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Lord Deliver Me From Negative Self Talk 2: Unleash Your Power (Inspiration For Women)

Can you imagine what would happen if we as women united toward the common goal of eliminating Negative Self Talk from our lives? How much of an impact could we make in our own lives and the lives of the people we touch on a daily basis. We have tremendous influence in the home; corporate world; the church; and society as a whole. But some how we have begun to lose sight of power and influence that we posses. God gave us the ability not only to birth life, but to speak life to every circumstance and situation that we face. It’s time for us as women of God to embrace our purpose and power. Its time to stop bashing others and talking bad about ourselves. We have to take our words and communication more seriously. Just as Eve was a gift to Adam, we are a gift to the body of Christ. Its time for us to unleash the power of God’s word in our lives.

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Positive Thoughts For The Day: Banish Negative Thinking And Create A Happier, Calmer, And Healthier You. Harness The Power of Positive Thinking And … A Great Day! (FeelFabToday Guides) (Volume 2)

Positive Thoughts For The Day – Banish Negative Thinking and Create A Happier, Calmer, Healthier You

Packed with positive thoughts for the day, inspirational quotes and empowering affirmations.

Ever wonder how cheerful, upbeat people manage to seem so positive and calm about life?

How do they get themselves into a happy place, and then manage to stay there? What habits have they developed that allow them so much positivity?

In this book we’ll explore WHAT you really need to do to achieve daily positive thoughts, WHY these techniques are so important, and HOW to incorporate them effortlessly into your daily life.

Inside this book you’ll discover:
• What steps you really need for daily positivity
• Why these methods are so empowering
• How to develop powerful, enriching daily habits
• Successful ways to banish negative thoughts
• Easy techniques to create a positive mindset
• Simple methods to turn your goals into a reality
• Positive thinking tips, quotes & affirmations
• Instant ways to feel happier, calmer & healthier
Our aim is to provide you with inspiration, ideas and encouragement for generating positive thoughts everyday.
When you break destructive thought patterns and develop empowering daily habits you’ll feel the benefits immediately. As you follow the tips, techniques and methods in this book you’ll be able to: • Banish negative thoughts/overcome harmful beliefs
• Develop a set of powerful tools for daily positivity
• Control your thoughts & get what you want from life
• Feel happier, calmer & healthier whenever you want

By building positive thought patterns, your levels of happiness, inner strength and health should all benefit, leaving you feeling ready to take on the world.

Jump in and discover how to have empowering, positive thoughts everyday…

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Soul Psychology: How to Clear Negative Emotions and Spiritualize Your Life

The words of Sai Baba, “God equals man minus ego,” are echoed by Dr. Joshua David Stone in his seminal work, Soul Psychology. A veteran transpersonal psychologist and family counselor, Dr. Stone teaches us how our entire understanding of ourselves and others is completely changed when we integrate our soul into the way we live our lives. Based on eighteen years of Dr. Stone’s practice, this book is not a psychological approach to spirituality. It is rather a spiritual approach to the psychology of everyday living.

At the heart of Soul Psychology is emotional healing through the dismantling of the “negative ego,” a psychological cancer that prevents us from acting in accordance with our soul’s true nature and purpose. This negative energy drives us to find our security outside of ourselves; whereas the only true security is one that is grounded in having a right relationship with self and a right relationship with the Divine. To guide us onto this path of spiritual ascension, Soul Psychology offers a stimulating new viewpoint that expands the boundaries of traditional spiritual practice, providing a wealth of accessible and powerful meditations and exercises, including

– The six-step process for healing and spiritualizing emotions
– The spiritual science of the seven rays and the twenty-two chakras
– Methods for clearing negative psychic energies that inhibit soul growth
– The one hundred most common pitfalls and traps on the spiritual path

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Positive Affirmations: 92 Affirmations That Apply Positive Quotes And Positive Words To Banish Negative Thinking


Positive Affirmations: 92 Affirmations That Apply Positive Quotes And Positive Words To Banish Negative Thinking is a simple and easy-to-apply book in which you will discover ninety-two affirmations you can immediately use to apply positive quotes and positive words to banish negative thinking in the shortest time possible.

Also included…you will receive, completely FREE…

– Full access to the “4 Easy Steps To Control Your Emotions” video
– Full access to the audio mp3 recording
– Full access to the written transcript
– Full access to the implementation workbook
– Your own motivational screensaver
– PLUS a special gift worth up to $50!

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Spiritual Clearings: Sacred Practices to Release Negative Energy and Harmonize Your Life

A blend of spiritual and practical material, Spiritual Clearings offers a comprehensive checklist of situations that may require a personal, home, property, or business clearing, from confronting illness or feeling “stuck” in life, to having trouble selling a home, to high employee turnover. In addition to describing energetic blockages, such as negative thought forms, author Diana Burney also discusses different categories of energy, its presence in the invisible world, and the unseen influences or beings that may be drawn to discordant energy. Through spiritual clearings, Burney proposes, we can release our own negativity as well as guide unseen negative forces toward the light. The book’s clearing rituals include prayers that invoke the assistance of higher beings such as archangels and Ascended Masters, incantations and chants from different spiritual traditions, the visualization of divine light and the violet flame, and the expression of gratitude. Additional meditation and visualization exercises, descriptions of divine beings, and a summary of the universal laws provide readers with a clear path to fulfilling their potential and creating a personal environment of confidence, creativity, love, and acceptance.