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The Truth About Retirement Plans and IRAs: All the Strategies You Need to Build Savings, Select the Right Investments, and Receive the Retirement Income You Want

From the #1 independent financial advisor in America, ranked three times by Barron’s: a guide to making the most of your retirement plans and assuring long-term financial security.

Everyone knows that saving for your retirement is important. Yet only half of all eligible Americans contribute to a retirement plan. That’s because all plans—including the 401(k), 403(b), 457, and even the IRA—are complicated, confusing, and costly. New York Times bestselling author and acclaimed financial advisor Ric Edelman has counseled thousands of savers and retirees and has accumulated his advice in this audiobook.

Edelman has created a step-by-step guide. With illuminating prose and simple explanations, he shares everything you need to know as a plan participant: how to contribute even when you think you can’t afford to, how to make wise choices among your investment options, and how to convert your 401(k) into income so you can provide yourself with the lifestyle you want in retirement. Along the way, he debunks the myths and clears up the confusion.

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Angels of Atlantis: Receive Inspiration and Healing from the Angelic Kingdoms

Inspired by the 12 archangels of Atlantis, these cards represent loving, wise guides and provide powerful counsel and healing. Each card presents a universal heart virtue, which seekers can use to navigate life’s changes, blessings, and adversities, while each image alludes to the harmonious, enchanted elixir of well-being the angels bestowed upon the land. Packaged in a gorgeous box with a booklet for additional explanations and instructions, these beautiful inspirations are perfect for anyone looking for a deeper connection to the ancient realm of Atlantis.