I pull her close. “Plenty gets me hard.”

“Show me,” she whispers. “Show me how hard you can get.”


When a social worker dropped a baby girl off at my cabin, saying she was mine, my life changed. I moved to the mountains to live life on my own terms, and having a child doesn’t fit into that plan. I’m my own f–king man and don’t need anyone busting my balls. I don’t want a wife. I’m looking for a mother for my baby. The moment I meet Amelia, I know she isn’t just any woman. She has ideas of how a relationship should work, and our views sure as hell don’t align. But our chemistry is off the motherf–king charts, and that might be enough to change my mind about what makes a marriage.


After breaking up with the douchebag of the year, all I want is a real man who knows how to take care of a woman. A mountain man seems perfect; I’ll tame him and he can protect me. But the moment I walk into Reed’s luxury cabin in the woods I realize this deal is more than I bargained for. I want to be housewife, but a stay-at-home mom? Um. I don’t know if I can hack it. And even if I can, do I want to? The answer would be easy if Reed didn’t turn me on – and get me off – so perfectly. I came to the woods to find my happily-ever-after, but I might have found an ending I never expected.

Warning: This book contains all the trappings for a steamy Frankie Love romance. Panty-melting sex, fierce men, and true love. Oh, and there’s an epilogue with all the girls and their mountain men! Eep!

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Claimed by the Mountain Man (Modern Mail-Order Brides)

“Everly,” he growls. “I’m claiming you as mine, right here, right now.”


I want a wife who knows what it means to live off the grid, cook my food, and keep my bed warm. 
 In exchange, I’ll give her a lifetime of happiness in the form of my cock. 
 But damn, Everly’s more than I bargained for, and I don’t think she has any idea what it means to be mine. 
 Hell, I wanted a wife, but I’m not sure I know how to live with a woman.


Did I expect to be a mail-order bride at 22? No. 
 But honestly, my life could be a helluva lot worse. 
 The agency says this Alaskan mountain man is rich, hot as heck, and willing to pay off my student loans. 
 I’m crossing my fingers he’s everything I signed up for. 
 But I may be a little over my head. Mostly because I’m marrying a stranger, and also because I’ve never dated. 
 Clearly I have no clue how to be a wife, but it’s too late to back out now.

*WARNING: This story features a mountain man who knows exactly what he wants. And how he wants it. Don’t one-click if you want a tame mail order bride story; this is a classic Frankie Love romance, steamy as hell with a HEA.

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Hot Winter Nights: A Bear Mountain Rescue Story (BookShots Flames)

The Bear Mountain days are cold, but the nights are steamy….

Allie Fairchild made a mistake when she moved to Montana. Her rental is a mess, her coworkers at the trauma center are hostile, and her handsome landlord, Dex Belmont, is far from charming. But just when she’s about to throw in the towel, life in Bear Mountain takes a surprisingly sexy turn….

BookShots Flames
Original romances presented by JAMES PATTERSONNovels you can devour in a few hoursImpossible to stop reading

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Knight Kyle and the Magic Silver Lance (Adventures Beyond Dragon Mountain)

Welcome to Knight Kyle’s world!

Beyond the great forest and towering Dragon Mountain lies Fairyland, a land of elves and trolls, dragons and giants, magicians and fairies. And in one corner, Fairyland East, lives Knight Kyle.

Kyle’s great-grandfather once possessed a silver lance that, according to legend, gave its owner invincible power. The lance is now missing, and Kyle is always looking for it, but so are his worst enemies: the robber Rasputin and the evil magician Balduin.

Luckily, Kyle has the help of his friends, including Lady Constance (who is as brave as a dragon), Dragobert (who really is a dragon), Elf Aurin (whose harp playing, unfortunately, puts Kyle to sleep), and Prince Nepomuk (who protects his friends and his wardrobe at all times).

Almost every day they find themselves in a new amazing adventure.…

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Knight Kyle and the Magic Silver Lance (Adventures Beyond Dragon Mountain)

Welcome to Knight Kyle’s world!

Beyond the great forest and towering Dragon Mountain lies Fairyland, a land of elves and trolls, dragons and giants, magicians and fairies. And in one corner, Fairyland East, lives Knight Kyle.

Kyle’s great-grandfather once possessed a silver lance that, according to legend, gave its owner invincible power. The lance is now missing, and Kyle is always looking for it, but so are his worst enemies: the robber Rasputin and the evil magician Balduin.

Luckily, Kyle has the help of his friends, including Lady Constance (who is as brave as a dragon), Dragobert (who really is a dragon), Elf Aurin (whose harp playing, unfortunately, puts Kyle to sleep), and Prince Nepomuk (who protects his friends and his wardrobe at all times).

Almost every day they find themselves in a new amazing adventure.…

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Christmas at Copper Mountain (The Taming of the Sheenans)

Taming of the Sheenans, book one: Since the loss of her family in a plane crash, Harley Diekerhoff has led a quiet life and keeps to herself. Taking the temporary job at the Copper Mountain Ranch as widower Brock Sheenan’s housekeeper seems perfect for her. But her calm cocoon is invaded with the arrival of Brock’s preteen twins, Mack and Molly, who’ve never experienced a proper Christmas, and before she knows it Harley’s determined to make their holiday perfect.

Annoyed at first by Harley’s interference, Brock is secretly pleased she’s changed Mack and Molly’s world. It doesn’t hurt that he finds Harley incredibly attractive, fierce, smart, and passionate. It’s also an added bonus that she’s not afraid to challenge him and get his blood heated! But when sparks fly, and the attractions sizzles between them, Harley’s not so sure she can handle something permanent with this dark, taciturn cowboy who doesn’t know how to let her in. But Brock is determined to hold on to her and pray for a Christmas miracle…

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Christmas at Copper Mountain

Taming of the Sheenans, book one: Since the loss of her family in a plane crash, Harley Diekerhoff has led a quiet life and keeps to herself. Taking the temporary job at the Copper Mountain Ranch as widower Brock Sheenan’s housekeeper seems perfect for her. But her calm cocoon is invaded with the arrival of Brock’s preteen twins, Mack and Molly, who’ve never experienced a proper Christmas, and before she knows it Harley’s determined to make their holiday perfect.

Annoyed at first by Harley’s interference, Brock is secretly pleased she’s changed Mack and Molly’s world. It doesn’t hurt that he finds Harley incredibly attractive, fierce, smart, and passionate. It’s also an added bonus that she’s not afraid to challenge him and get his blood heated! But when sparks fly, and the attractions sizzles between them, Harley’s not so sure she can handle something permanent with this dark, taciturn cowboy who doesn’t know how to let her in. But Brock is determined to hold on to her and pray for a Christmas miracle…