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Hit Refresh: The Quest to Rediscover Microsoft’s Soul and Imagine a Better Future for Everyone

Foreword by Bill Gates

Microsoft’s CEO tells the inside story of the company’s continuing transformation, tracing his own personal journey from a childhood in India to leading some of the most significant technological changes in the digital era. As much a humanist as an engineer and executive, Nadella concludes with his vision for the coming wave of intelligent technologies and a distinct call to action for leaders everywhere.

Hit Refresh is about individual change, about the transformation happening inside of Microsoft and the technology that will soon impact all of our lives – the arrival of the most exciting and disruptive wave of technology humankind has experienced: artificial intelligence, mixed reality, and quantum computing.

It’s about how people, organizations, and societies can and must transform “hit refresh” in their persistent quest for new energy, new ideas, and continued relevance and renewal. At its core, it’s about us humans and how our one unique quality – empathy – will become ever more valuable in a world where technological advancement will disrupt the status quo as never before.

Satya Nadella explores a fascinating childhood before immigrating to the US and how he learned to lead along the way. He then shares his meditations as sitting CEO – one who is mostly unknown following the brainy Bill Gates and energetic Steve Ballmer. He tells the inside story of how a company rediscovered its soul – transforming everything from culture to their fiercely competitive landscape and industry partnerships. Nadella concludes with his vision for the coming wave of technology and by exploring the potential impact to society and delivering a call to action for world leaders.

“Ideas excite me,” Nadella explains. “Empathy grounds and centers me.” Hit Refresh is a reflection, meditations, and series of recommendations presented as algorithms from a principled, deliberative leader searching for improvement – for himself, for a storied company, and for society.

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Willpower: Regain Your Self-Control and Rediscover Your Willpower Instinct (Empowerment Book Series)

Willpower – How do they do it? How do some people come up with an idea and build a successful small business around it while others struggle just to get to work every day? How do top producing sales executives convince themselves to make one more call, go to one more meeting, or get up after a devastating loss and do it all again? Sure they talk about sticking to it through the hard times; but how do they get themselves to grind along before they see the rewards? No matter how many motivational posters you see, people are simply either born with drive or they aren’t, right? But what if that’s not the case… Think about the woman who’s been overweight her whole life and then suddenly loses 150 pounds. Or the smoker who spends 35 years dragging on a cigarette and one day simply stops the habit cold. Think about the businessman who goes through bankruptcy and a slew of devastating failures only to finally rise to the top of the business world. What if willpower was a muscle – one that you could develop? What if it could be learned? This book focuses on a step-by-step process you can use to quickly gain more willpower and effortlessly maintain it in the future. In simple and concise terms, it lays out how you can easily focus your energy to achieve your goals and improve the quality of your life. You’ll discover the fascinating research that has been done on willpower, why it’s so elusive, and the easiest way to tap into your willpower instinct. You’ll discover how to: Strengthen your self-control Finally stick to that exercise or diet program Finish that project you always talk about completing (you know the one!) Set goals that actually get accomplished Start knocking out your bucket list items, one by one Make lasting and powerful change in your life Willpower is like a muscle. It takes time to develop. This book provides the fastest way to start exercising your self-control and take advantage of the momentum that creates in your life. The sooner you start, the sooner you can harness the power of you! Get started today!